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Values-based Practice An Interdisciplinary event
Bill Fulford and Ashok Handa Ashok Handa Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice St Catherine’s College, OxfordWednesday 25th November 2015
Outline INTRODUCTION Values and values-based practice
Values-based surgical care Montgomery 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS 4 Summary
Outline INTRODUCTION Values and values-based practice
Values-based surgical care Montgomery 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS 4 Summary
First Exercise - what are values?
Write down three words (or very short phrases) that mean ‘values’ to you … Then compare with your neighbour …
What are Values? Principles Needs Wishes Preferences Hopes Ambitions
Concerns Virtues Etc!
What are Values? Values are individually diverse
Resources for working with values
Ethics Medical humanities Decision analysis Health economics Etc
Values-Based Practice adds to these ….
……. a process that supports balanced decision making on diverse values within frameworks of shared values
Values-based practice
Together these support balanced dissensual decision making within frameworks of shared values Ten Key Process Elements 4 Clinical Skills 2 Aspects of the model of service delivery 3 Strong links between VBP and EBP Partnership in decision-making
Values-based practice
Together these support balanced dissensual decision making within frameworks of shared values Ten Key Process Elements Awareness Skills 2 Aspects of the model of service delivery 3 Strong links between VBP and EBP Partnership in decision-making
Second Exercise - It’s your decision …
Imagine you have developed early symptoms of a potentially fatal disease … NICE has approved two possible treatments TREATMENT A - gives you a guaranteed period of remission but no cure TREATMENT B - gives you a 50:50 chance of ‘kill or cure’ Your decision – how long a period of remission would you want from Treatment A to choose that treatment rather than go for the 50:50 ‘kill or cure’ from Treatment B?
It’s your decision … “How long a period of remission would I want from Treatment A to choose that treatment rather than go for the 50:50 ‘kill or cure’ from Treatment B?” Write down your own answer thinking about your decision from own point of view and in your own particular circumstances Then compare your answer with your neighbours’ answers
Choosing treatment A over B …
15 7 8 4 3 2 1 No! >6m >1y >1<5 5-10 >10 >25 >80
Values-based Practice links science with people
Evidence Based Practice
David Sackett’s definition of evidence-based medicine …
… the integration of ~best evidence ~clinical experience ~patient values
‘By patient values we mean the unique preferences, concerns and expectations each patient brings to a clinical encounter and which must be integrated into clinical decisions if they are to serve the patient.’
Values-based Practice links science with people
Evidence Based Practice
VBP and EBP are partners in the delivery of person-centred care
Values Based Practice Evidence Based Practice
Collaborating Centre
Key Areas of Collaboration
Outline INTRODUCTION Values and values-based practice
Values-based surgical care Montgomery 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS 4 Summary
Surgery of ‘Old’ School Dress Behaviour Patronage etc
What surgery is about: ‘every man should know his limitations’
What surgery is NOT about: ‘feeling lucky today punk?’
Background Bill Fulford and meeting at St Catherine’s College
Reflection on surgical practice 3 categories of decisions in clinic/ward/emergency department Plans for surgical seminar series
Surgical seminars 7 seminars to date
Content of 3 word and forced choice exercises Case based discussions Multi-disciplinary teams Patients and patient groups actively involved
Surgical seminar outcomes
Feedback very positive Teams keen to have follow up seminars Other follow ups Seminars for Trainees in School of Surgery HETV Educators forum Dec 2015 Embedded in Oxford UG curriculum 2016 6 further speciality seminars in 2016 Online seminar learning materials Specialist Nurse seminars eg Midwives
How VBP has changed my practice
How VBP has changed my practice
‘What would you do doctor?’ Pre-VBP: answer based on my values
How VBP has changed my practice
‘What would you do doctor?’ Pre-VBP: answer based on my values ‘What’s important to you?’ Post-VBP: answer based on patient’s values
Outline INTRODUCTION Values and values-based practice
Values-based surgical care Montgomery 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS 4 Summary
The Montgomery Ruling Montgomery (Appellant) v Lanarkshire Health Board (Respondent), April 2015
How this will change everyone’s practice
The Montgomery Ruling Montgomery (Appellant) v Lanarkshire Health Board (Respondent), April 2015
Background Mrs Nadine Montgomery’s case: The facts:
High risk pregnancy (diabetes) under care of Dr McLellan Baby born with shoulder dystocia Child left with serious disabilities The facts: Mothers with diabetes are more likely to have a large baby 10% risk of shoulder dystocia Mrs Montgomery had raised concerns about vaginal delivery, but Dr McLellan's policy was not routinely to advise diabetic women about shoulder dystocia
Supreme Court Ruling Patient should have been told about risk of shoulder dystocia Judgment as a whole marks shift from ‘prudent clinician’ to ‘prudent patient’ test of consent in health and social care
Supreme Court Ruling Patient should have been told about risk of shoulder dystocia Judgment as a whole marks shift from ‘prudent clinician’ to ‘prudent patient’ test of consent in health and social care This is NOT about: ~ ‘bombard(ing) patients with technical detail’ ~ offering ‘futile’ treatments
Supreme Court Ruling Patient should have been told about risk of shoulder dystocia Judgment as a whole marks shift from ‘prudent clinician’ to ‘prudent patient’ test of consent in health and social care This is NOT about: ~ ‘bombard(ing) patients with technical detail’ ~ offering ‘futile’ treatments What it IS about: Clinicians engaging in ‘dialogue’ with their patient to the point that they have sufficient understanding of the risks and benefits of the options available to make a choice that takes into account ‘her own values’
Supreme Court Ruling What it IS about:
Clinicians engaging in ‘dialogue’ with their patient to the point that they have sufficient understanding of the risks and benefits of the options available to make a choice that takes into account ‘her own values’
Montgomery mandates shift to VBP+EBP
Montgomery mandates shift to VBP+EBP
Montgomery decision-making is Values-based – diversity of individual patient’s values
Montgomery mandates shift to VBP+EBP
Montgomery decision-making is Values-based – diversity of individual patient’s values Evidence-based – choosing within evidence-based options
Montgomery mandates shift to VBP+EBP
Montgomery decision-making is Values-based – diversity of individual patient’s values Evidence-based – choosing within evidence-based options ALSO 3. Feasible - ‘What matters to you?’
Montgomery mandates shift to VBP+EBP
Montgomery decision-making is Values-based – diversity of individual patient’s values Evidence-based – choosing within evidence-based options ALSO Feasible - ‘What matters to you?’ Good value for money!
Montgomery and Me: Implementing the New Standard for Consent to Treatment in Medicine and Healthcare
Where? St. Catherine’s College, Oxford When? Friday October 28th 2016 Confirmed speakers include Baroness Hale, Deputy President of the Supreme Court and one of the Montgomery judges Professor Sir John Bell, Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford Professor Jonathan Herring, Professor of Law, University of Oxford
Outline INTRODUCTION Values and values-based practice
Values-based surgical care Montgomery 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS 4 Summary
Case 1 28 year old female presents with lactational breast abscess. Baby is 2 months old. Treatment options are: Admit for oral antibiotics + incision and drainage Home on oral antibiotics only No intervention with explanation of risks Patient wants to have “strong pain killers” and go home Things to consider: Breast feeding and antibiotics Analgesia to give if discharged Separation from baby if admitted Risks and benefits of incision and drainage v no intervention
Case 2 19 year old male presents with a 24 hour history of central abdominal pain, now migrated into the right iliac with associated anorexia, nausea and no diarrhoea. WCC 14.6 Temp. 37.8 CRP <1 Likely diagnosis = acute appendicitis His parents are present and want him admitted for an appendicectomy but he is very reluctant - sporting commitments Your options are: Admit for antibiotics, analgesia and laparoscopic appendicectomy Admit for observation , analgesia, repeat bloods +/- imaging tomorrow Discharge and ask to return for further investigations tomorrow Things to consider: Is he clinically stable enough for discharge? Does he need further investigations before proceeding to surgery? Are there other reasons (e.g. fear) that make him want to go home?
Case 3 63 year old obese female presents with 36 hours anorexia, severe RUQ pain after eating and ongoing nausea Mildly elevated LFTs: bilirubin 24, ALT 57, ALP 144, amylase 32. WCC 14.1, CRP 15 USS multiple gallstones in gallbladder, acute cholecystitis, normal CBD Options: Give oral antibiotics and elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy Admit for antibiotics + emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy Discharge home with oral antibiotics, lifestyle advice + outpatients review Pain subsides with adequate analgesia and patient wants to be discharged today but her husband is reluctant to have her at home Things to consider: Why does she not want admission? Pain may recur Eating and drinking – often a problem with GB disease, will she need IV fluids? Emergency v. Elective surgery Why is the husband nervous about her being discharged?
Group work on cases Please read through your case and then
Write down the values you think are in play and from whose perspectives Reflect on your own values: what would matter to you? Then discuss as a group You have 30 mins for this Please agree one of you to give feedback in the plenary that will follow
Outline INTRODUCTION Values and values-based practice
Values-based surgical care Montgomery 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS 4 Summary
Group work on take home tweaks
For this final session Think about your own practice Write down one small change you could make to improve your own values-based practice You have 15 mins for this Please be prepared to describe your ‘tweak’ briefly in the plenary that will follow
Outline INTRODUCTION Values and values-based practice
Values-based surgical care Montgomery 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS 4 Summary
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Diverse values drive diverse decisions
Values-based practice - working with diverse values Values-based practice in surgical care Montgomery consent is VB consent 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS Diversity of values in everyday care 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS Values-based practice in everyday care
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Diverse values drive diverse decisions
Values-based practice - working with diverse values Values-based practice in surgical care Montgomery consent is VB consent 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS Diversity of values in everyday care 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS Values-based practice in everyday care
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Diverse values drive diverse decisions
Values-based practice - working with diverse values Values-based practice in surgical care Montgomery consent is VB consent 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS Diversity of values in everyday care 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS Values-based practice in everyday care
What are Values? Principles Needs Wishes Preferences Hopes Ambitions
Concerns Virtues Etc!
Choosing treatment A over B …
15 7 8 4 3 2 1 No! >6m >1y >1<5 5-10 >10 >25 >80
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Diverse values drive diverse decisions
Values-based practice - working with diverse values Values-based practice in surgical care Montgomery consent is VB consent 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS Diversity of values in everyday care 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS Values-based practice in everyday care
Values-based practice
Together these support balanced dissensual decision making within frameworks of shared values Ten Key Process Elements 4 Clinical Skills 2 Aspects of the model of service delivery 3 Strong links between VBP and EBP Partnership in decision-making
Values-based practice
Together these support balanced dissensual decision making within frameworks of shared values Ten Key Process Elements Awareness Skills 2 Aspects of the model of service delivery 3 Strong links between VBP and EBP Partnership in decision-making
Values-based Practice links science with people
Evidence Based Practice
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Diverse values drive diverse decisions
Values-based practice - working with diverse values Values-based practice in surgical care Montgomery consent is VB consentt 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS Diversity of values in everyday care 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS Values-based practice in everyday care
What surgery is about: ‘every man should know his limitations’
How VBP has changed my practice
‘What would you do doctor?’ Pre-VBP: answer based on my values ‘What’s important to you?’ Post-VBP: answer based on patient’s values
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Diverse values drive diverse decisions
Values-based practice - working with diverse values Values-based practice in surgical care Montgomery consent is VB consent 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS Diversity of values in everyday care 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS Values-based practice in everyday care
Supreme Court Ruling What it IS about:
Clinicians engaging in ‘dialogue’ with their patient to the point that they have sufficient understanding of the risks and benefits of the options available to make a choice that takes into account ‘her own values’
Montgomery and Me: Implementing the New Standard for Consent to Treatment in Medicine and Healthcare
Where? St. Catherine’s College, Oxford When? Friday October 28th 2016 Confirmed speakers include Baroness Hale, Deputy President of the Supreme Court and one of the Montgomery judges Professor Sir John Bell, Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford Professor Jonathan Herring, Professor of Law, University of Oxford
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Diverse values drive diverse decisions
Values-based practice - working with diverse values Values-based practice in surgical care Montgomery consent is VB consent 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS Diversity of values in everyday care 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS Values-based practice in everyday care
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Diverse values drive diverse decisions
Values-based practice - working with diverse values Values-based practice in surgical care Montgomery consent is VB consent 2 CASE DISCUSSIONS Diversity of values in everyday care 3 TAKE HOME TWEAKS Values-based Practice in everyday care
LEARN MORE The Collaborating Centre
Ashok Handa Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice St Catherine’s College, OxfordWednesday 25th November 2015
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