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Renewable Energy Produced as part of the Galway Atlantaquaria Renewable Ocean Energy Series, funded by the SFI Discover Programme 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable Energy Produced as part of the Galway Atlantaquaria Renewable Ocean Energy Series, funded by the SFI Discover Programme 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable Energy Produced as part of the Galway Atlantaquaria Renewable Ocean Energy Series, funded by the SFI Discover Programme 2015.

2 What is Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy is the term used to describe energy made from sustainable sources

3 Energy Sources Wind Water Fossil fuels Wood Biomass Geo Thermal Solar

4 Renewable Energy Devices
On this slide you can see pictures of Wind turbines, solar panels, biomass (woodchip) boiler, wave energy (wave dragon), water current turbine (for under water, in strong ocean currents), tide stream turbine ( for areas where the tide is going in and out), Nuclear Energy Power Plant, Electric Cars, Geothermal Power Plant, Hydro electric Plant or Dam, Pump Storage (Turlough Hill in Ireland)

5 Renewable Energy Devices
Wind turbine Solar panels Nuclear Power Plant Tidal Turbine Wave Energy Devices Water Current Geothermal turbine Biomass/Wood Chip Boilers Electric Vehicles Hydro electric Pumped Storage These are the devices that are the most well developed and researched around the world, but there are new devices being developed all the time.

6 Main Reasons For Renewable Energy
Limited Amounts of Fossil Fuels High Electricity Costs Growing Electrical Demand Global Warming Other CO2 environmental effects (Acid Rain) Jobs

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