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Strategic Waivers School System/IE2 Application Process

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1 Strategic Waivers School System/IE2 Application Process
Jefferson City Schools Public Hearing January 26, 2016

2 What does the law require?
By June 30, 2015, each local school system must choose to operate as one of the following: • Investing in Educational Excellence School System (IE2) (now referred to as Strategic Waivers School System – SWSS/IE2) • Charter System • Status Quo School System

3 Number of Charter, SWSS/IE2, Status Quo Systems
33 Approved 53 Approved 2 14 Letters of Intent 78 Letters of Intent Total = 47 Total = 131 Total = 2

4 Why did JCS move from Charter System to SWSS/IE2?
Both options provide the school system with flexibility to adopt and implement innovative programs (use of waivers) Concerns with changes and the uncertainty surrounding the interpretation of Charter System rules and laws Maintain continuity across four schools Instructional program Budget Personnel

5 What is a Strategic Waivers/IE2 School System?
The Local Board of Education enters into a performance contract with the State Board of Education The school system receives flexibility in the form of waivers of certain state laws, rules, and guidelines in exchange for greater accountability for increased student performance JCS has consistently ranked in the upper quartile (top 20%) of state school systems as measured by CCRPI indicators As long as this position is maintained, there is no corrective action imposed on the school system by the State Department of Education or Governor’s Office of Student Achievement No waivers from federal laws

6 Application Process and Timeline
Letter of Intent and Locally Approved Resolution submitted to the State Board of Education in December 2015 Locally Approved Resolution supporting the SWSS/IE2 application, partnership contract, and Assurances submitted in January 2016 “DRAFT” Application to be submitted for State Board of Education review and approval in February 2016

7 Components of the Application
Partnership contract will be in effect beginning on July 1, 2016 Application materials include the following: System Strategic Plan Partnership Contract List of waivers Accountability goals Consequences School plans

8 Jefferson City Schools SWSS/IE2 Application
myPath to learning Taking a more personalized approach to ensuring student success

9 Questions? Thank you for your participation. We value your feedback!
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