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Online consultations Why? What? How?

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Presentation on theme: "Online consultations Why? What? How?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online consultations Why? What? How?
Dr Robert Varnam Director of General Practice Development @robertvarnam

2 Why?

3 Deliver the promise

4 Delivering the promise
General practice is great, but we can help it deliver more of its potential… Access: easier for patients to get us when they need us Comprehensiveness: biopsychosocial / holistic care Population: systems and partnerships for wellbeing Empowerment: systematic approach to enabling self-care Appropriateness: right person doing the right thing

5 Delivering the promise
General practice is great, but we can help it deliver more of its potential… Access Comprehensiveness Population Empowerment Appropriateness Priorities for action: workforce development service redesign self care technology

6 How can technology help?
Accessibility for patients Appropriateness doing transactional things transactionally signposting to right person match consultation type to need Self care symptom checkers signposting information on conditions and management self monitoring Proactive care reminders automation Population management population health analytics lifestyle checkers Collaborative care shared records distributed team working Productive work business intelligence

7 If general practice fails, the whole NHS fails.
Simon Stevens

8 Innovations from around England that release time for GPs to do more of what only they can do.

9 What? Online consultations fund

10 Online consultations fund
From 2017/18 £45m over 3y, weighted capitation … average £0.80/pt Allocation via CCGs, for procurement by practice / federation / CCG Available for every practice To pay towards costs of purchasing & using software to enable patients to consult their practice through an app/web portal National support: national commercial and procurement hub resources to support patient uptake Alignment: consider implementing alongside active signposting + phone consultations + flow redesign + document management

11 How? Top tips

12 Top tips Cautions Engage patients from the outset
Help every member of staff promote it Help every clinician make the most of it Be wary about artificial constraints / one size fits all Use implementation support (eg Time for Care) Cautions Don’t add unnecessary requirements (on software / practices) Evidence shows very little uptake of video consultations Releasing GP capacity is a top priority Grow personal aspects of care, inc continuity

13 bit. ly/gpfvonlineconsultations www. england. nhs. uk/gpdp england

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