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2 What is Erosion ? Process from which a rock disintegrates or breaks down Example when bigger rocks break into smaller rocks. It is also part of the weathering process !!!

3 Types of Erosion Can be classified as Mass Wasting.
Mechanical – similar to breaking a rock with a hammer Chemical – similar to pouring acid on a rock to dissolve it. Example: Hydrochloric acid with limestone, limestone will start to erode away.

4 Process of Erosion

5 Types of Erosion Running water ( Rivers, Streams etc.)
Near Shore waves Ice Wind Gravity ( Land Slides)

6 Running Water Erosion

7 Glacier or Ice

8 3-D View of Glaciers

9 Wind Erosion Also referred as Eolian

10 Gravity Also referred as Landslides. Very Important.
Gravity based erosion occurs mainly on mountainous regions such as the Northwest United States and the Rockies but are not restricted to these areas. States such as California, Colorado, Montana, Oregon and Washington State.

11 Gravity What is a landslide ?
A sliding down of mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliffs.

12 Gravity Types of Landsides Fall Topple Flow Slide Spread

13 Landslide Types

14 Who analysis and make notes of these types of phenomena and bring solutions to prevention of erosion ? Geologists and Geotechnical Engineers

15 How do you prevent Erosion ?
Place rip-rap around the banks of rivers or channels Retaining Walls Gabbion baskets Jetties in coastal areas. Other engineering methods (complex problems)

16 Important Websites

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