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San Francisco’s Community Choice Program

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1 San Francisco’s Community Choice Program
North American Dialogue on Renewable Energy in Cities July 11, 2016 Image: San Francisco City Hall at Night Image Credit: Flickr Creative Commons, Franco Folini Photo Courtesy of Flickr CC © Franco Folini

2 CleanPowerSF Overview
CleanPowerSF goals and objectives Program challenges Successful 2016 Launch Two Program Offerings Local Programs and Jobs Ongoing challenges North American Dialogue

3 Balanced Program Design
Goals & Objectives Lead with Affordable and Reliable Service Provide Cleaner Electricity Alternatives Invest in Local Projects and Local Jobs Balanced Program Design Allows delivery across competing objectives while providing financial stability While Providing for Long-Term Rate and Financial Stability North American Dialogue

4 Our renewable content too low Local Projects/Jobs goals not met
Program Challenges Lead with Affordable and Reliable Service PG&E rates too low Our costs too high Our renewable content too low Local Projects/Jobs goals not met Provide Cleaner Electricity Alternatives Invest in Local Projects and Local Jobs While Providing for Long-Term Rate and Financial Stability Insufficient reserves North American Dialogue

5 Launched May 2016 Now serving about 35 MW of customer load
7,500 service points Predominantly commercial Extremely low opt-out ≃ 1.5% New enrollments planned for August North American Dialogue

6 Two Program Offerings Green 35% California-certified renewable energy
Fewer GHGs than PG&E at or below current PG&E rates SuperGreen 100% California-certified renewable energy Optional upgrade Currently priced below similar PG&E offering North American Dialogue

7 Two Program Offerings Energy from its Bay Area natural gas facilities
“Bundled” renewable energy from Golden Hills Wind Project in Alameda County “Bundled” renewable energy from the Shiloh 1 Wind Project in Solano County North American Dialogue

8 Local Programs and Jobs
Supply programs Regular, standardized procurement with preference for local projects Net Energy Metering tariffs adopted Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program under development GoSolarSF incentives available, incorporating storage Issue RFPs for new construction on City-owned and controlled property under development Local / Regional Supply Build (New MegaWatts) Source: \\MKTFPS01\Data\POWER\PowerEnterprise\CCA_CCSF\2015 BP possibly useful docs\CAC\June 2, 2015\CAC Slides June pptx Supply programs Develop regular, standardized procurement program to support CCA supply acquisition Develop Net Energy Metering tariffs to encourage existing and new SF solar customers to participate in CCA program Develop Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program, offering long-term, standardized contracts with fixed pricing to support the development of new local renewable energy capacity Provide GoSolarSF incentives to encourage CCA customers to install on-site solar Issue RFPs for new construction on City-owned and controlled property Energy efficiency and demand response programs Focus initially on marketing Energy Watch, BayREN and other existing ratepayer funded programs to CCA customers Working closely with the Department of the Environment, begin developing energy efficiency and demand response pilot programs and evaluate options for applying to CPUC for funding as program implementer Local build is a dedicated part of supply portfolio, but is constrained by market costs and competitive pressures NEM, FiT, EE, GoSolarSF, Community Shared Renewables Direct investment/purchase where cost-effective and consistent with supply portfolio needs North American Dialogue Images courtesy of GRID Alternatives.

9 Local Programs and Jobs
Energy efficiency and demand response programs Focus initially on existing PG&E-ratepayer funded programs Expand, starting with locally-responsive energy efficiency and demand response pilot programs Local / Regional Load Reductions (NegaWatts) Electric Vehicle Tariff Incentive to participate North American Dialogue

10 Innovation in clean energy programming
On-Going Challenges Lead with Affordable and Reliable Service Provide Cleaner Electricity Alternatives Invest in Local Projects and Local Jobs “Sharing” PG&E costs Ongoing affordable supply Innovation in clean energy programming (EV, storage) While Providing for Long-Term Rate and Financial Stability Build Reserves North American Dialogue

11 Questions? Barbara Hale Assistant General Manager, Power
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission

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