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Pengertian Komunikasi

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Presentation on theme: "Pengertian Komunikasi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pengertian Komunikasi
The transmission of energy change from one place to another as in the nervous system or transmission of sound waves; The transmission or reception of signals or messages by organism; The transmitted message; (Communication Theory), The process whereby system influence another system throught regulation of the transmitted signals; (K. Lewin) The influence of one personal region on another whereby a change in one results in a corresponding change in the other region; The message of patient to his terapist in psychotherapy;

2 Fungsi Komunikasi The Surveillance of the environment
The correlation of the parts of society in responding to the environment The transmission of the social heritage from one generation to the next

3 Fungsi Komunikasi (William I Gorden)
Sebagai Komunikasi Sosial Sebagai Komunikasi Ekspresif Sebagai Komunikasi Ritual Sebagai komunikasi Intsrumental

4 Tujuan Komunikasi ( Dan B. Curtis)
Social Change Attitude Change Opinion Change Behavior Change

5 Unsur – Unsur Komunikasi
Sumber = Source = Komunikator Pesan = Message Media Penerima=Receiver=Audiens=Komunikan = Khalayak Pengaruh=Effect=Dampak Tanggapan balik=Feedback Lingkungan=Environment


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