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AVIRIS By: Evan, Mike, Ana Belen ER-2 Twin Otter.

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Presentation on theme: "AVIRIS By: Evan, Mike, Ana Belen ER-2 Twin Otter."— Presentation transcript:

1 AVIRIS By: Evan, Mike, Ana Belen ER-2 Twin Otter

2 AVIRIS AVIRIS-Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
Purpose: Identify , measure, and monitor constituents of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere based on molecular absorption and particle scattering signatures. Focused on understanding processes related to global environment and climate change. Funded by: Office of Earth Science at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. (for Twin Otter and ER-2)

3 Specifics Deployment Sites: How many spectral bands?
Standard: Dryden Flight Research Center, CA; Wallops Island, VA Other: Texas, Florida, Kansas, Alaska, Hawaii How many spectral bands? 224 What is the spectral range of each band? 400 to 2500 nanometers What is the swath width of the system? Depends on altitude Twin Otter is 2km wide (4km above the ground) ER-2 is 11km wide (20km above the ground)

4 Specifics Cont. What is the ground spatial resolution of the final product? ER-2 20m resolution Twin Otter 4m resolution How is the imagery generally used for research? Snow, ice, vegetation, geology Who typically uses the imagery? Researchers, students, and professionals Where can you get the imagery? Through NASA

5 Specifics Cont. 2 How much does the imagery cost? Example:
Archive is free but if new data is wanted it will cost….Minimum $70,000 per flight. Graduate student can get one flight for free. Example: Measurement of water colour using AVIRIS imagery to assess the potential for an operational monitoring capability in the Pamlico Sound Estuary, USA International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 30, No. 13, 10 July 2009, 3291–3314

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