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The Korean War The Forgotten War.

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1 The Korean War The Forgotten War

2 Communists take over China
Mao Zedong was the leader of Communist forces in China After WWII, civil war broke out between communists and nationalists America supported the nationalist, giving them $2 billion in aid Communist eventually overpowered the nationalists though and China became communist

3 Japan becomes our pal General MacArthur was in charge of negotiations with Japan after WWII Wrote a constitution for the country that they still have today Doesn’t allow them to have a military We wanted any ally in the Pacific

4 The Korean War Soviets controlled North Korea and the U.S. controlled South Korea A communist government was founded in North Korea June 25, 1950 North Korean troops invaded South Korea Truman ordered MacArthur to move troops from Japan to Korea The American and South Korea troops were pushed back MacArthur ordered a surprise attack and was able to push the North Koreans back

5 China gets involved American and South Korean forces pushed the North Korean army all the way up to the border with China China did not like having American troops so close, so they warned them to back off America ignored the order so China sent in troops America was again pushed back to the 38th parallel

6 MacArthur goes a little crazy
MacArthur demanded approval to also go to war with China He wanted to blockade ports and drop the atomic bomb on Chinese cities Truman said no way, so Macarthur publicly criticized the president and threw a general fit Truman fired him MacARthur was still well liked at home though and received a hero’s welcome

7 ‘End’ of the Korean War Eisenhower became president in 1952
Went to Korea to talk to commanders and troops Wanted to end the war He hinted to the Chinese the the U.S. might use a nuclear attack in Korea The threat seemed to work because in an armistice was signed The 38th parallel still separates the two Koreas but there was never a peace treaty signed to end the war

8 Kim Il Sung Was a guerrilla fighter against the Japanese during WWII
Became the leader of North Korea after receiving Soviet training Lead the North Korean army during the Korean War Became the North Korean president

9 The Fatherly Leader

10 Kim Jong Il Became the leader of Korea when his father died in 1994
He became the Great Leader until his death in 2011

11 The Death of Kim Jong Il

12 Kim Jong Un Current Great leader of North Korea
Became heir apparent after Kim Jong Il’s first son was caught with a fake passport trying to go to Disneyland in Tokyo

13 Anti-American Propaganda

14 Prison Camps North Koreans can be thrown a prison camp for practically any reason If a citizen forget to wear their pin with the Great Leader’s face on it they are put in prison If they fold a newspaper with the crease over the face of the Great leader It’s not just the offender that gets put in prison, it is ever single family member and distant family members

15 North Korean Prison Camps

16 North Korea is still in the past

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