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‘Choose to be a well being’

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1 ‘Choose to be a well being’

2 WALT: Identify what makes up social wellbeing (Relationships)
WILF: I can define social wellbeing as relationships I can give examples of ingredients that make up the slice of social wellbeing I can identify ways to solve conflict.

3 SPECS Wellbeing Pie This term we will talk about:
Every slice of a pie is important to make a complete meal. What ingredients do you have in each slice of your wellbeing pie? Every aspect of wellbeing is important to make us feel complete and well. What ingredients do you need to add to each slice of your pie?

4 Which of the SPECS are we looking at today?
Today we are focusing on the first S in SPECS, which stands for Social (Relationships)

5 What does the word ‘Relationships’ mean?
Create a mind map with all the ideas about what social means…. Think, pair, share your ideas about what you think social wellbeing might mean… Relationships

6 What is social wellbeing?
Our social wellbeing is made up of our interactions with other people and the relationships we have with them. If we think of our birthday party, the social aspect relates to all the people who might be at the party. Who are the people you would have at your party? How do the people at the party make you feel? Who might not be invited to the party? How might these people affect your wellbeing?

7 Social Wellbeing Imagine you went to school with a student named ‘Cally’. Cally and you talk in class sometimes but you don’t really see her outside of school. Imagine if Cally was having party and most of your friends were invited to the party, except for you. Discuss…. How does it make you feel? How does it affect your social wellbeing? Why do you think Cally didn’t invite you? How might Cally be feeling? What are some positive (more helpful)thoughts you could have?

8 How could we change our sad feelings into more optimistic ones?
What are some ideas about how you could handle this situation?

9 Conflict When you don’t agree with someone it can referred to as a conflict. OUnavQ&index=2&list=PL_6f53aXfarkROY1O13lLYZ6TUzZ4CDsU When you have a conflict with someone how does that effect your social wellbeing?

10 How can you resolve or fix a conflict?
Watch this video about Bear and Moose How did the bear and the moose solve the conflict? How did the racoon and the bunny solve the conflict? Who was better at solving their problems? Why? Watch this video from Despicable Me Was this a good way to resolve a conflict? Why? Why not?

11 Social Wellbeing in the Wellbeing Pie
List some ingredients of things that can go in the Wellbeing Pie to build and maintain social wellbeing? These can be actions or feelings. eg – being kind to others - Playing with friends - think optimistically These can be added to the next slide of the Wellbeing Pie, then displayed in the classroom.

12 Descriptor 1 Descriptor 2 Descriptor 3 Descriptor 4 Descriptor 5 Descriptor 6

13 Your Social Wellbeing How would you rate your social wellbeing at this time? 10 is feeling fabulous about making new friends, being with your friends, being able to resolve conflict in a positive way and getting along with people well all the time. 1 is the opposite. What number are you on the scale? What ingredients do you believe already have in the Social slice of your pie? Add them to your pie.

14 Building your Social Wellbeing
Think about the number you chose to scale your Social Wellbeing. It is important to keep building your wellbeing. What ingredients could you add to the Social slice of your pie to get you to a higher number? Add these to the Social slice of your pie in a different colour. How could you make this happen?

15 Finding the solution…
Here are a few words from Kid President on resolving conflicts…. REMEMBER!!!! There is always a solution to a problem. Work with your enemy until they become a friend.

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