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Overview of the Glacier Gulch (Yorke-Hardy) Porphyry Mo-W Deposit

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1 Overview of the Glacier Gulch (Yorke-Hardy) Porphyry Mo-W Deposit
presented by Don MacIntyre, Ph.D., P.Eng. Consulting Geologist, Victoria, B.C.

2 Talk Outline regional geology geology of Hudson Bay Mountain
history & geology of the Glacier Gulch deposit review of molybdenum economics additional sources of information

3 Glacier Gulch Deposit classified as a porphyry Mo-W deposit
moderate tonnage, high grade approx. 65 million years old deposit not exposed on surface underground mining required economic viability currently being assessed

4 Brief History 1957 - staked by William Yorke-Hardy
optioned to Amax optioned to Climax Molybdenum adit collared at 1067 m elevation 164 drill holes completed, mostly underground Climax purchases property from Mr. Yorke-Hardy property sold to Mr. D. Davidson 2003 – property optioned to Fundamental Resources (private BC company) 2004 – Fundamental Resources option property to Patent Enforcement and Royalties Ltd.




8 Mineral Claims


10 Adit


12 Glacier Gulch (Yorke-Hardy) Resource Estimate (Giroux, 2005)
minimum grade required for economic extraction any rock grading less than cut-off not included in resource calculation = waste rock reflects value of rock for commodity or commodities of interest strongly influenced by mining cost e.g. higher cut-off for underground mine versus open pit final cut-off grade can’t be determined until a detailed economic feasibility analysis is completed 0.20% MoS2 cutoff - 82,980,000 tonnes grading 0.295% MoS2 = 293,460,000 lbs Mo 0.30% MoS2 cutoff – 25,450,000 tonnes grading 0.424% MoS2 = 129,360,000 lbs Mo

13 Mo deposits – by tonnage
Deposit Location Size Grade (mt) % Mo Adanac B.C Compaccha Peru Kitsault B.C Glacier Gulch B.C Thompson Creek Idaho Red Mountain Yukon Endako B.C Henderson Col Climax Col Quartz Hill Alaska

14 Mo deposits – by grade Deposit Location Size Grade (mt) %Mo
Compaccha Peru Endako B.C Quartz Hill Alaska Adanac B.C Red Mountain Yukon Thompson Creek Idaho Kitsault B.C Glacier Gulch B.C Henderson Col Climax Col



17 Mo commodity prices





22 Additional Sources of Information
Geology & Mineral Occurrences Min. of Energy & Mines MapPlace web site Mineral Tenure Disclosure Statements SEDAR website General Information about Molybdenum IMOA

23 Conclusions Glacier Gulch deposit is a moderate size, relatively high grade porphyry Mo-W deposit the deposit does not come to the surface and will have to be mined by underground methods current Mo commodity prices have renewed interest in porphyry Mo deposits a detailed feasibility analysis is required to determine if Glacier Gulch has the potential to be an economically viable mine

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