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“Regionalizing” the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual

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1 “Regionalizing” the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual

2 National wetland delineation guidance cannot capture the variability of wetlands across the entire United States

3 Reasons to Regionalize
Regional variability in wetland conditions due to climate, geology and landforms, and biogeography Failure to regionalize can result in inconsistent, arbitrary, and controversial wetland determinations To be technically and legally defensible, the Manual should reflect the state-of-the-science National Academy of Sciences recommendations

4 Interagency Cooperation
National Advisory Team 2 EPA, 2 NRCS, 2 FWS, 6 Corps District, 3 ERDC, and 1 Corps HQ members Provides technical oversight, consistency across regions, and quality control during the development of Regional Supplements In the future, serves as the point-of-contact and reviewer of proposals to update the Manual or its supplements

5 Interagency Cooperation (cont.)
Regional Working Groups Composed of federal, state, local, Tribal, and academic experts from the region Identify technical issues, select wetland indicators, develop regionalized procedures, and help ERDC draft the Regional Supplement Participate in field testing the supplement

6 Steps in the Process Develop a Regional Supplement in cooperation with the Regional Working Group Review by the National Advisory Team Independent peer reviews (including consultants, other federal agencies, and states with regulatory programs) Field testing Public notice for review and comments Public notice for implementation

7 Supplements vs. National Manual
As regional supplements are finalized and implemented, they will take precedence over those sections of the 1987 delineation manual Wetland indicators tailored to the region Procedures for “difficult wetland situations” in the region

8 Arid West Regionalization Issues
Identifying wetland hydrology during prolonged dry periods Expanded list of hydrology indicators Biotic crusts

9 Arid West Regionalization Issues
Aquatic invertebrates Salt deposits

10 Regional Supplements National Wetland Delineation Manual
Technical Standard for Water-Table Monitoring Regional Supplements Alaska Great Plains Midwest Etc. Arid West Western Mountains Coastal Plain

11 Contents of the “Umbrella” National Delineation Manual
Corps/EPA wetland definition Basics of the three-factor approach to wetland identification General definitions of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soil, and wetland hydrology No specific indicators Preliminary data gathering (offsite sources) Routine and Comprehensive field methods General Atypical Situation guidance General Problem Area guidance Main Glossary

12 Contents of a Regional Supplement
Chapter 1 – Introduction Applicable region and subregions Physical and biological characteristics of the region Kinds, distribution, and abundance of wetlands Chapter 2 – Hydrophytic vegetation indicators Chapter 3 – Hydric soil indicators Chapter 4 – Wetland hydrology indicators Chapter 5 – Difficult wetland situations in the region (including delineation guidance)

13 Status of the Work Draft Regional Supplements have been completed for Alaska, Arid West, Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast, and Great Plains Reviewed by the National Advisory Team Currently field tested and implemented (Alaska and Arid West) Initiating work in 4 new regions Great Plains (Peer review Process) Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast (Peer Review Process) Midwest (Met in Nov. 2006) Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain (Met in Dec. 2007)

14 Proposed Wetland Delineation Regions
Alaska Western Mountains and Valleys Glaciated Northcentral and Northeast Midwest Arid West Great Plains Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Pacific Islands Caribbean Islands


16 Tentative Sequence of Regions
Target Date Alaska Arid West Western Mountains and Valleys 2006 Great Plains Midwest Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain 2007 Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Caribbean Islands Glaciated Northcentral / Northeast 2009 Hawaii / Pacific Islands

17 National Advisory Team Members
Steve Eggers, MVP (651) Bob Lichvar, ERDC (603) Dan Martel, SPN (415) Jennifer McCarthy, NRCS (202) Paul Minkin, NAE (978) Chris Noble , ERDC (601) Ralph Thomas Rogers, EPA Region X (206) Stu Santos, SAJ (904) Ralph Spagnolo, EPA Region III (215) Ralph Tiner, FWS (413) Mike Whited, NRCS (508) #3 Jim Wood, SPA (505)

18 Relationship to SWANCC, Rapanos/Carabell, etc.
This effort will not affect Section 404 jurisdictional policy. The goal in regionalizing the 1987 Manual is to provide the most current scientific and technical information for identifying wetlands and determining their boundaries. Whether or not a wetland is regulated under Section 404 is an entirely different and separate issue.

19 Relationship to the Plant Lists
The “regionalization” of the 1987 Manual and the updating of FWS plant lists are separate and independent efforts. The Regional Supplements do not contain any changes to the plant lists.

20 What Can I Do? Volunteer to serve on a peer-review panel
Contact Kathy Trott, Corps HQ, , Participate in field testing a Regional Supplement when announced by Public Notice Other questions? Call Jim Wakeley at ,

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