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Korea: Invasion and the UN Response

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1 Korea: Invasion and the UN Response
Learning Objectives: To know about North Korea’s invasion of South Korea in 1950. To understand how the USA and the UN responded to the invasion.

2 ? The Korean War – a recap 1945 – The End of WW2 1950 – The Cold War
Japan had controlled Korea during WW2, but were forced to leave in 1945. The USA invaded from the south, and communist forces backed by Russia from the North. The country was split into North and South Korea. By 1950 the Cold War was underway. Communist Russia (USSR) and China put Kim Il Sung in control of North Korea. The USA used the Truman Doctrine and Domino Theory to justify putting a pro American leader Syngman Rhee in control of South Korea.

3 An Overview of the War

4 Build Up To War Tension had been building between North and South Korea for some time. Border skirmishes had already killed nearly 10,000 soldiers before the war even started. The North Koreans decided they wanted to invade the South. In 1949 Kim Il Sung travelled to the USSR. He visited Josef Stalin, the Soviet leader. Kim Il Sung persuaded Stalin that he could conquer South Korea.

5 Build Up To War Stalin agreed to this as he did not think that the USA would dare to get involved. Stalin also thought this would be a good chance to discomfort the USA without having to confront them directly. The USSR agreed to keep supplying North Korea with weapons and supplies. This allowed Stalin to show China that he was the leader of Communism in Asia and not Mao Zedong. However Kim Il Sung still also got China’s Mao Zedong to agree to his invasion plans.

6 Invasion! In early 1950 Syngman Rhee boasted that he was going to attack North Korea. This only served to provoke the North Koreans. In June 1950, North Korea launched a full-scale invasion of the South. 75,000 soldiers crossed the 38th Parallel (the border between North and South Korea), using equipment from the USSR and later China. They quickly defeated South Korea’s armies.

7 Invasion By September 1950 nearly all of South Korea was under Communist control. The only bit under South Korean control was the small Pusan Perimeter in the south east. The USA had always been reluctant to fully support Syngman Rhee due to his dictatorial nature. However they now felt they had no choice but to fully support the South. The USA therefore sent advisers, supplies and warships to the waters around Korea. President Truman also called on the United Nations to condemn North Korea. ‘If we let Korea down the Soviets will keep right on going and swallow up one place after another.’ President Truman

8 What is the United Nations?
The United Nations (UN) was set up in 1945. It replaced the League of Nations, which had failed to stop Hitler and WWII. Its aims are to stop countries going to war and to improve conditions for people around the world. Within the UN is the Security Council. This makes decisions on how to solve disputes. There are five permanent members: USA, UK, France, China and Russia. Each one has a veto. This means they can block any decisions they don’t like. Click to find out how the UN works.

9 The UN in 1950 At the UN the USA and USSR usually opposed each other’s actions. They would veto each other’s ideas. However when the USA called for the UN to take action about North Korea, the USSR was refusing to take part in the UN. This was because the USA had blocked Communist China from joining the UN in 1949. Therefore the two main Communist countries were not at the UN in 1950 and not able to block (veto) the USA’s suggestions. ‘If the UN is ever going to do anything, this is the time, and if the UN cannot bring the crisis in Korea to an end then we might as well just wash up the United Nations and forget it.’ US Senator Tom Connally speaking in 1950

10 The UN’s Decision The USA made the biggest contribution’s to the UN’s budget. It was also able to use its superpower status to influence the decision over Korea. And the USSR wasn’t there to do anything about it. The UN therefore agreed a resolution. This meant that the members of the UN were committed to using their armies to help to push North Korean soldiers out of South Korea. ‘The UN will render such assistance to the republic of Korea as may be necessary to restore international peace and security to the area.’ The UN’s resolution on Korea

11 Why did the Korean War break out?
We’re to blame! Domino Theory United Nations Cold War Kim Il Sung Syngman Rhee Your Tasks: Copy out DUCKS. For each part of DUCKS, write down a short explanation of how that reason led to war breaking out. Which reason from DUCKS do you think is the most important cause of the war? Explain your views. Extension: Put the rest of the DUCKS into order from most to least important then explain why you put them in this order.

12 Possible exam questions?
From the exam boards sample paper. Could you answer this?

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