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Or should that be “succession planning”?

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1 Or should that be “succession planning”?
Succession Planting Or should that be “succession planning”? Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

2 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Following one plant with another Maximises vegetable production of a given area Potentially provides food all year around Can improve variety of food available What & Why Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

3 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
List what veggies you want to eat each year. (type & variety) Find out when in the year each food likes to grow. Guess how much of each food you want to eat. Work out how much growing area you have Create a plan Follow your plan Record your harvest, to plan for next year. How? Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

4 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Crop Rotation Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

5 Good Companions/bad companions
Plant short, shade-tolerant plants beneath taller, bushy plants. When you mix sun-loving plants, put tall ones at the south end of the plot and small ones at the north end Plant herbs throughout the garden, especially basil, mint, sage, and dill. EXCEPTION: Keep dill away from carrots. Plant marigold here and there in and near the garden to repel pests and encourage beneficials that prey on them. Do the same with chives, garlic, or onions EXCEPT near or amongst legumes. Exploit the different maturation rates of different crops: plant lettuce, spinach, or chard early where you plan to set out squash and melons later, so that weeds don’t have a chance to move in, and you get two crops instead of just one. Good Companions/bad companions Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

6 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Leaf = greatest Root = Middle Fruit = Least Shade Tolerance Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

7 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Early, main crop or late? Determinate vs indeterminate Some veggies have many varieties available (eg tomato 90+) some only one or two Select to enhance you plan Flavour (and other attributes) may vary Can plant together to spread the harvest Use as a catch crop Choose Your Variety Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

8 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
What to Plant When to plant it Amount Sowing Where? Basil Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 5 / 1st & 3rd month S or P or G P 2 I & B3M Asian Greens Mar, Apr, May (then,) Sep, Oct 5 /month S or G B 1 I Beans – Climbing Jan, (then not until) Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 10 / month G B4 I Beetroot Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr (then ) Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 10 /month B4 M B1 I Broccoli Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr (then, not until ) Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 5 /month S then, G B2 M Cabbage Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 5/month Capsicum B3 M Carrots Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May (then,) Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 20/month P M & I & E Celery B2 I Chillies 5/ season P M Corn Jan , Feb (then, not until) Oct, Nov, Dec 15/month B5 I & M Coriander Jan, Feb, Mar (then, not until) Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec P 3 E & I & M Cucumber Jan, Feb (then, not until) Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 5/ month B3 M Eggplant Jan (then, not until) Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec B 4 M Garlic Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 20 /month Kale Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, (then not until) Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, B4 E Leeks Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, (then ) Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec B3 I Lettuce 10/ month Onion Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug 20/ month S or Peas Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep B1 M Potatoes Aug, Sep, Oct Nov, Dec 10 tubers/month B 5 M or P3 M Pumpkins Jan (then, not until) Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 5 once B 6 M Spinach Mar, Apr, May (then,) Aug, Sept 5 / month B4 E Tomato Jan, Feb Mar (then, not until) Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, 10/month B4 M Zucchini P2 M Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

9 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Vegetable Variety July August Week 1 Week 3 Asparagus Mary Washington 6 plants Basil Sweet 4 plants Beans 1 row Beetroot Crimson Globe Bok Choi Broccoli Summer Green 2 plants Royal Dome Broad beans Coles Dwarf 1 Row Cabbage Sugarloaf 1 plant Golden Acre Cabbage - Chinese Wong Bok Calendula Pot marigold Capsicum California Wonder Chilli Cayenne Carrots All year round Half Bed Chantenay Another plan Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

10 Don’t Forget Perennials
Includes asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, chokoes, Malabar spinach, taro, day lilies…. They need a long term bed but can be integrated, depending on your system Increase the volume and variety of available foods Often crop for extended periods Require less maintenance Don’t Forget Perennials Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

11 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Yields vary from year to year Don’t be afraid to experiment Try unfamiliar veggies, a bit at a time, get from the veggie shop & try first if possible If the variety is called “All Year Round” – don’t believe it! Talk to other local growers about planting times and varieties Rats & Mice Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

12 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
List what veggies you want to eat each year. (type & variety) Find out when in the year each food likes to grow. Guess how much of each food you want to eat. Work out how much growing area you have Create a plan Don’t forget crop rotation & companion planting Follow your plan Record your harvest, to plan for next year. Summary Sustainable Living in the Suburbs

13 Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Any Questions?

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