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Safety Inductions CPNZ Basic Training

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1 Safety Inductions CPNZ Basic Training
Objective: To give the patroller the knowledge, skill and ability to undertake their activities whilst on patrol safely, so far as reasonably practical. Slide Contents: Self-explanatory. Points to Remember: CPNZ has clear obligations as the PCBU, to provide a safe system of work. Equally, as a volunteer worker, the Patroller has obligations to be safe and work safely as instructed or trained. This is especially important when they are performing the role as a “Patrol Buddy”. As new untrained Patrollers are at the greatest risk of injury or incident. (Event) Resources needed: Access to Safety Management Document/s Outcomes: A Competent and safe Patroller. 1

2 Our Mission Statement Working together throughout New Zealand to reduce crime and build safer communities.

3 Your Community Patrol Affiliated Patrols are guided by the National Organisation via the CPNZ Governing Documents: CPNZ Procedures & Rules CPNZ Appendices/Documents Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Trust Deed. They also follow the Health & Safety guidelines of both CPNZ and NZ Police

4 Health and Safety Commitment
CPNZ is committed to the health and safety of all persons engaged in CPNZ activities. Health and Safety applies to Volunteer Workers the same as if you were employed. CPNZ has a dedicated H&S policy which is: Health and Safety Policy 2016. The Health and Safety Policy 2016 can be found on the CPNZ website at

5 Rationale of Application:
The CPNZ Safety Policy Statement contains a number of key objectives designed to assist patrols to work safely whilst on patrol . Patrollers are required to follow ALL CPNZ Policies and Procedures in the manner in which they undertake their patrolling. There should be consistency in the application of all policies and procedures within ALL CPNZ PATROLS This, in turn gives NZ Police the confidence they need to work alongside CPNZ.

6 Personal Protective Equipment
CPNZ has implemented yellow Hi-Viz Day/Night jackets and Hi-Viz vests as the standard issue PPE. Every time that a patroller is engaged in CPNZ duties, they should be wearing the approved safety jackets or vest over their uniform There should never be a situation where a Patroller steps out of a vehicle without a vest being worn.

7 “Fit For Purpose” Patrol Cars
Should you find an issue with the Patrol Car or any of the equipment used by your Patrol it MUST be reported as soon as possible. This is a primary obligation of all Patrollers and you have a “Duty of Care” to report these issues and any other hazards you find in the workplace.

8 Hazard & Risk Management with NZ Police
Patrollers should also be aware that every Police Station is covered by a National Health and Safety Policy which we are obligated to follow. Should anything be seen inside a Police Station that constitutes a hazard, it should be promptly reported on the available forms and to given appropriate Police Personnel. You may need to ask a Police Staff member for access to the Hazard register or reporting forms.

9 Remember: If in doubt - ASK!
Questions? Remember: If in doubt - ASK!

10 Assessment Checklist. The Patroller will complete the following checklists as part of their assessment: Community Patrol Vehicle Checklist Individual Patroller PPE Checklist Event (Incident) Report Form Make a Copy of NZ Police and CPNZ Safety Policy and place it in the Patroller’s Manual.

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