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Work Package 4 Extending Analysis – MeV-SIMS
SPRITE Final Meeting – 27/06/2016, Manchester Work Package 4 Extending Analysis – MeV-SIMS MeV ion beams to produce a Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) signal
SPRITE Work Package 4 Extending Analysis – MeV-SIMS Fellows
This Work Package, aims to exploit a joint research activity begun in SPIRIT which involves the use of MeV ion beams to produce a Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) signal for molecular concentration mapping on surfaces. This technique has begun to show considerable promise and to be better exploited needs to train new researchers in this analysis technique.
Fellows Lidija Matjačić ESR, Surrey Valentin Stoytschew ESR, RBI Julien Demarche ER, Surrey/IAEA
The first real molecular analysis using ion beams!
MeV-SIMS The first real molecular analysis using ion beams! Low current technique (≈ fA) Detected masses: ~ 1000 Da High efficiency: ~ 0.1 secondary ion yield 103 higher yield for heavy molecules than keV SIMS Molecular mapping
Vacuum and ambient pressure facilities, SUR (ESR9 – ER4)
Extending Analysis Research Activities in Work Package 4 Vacuum and ambient pressure facilities, SUR (ESR9 – ER4) Commissioning the MeV-SIMS Facility and beam pulser at RBI and ambient pressure MeV-SIMS Facility at Surrey Measurements of fundamental parameters (yields, damaging cross-sections) -Investigation of sputtering mechanisms for MeV ions 3 Application of MeV-SIMS (vacuum and ambient pressure) Develop protocols for sample preparation and inter-comparisons Vacuum facility, RBI (ESR10)
Milestones ESR 9 M4.1 Identification of key parameters for optimum configuration of MeV SIMS analysis M4.2 Demonstration of optimum MeV SIMS configuration for ambient pressure analysis ESR10 M4.3 Time stamping software for MeV SIMS microbeam data acquisition, developed and tested M4.4 Molecular imaging of paint layers cross sections using RBI MeV SIMS facility performed ER 4 M4.5 Development of standard samples, organization of Round Robin measurements, for inter-comparison of the data, critical evaluation of the results
M4.4 Molecular imaging of paint layers cross sections using RBI MeV SIMS facility performed
Beam: 8 MeV Si4+ Sample: PB15:1 on PB15:3/glass Scan Size=1.2 mm x 1.1 mm (128x128 pixels) Iva Bogdanović Radović, Dubravka Jembrih-Simbürger, Zdravko Siketić, Nikola Marković, Milko Jakšić,Marta Anghelone and Valentin Stoytchew, Identification and imaging of modern paint materials using MeV-SIMS to be presented at ECAART 2016
IAEA Coordinated Research Project on MeV-SIMS
Launched in June 2014 Involving 12 worldwide partners, half of them from outside Europe (Australia, Brazil, Japan, South-Africa, Thailand) Database building of measured cross sections for heavy ion PIXE appropriate for MeV-SIMS energy range Development of spectrum library and protocols for routine MeV-SIMS multispectral data analysis Development of best practice and protocols for sample handling to prevent cross-contaminations Development of theoretical models validated by experimental data for a refined theoretical understanding of MeV heavy ion –soft matter interactions
Communications (Talks, Posters)
ESR9 Lidija Matjačić UK Surface Analysis Forum Winter Meeting 2014 in Nottingham UK, poster Ambient Pressure MeV SIMS CAARI 2014 poster Chemical characterisation of explosives residues by Ambient Pressure MeV-SIMS NMAET VI Meeting 2014 in National Physical Laboratory poster on Measurements of MeV-SIMS yields and damage cross sections for a range of ions and energies IBA 2015 poster Characterisation of Explosive Residues using MeV-SIMS and was a co-author on 4 other posters presented at the conference SIMS XX Seattle, US, 2015, poster titled Characterisation of Explosives with Ambient Pressure MeV- SIMS and was a co-author on 2 other posters presented at the conference 2nd RCM on Development of molecular concentration mapping techniques using MeV focussed ion beams in Kyoto, Japan, 2015, presented results on development of Ambient Pressure MeV SIMS technique Holding a seminar on Ambient Pressure MeV SIMS in Academy for Fine Arts in Vienna, as a part of ChemArt program - held on 14th of January Participating in Consultancy Meeting (F1-CS-5345) on the Design of the Technical Meeting on Enhancement of Multi-disciplinary Nuclear Analytical Applications for High-precision Trace Element and Molecule Fingerprinting and giving a talk on Ambient Pressure MeV SIMS ECAART 2016, ICNMTA 2016, CAARI 2016 6th SPRITE Management Meeting 27th – 28th June 2016 Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC), Wilmslow Road, Manchester
ESR10 Valentin Stoytschew
Talk at the 5th Science Festival of PhD students from Division of Experimental Physics. ICNMTA 2014 Padova; poster Current measurement for low current microprobe techniques including MeV SIMS. IBA 2015 Opatija, Croatia; poster Investigation of damage cross section and yield dependence on experimental parameters for MeV SIMS MMC 2015, Manchester Central, UK, poster Megaelectronvolt Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy as a high resolution molecular imaging technique SIMS XX Seattle, USA; poster Investigation of Damage Cross Sections and Yield Dependence on Experimental Parameters for MeV SIMS using in Situ Beam Current Monitoring ECAART 2016, ICNMTA 2016 6th SPRITE Management Meeting 27th – 28th June 2016 Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC), Wilmslow Road, Manchester
ER4 Dr Julien Demarche CAARI 2014 in San Antonio, Texas presented a talk Pharmaceutical and biomedical application possibilities of ambient pressure MeV-SIMS and presented and co-authored a poster Ambient Pressure MeV-SIMS analysis of contaminated aerosols PTFE filters. IAEA RCM (Research Coordination Meeting) held in June 2014 in University of Surrey, Guildford IBA 2015 (22nd Conference on Ion Beam Analysis), held June 14-19, 2015 in Opatija, Croatia; Presented three posters and co-authored three posters took part and talked in the IAEA Panel on Ion Beam Techniques Roadmap invited talk on Log-periodicity and the epistemic dynamics of Ion Beam Analysis research SIMS XX (20th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) held September in Seattle, USA; co-authored two posters, Characterisation of Explosive Residues, and First Round Robin Exercise on Sample Handling and measurement protocol for MeV-SIMS. IAEA 2nd Research Coordination Meeting of Coordinated Research Project F11019 – Development of molecular mapping techniques using MeV focussed ion beams; talked on Surrey Ion Beam Centre’s activity report. 6th SPRITE Management Meeting 27th – 28th June 2016 Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC), Wilmslow Road, Manchester
Outreach Activities ESR9 Lidija Matjačić ESR10 Valentin Stoytchev
On 22nd of November 2014 University of Surrey, in collaboration with National Physics Laboratory organised event named International Day of Medical Physics. Dr Anne-Catherine Wéra and Marios Sotiropoulos from WP1 together with two representatives of WP4, Dr Julien Demarche and Lidija Matjačić prepared two posters and a short film which were presented during the poster session. First poster was describing Marie Curie Initial Training Network as one of the types of Marie Curie Actions (MCA). Other types of MCA such as Individual Fellowship (IF) or Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) were also described in to details. Second poster was explaining meaning and structure of SPRITE project. ESR10 Valentin Stoytchev SPRITE Project was presented by Valentin Stoytschew during 5th Science Festival of PhD students from Division of Experimental Physics that was held at RBI on April 24-25, 2014. SPRITE Project was presented during the RBI’s Open Day, held on 14 June 2014 ER4 Dr Julien Demarche Introduced SPRITE Project and detailed research activities in WP4 to IAEA Interns (undergraduate and postgraduate students in internship, with background in economics, law, political science) during an Interns Forum session at the IAEA Headquarter on 15 December 2014 Guided young students groups (16-18 years) through the Surrey Ion Beam Centre, and presented research activities of the SPRITE project in the IBC. 6th SPRITE Management Meeting 27th – 28th June 2016 Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC), Wilmslow Road, Manchester
Secondments ESR9 Lidija Matjačić
RBI in Zagreb, from 17-24th of October 2014 JSI in Ljubljana, from 14th to 20th of February 2015 IAEA Headquarters, from 4th-29th of January 2016 ESR10 Valentin Stoytschew IAEA Laboratories Seibersdorf 10/ /2014; IBC Surrey 2/2015; ETH Zuerich March/April 2015; ER4 Dr Julien Demarche IAEA Headquarters: March 27 to May 3, 2014; November 9 to December 22, 2014; May 21 to June 6, 2015 RBI October 16 to 24, 2014 6th SPRITE Management Meeting 27th – 28th June 2016 Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC), Wilmslow Road, Manchester
Publications 1. J. Warmenhoven, J. Demarche, V. Palitsin, K.J. Kirkby, R.P. Webb; Modeling Transport of Secondary Ion Fragments into a Mass Spectrometer, Physics Procedia 66(2015)3521. 2. V. Stoytschew, I. Bogdanović Radović, J. Demarche, M. Jakšić, L. Matjačić, Z. Siketić, R. Webb; MeV-SIMS yield measurements using a Si-PIN diode as a primary ion current counter, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 371 (2016) 194–198 3. V. Stoytschew, M. Schulte-Borchers, I. Božičević Mihalić, R.D. Perez, New type of capillary for use as ion beam collimator and air-vacuum interface, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.B 380 (2016) 4. Nadia Abdul-Karim, Christopher S. Blackman, Philip P. Gill, Ruth M. Morgan, Lidija Matjacic, Roger Webb and Wing H. Ng, Morphological Variations of Explosive Residue Particles and Implications for Understanding Detonation Mechanisms, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (7), pp 3899–3908 6th SPRITE Management Meeting 27th – 28th June 2016 Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC), Wilmslow Road, Manchester
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