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Published byDustin Reginald Atkins Modified over 6 years ago
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Course outline 1. Introduction-Growth & Yield factors
Definition of terms - soil fertility, soil productivity, soil quality Units used in soil fertility work 2. The Nutrient elements Nutrient cycling Chemical forms, levels & factors affecting availability Maintenance of Soil Fertility Fertilizers/Manure & their use
Growth and yield factors
Maximum growth or yield is obtained when none of the growth factors is present in less than the amounts required.
Growth and yield factors
Genetic factors. The genetic constitution of a given plant species/ variety limits the extent to which that plant may grow and produce, and no matter how favourable the environmental conditions, these limits cannot be extended.
Growth and yield factors
Environmental factors The physical environment is commonly grouped into 4 classes: 1. Climatic factors – temperature, rainfall or moisture supply, light, humidity, wind etc. 2. Physiographic factors – determined by the general geological strata, by topographical features – including relief & drainage ground water, attitude, slope and erosion. 3. Edaphic factors – including soil structure, composition of soil air, aeration, soil reaction (acidity & alkalinity) supply of mineral nutrient elements 4. Biotic factors – brought about by living organisms – like man, animals and plants.
The Concept of Soil Fertility
Is the quality that enables a soil to provide the proper nutrients, in the proper amounts and in the proper balance, for the growth of specified plants when other growth factors – such as light, tempt, moisture and the physical condition of the soil are favourable.
The Concept of Soil Fertility
A soil can only be fertile if it is a favourable environment for root growth. And a soil can only be a suitable environment for plant roots if: it is adequately drained and aerated. if its salt content and content of exchangeable sodium ions are low if its pH falls in a suitable range.
Soil Productivity The capability of a soil to produce a specified plant under a specified system of management. Soil productivity is basically an economic concept and not a soil property. It involves : Inputs ( a specified management system) Outputs (yields of particular crops) Soil type.
Soil Quality Concept
Soil Quality Concept Soil quality is the capacity of a specific kind of soil to function, within natural or managed ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation Soil quality is the capacity of a soil to: Protect environmental quality Sustain plant and animal productivity Promote human health.
Units Types Laboratory units
1) Laboratory units: %, ppm, μg/g, μg/ml, mg/kg, mg/l, m.e./100g, cmol(+)/kg 2) Field units: lb/acre, kg/ha Laboratory units ppm – is a unit of conc. analogous to the % (percent) unit (i.e. parts per 100) it is commonly applied to soil or solution concentration of nutrient elements. E.g. 5 ppmK means 5 parts K per million parts soil
Units Eg. A soil contains 0.112%N Convert this to i). ppm, ii). μg/g , iii). mg/kg, iv). lb/acre, & v). kg/ha i) ppm % N = parts N/100 parts soil = x 104parts/100 x 104 parts soil = 1120 parts N/106 parts soil = 1120 ppm N
Units Eg. A soil contains 0.112%N
Convert this to i). ppm, ii). μg/g , iii). mg/kg, iv). lb/acre, & v). kg/ha ii. μg/g 0.112% N = 0.112g N/100g soil = g N/g soil = 1.12 mg N/g soil = 1120 μg N/g soil
Units Eg. A soil contains 0.112%N
Convert this to i). ppm, ii). μg/g , iii). mg/kg, iv). lb/acre, & v). kg/ha iii. mg N/kg 0.112 % N = kg N/100 kg soil = kg N/kg soil = 1.12g N/kg soil = 1120 mg N/kg soil
Units Eg. A soil contains 0.112%N
Convert this to i). ppm, ii). μg/g , iii). mg/kg, iv). lb/acre, & v). kg/ha iii. mg N/kg 0.112 % N = kg N/100 kg soil = kg N/kg soil = 1.12g N/kg soil = 1120 mg N/kg soil
Units Eg. A soil contains 0.112%N Convert this to i). ppm, ii). μg/g , iii). mg/kg, iv). lb/acre F.S, v). kg/ha iv. lb/ac F.S Area = 1 acre Depth = 6 in Mass = 2 x106 ib
Units Eg. A soil contains 0.112%N Convert this to i). ppm, ii). μg/g , iii). mg/kg, iv). lb/acre F.S, v). kg/ha iv. lb/ac F.S % N = 1120 ppm N = 1120 parts N /106 parts soil = 1120 lbs N/106 ib soil = 1120 x 2lb N/2 x 106lb soil = 2240 lb N/ac. FS. (furrow slice)
Units Eg. A soil contains 0.112%N Convert this to i). ppm, ii). μg/g , iii). mg/kg, iv). lb/acre F.S, v). kg/ha v. kg/ha 2240 lb N/ac = 2240 lb/ac x ac/1ha x kg/1lb = kg N/ha
Nutrient elements
Plant nutrients A plant nutrient is said to be essential if:
A deficiency of the nutrient makes it impossible for the plant to complete its life cycle. Such deficiency can be prevented or corrected only by supplying this element. The element is involved directly in the nutrition of the plant.
MACRO NUTRIENTS Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
Calcium Magnesium Sulphur
Plant nutrients Micronutrients Iron Manganese Boron Molybdenum Copper
Zinc Chlorine These are obtained by plants from the soil
Nitrogen N is extremely important for Agriculture
N should be managed carefully Plants need it in large amounts It is fairly expensive to supply It is easily lost from the soil
NITROGEN Atmospheric N2 N fert Immobilization Nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen Transformations
Mineralization Immobilization Nitrification Fixation Denitrification Volatilization
NITROGEN N – Mineralization Amino acid NH4+ NO3- N – Immobilization
The microbial conversion of organic N to mineral-N Amino acid NH NO3- immobilization Nitrosomonas / nitrobacter Bacteria/ fungi mineralization N – Immobilization This is the conversion of inorganic N to organic form in microbial tissue.
Mineralization of N-compounds
The process takes place in essentially 3 steps:- aminization, ammonification and nitrification. Aminization Conversion of proteins and allied compounds to amines and amino acids by heterotrophic bacteria and fungi. Proteins R–NH2 + CO2 + Energy Heterotrophic Fungi/bacteria
Ammonification It is conversion of amines and amino acids to NH4+ by heterotrophic bacteria and fungi R – NH2 + H2O NH3 + R –OH + Energy Heterotrophic Fungi/bacteria R-NH NH3 + H NH4+
Ammonification Fates of NH4+ 1) fixed by clay minerals,
2) may be converted to NO2- or NO3- by nitrification 3) used by plants (NH4+), 4) volatilization High pH Soils > 7.5
Soil conditions affecting Ammonification
1) C:N ratio Material C:N ratio FYM (composted) FYM (Fresh) Saw dust 2) Aeration: well – drained aerated soil 3) pH :Generally fungi act best in pH < 5.5; Bacteria in pH >5.5
Nitrification Nitrification is the biological oxidation of ammonia to nitrate. 2 NH → 2NO2- + 2H2O + 4H+ + Energy 2 NO2- + O2 → 2NO3- + Energy
Nitrification 2 - step process
1. 2NH O2 ---> 2NO2- + 4H H20 + E Nitrosomonas/Nitrosococcus 2. 2NO2- + O2 --> 2NO3- + E Nitrobacter Process is acid causing due to release of 4 H+
Nitrification Reactions require molecular oxygen
Reaction releases H+ ions resulting in the acidification of the soil. Reactions involve microbial activity and therefore soil conditions (moisture supply, temperature & pH) should be optimum for microbial activity.
Gaseous Losses of Soil N
Gaseous losses of N occur mainly as N2 N2O, NO and NH3. Mechanisms for the losses are: Denitrification Chemical reactions involving nitrites under aerobic conditions Volatilisation of ammonia
Gaseous Losses of Soil N
a) Denitrification: is the biochemical reduction of nitrates under anaerobic conditions to gaseous N-compounds. NO NO NO N2O N2 O O O O Factors Affecting Denitrification i) Soil moisture and oxygen supply ii) Availability of organic substrate iii) Soil pH and temperature
Gaseous Losses of Soil N
Reaction of nitrites under aerobic conditions Nitrites in a slightly acid solution will evolve gaseous N when brought in contact with certain ammonium salts, with simple amines such as urea, and even with Non-nitrogenous sulphur compounds and carbohydrates. Possible reaction: 2HNO2 + CO(NH2)2 → CO2 + 3H2O + 2N2 ↑
Biological nitrogen fixation
Conversion of N2 in the soil atmosphere into NH4+ by specialized groups of micro-organisms. Non-Symbiotic (free living microbes): Clostridium – anaerobic Azotobacter – aerobic, blue-green algae
2. Symbiotic N Fixation Bacteria invades host plant root
Rhizobium Bacteria invades host plant root Response of host plant root is to grow a nodule for the bacteria to live in. Bacteria takes N2 from the air and converts it into R-NH2 in bacteria and some is in the form of NH4+ Fate of N Fixed by Rhizobium: 1) used by host plant, 2) leaks out of root to become available to surrounding plants, Cowpea Nodulation Host plant-bacteria complex
Non-Biological Fixation
1) Atmospheric electrical discharge (lightning) Oxidation of N N2 + 3O NO-3 2) Industrial process 10-20% of NO3- via atmospheric deposition
N - balance Available soil N Commercial fertilizers immobilization
Non Symbiotic fixation immobilization Crop removal Symbiotic fixation Available soil N Rainfall Crop residues and manure Atmosphere Gaseous losses Erosion losses Soil organic matter Leaching losses Fixation by clay minerals
Distribution of N in soils
1) Drainage : Under poor drainage, decay of O.M. is very slow Organic N is high, Mineral N is low 2) Topography: On slopes, N content is lost faster than that on summit or valley bottom.
Distribution of N in soils
3) Texture: N, content decreases as texture becomes coarser. 4) Seasonal effect: Nitrate level slowly increases during the dry season due to low leaching. Nitrate levels increase rapidly at the beginning of the rainy season due to increased bacteria activity and mineralization in the presence of low leaching. During the rainy season level of N falls and remains fairly constant until the next dry season due to leaching of N compounds from the soil.
N in Plant Nutrition is an essential constituent of all living matter.
important in the formation of protein. forms an integral part of chlorophyll molecule. an adequate supply of N is associated with vigorous vegetative growth and deep green colour.
N deficiency Symptoms A stunted yellowish appearance
Yellowing or chlorosis, usually 1st appearing on the lower leaves, the upper leaves remaining green In severe shortages – leaves will turn brown and die.
Phosphorus Discovered by Hening Brand in 1669
Name Origin: phôs (light) and phoros (bearer) “phosphorus = light-bearer” Atomic number 15 Atomic weight One isotope 32P
Soil Phosphorus Lithosphere is the main source and reservoir of P
Lithosphere – 0.12% = 1200ppm Soil solution – 0.2 to 0.3ppm Total P content of soil depends O.m content Parent material Degree of weathering
Forms of soil P
Inorganic P Insoluble or nearly insoluble P compounds Acid soils
Free Fe and Free Al combine with phosphate Al3+ + H2PO4- + 2H2O H+ + Al(OH)2H2PO4 (soluble) (insoluble) Alkaline soils Free Ca and Mg combine with Phosphate 2PO Ca Ca3(PO4)2 (soluble) (Insoluble )
Inorganic P 2) Insoluble phosphate-clay complexes 4 5 6 7 8 Al3+ +
Al (OH)2 + 2H+ Precipitated form Dissolved form Fixation by Al and Fe Fixation by Ca Reaction with clays 4 5 6 7 8 Soil pH
Soluble phosphate forms
H3PO4 = phosphoric acid, H2PO4- = 1º orthophosphate, HPO4-2 = 2º orthophophate, PO4-3 = phosphate
Calcium Phosphate Compound
â Ca(H2PO4)2 â monocalcium phosphate â CaHPO4 â dicalcium phosphate â Ca3(PO4)2 â tricalcium phosphate â Ca5(PO4)3OH2 â hydroxyapatite â Ca5(PO4)3F â Fluorapatite 6 pH 8
P Fixation
P Fixation P “Fixation” – refers to the processes whereby available phosphorus forms combinations with other soil constituents and thus becomes unavailable to plants.
Mechanisms for P fixation
1) Precipitation reaction between P and other ions in soil solution to form hydroxy-phosphates Al(OH)2+ + H2PO Al(OH)2H2PO H+ (soluble) (insoluble) Ca2+ + HPO CaHPO4 (soluble) (Insoluble ) 2) Adsorption reaction between soluble P and insoluble soil components Al2O3.3H2O + 2H2PO Al(OH)2H2PO OH- (soluble) (insoluble)
Most Available P between pH 5.5 - 7
Factors affecting P fixation
Type of clay minerals and amount of clay in soil Presence of OH- of Fe, Al and Mn Soil reaction Presence of organic matter
The presence of Organic matter in the soil
Om reduces P fixation; the formation of phospho-humic complexes which are more easily assimilated by plants anion replacement of the phosphate by the humate ion. the coating of sesquioxide particles by humus to form a protective cover.
Potassium Sources of K in Soils K-containing minerals. Eg:
Potash feldspars (KAlSi3O8) Muscovite KAl3 Si3O10(OH)2 Biotite KAl (Mg, Fe)3 Si3O10 (OH)2 Micas
Fate of K+ in soil K+ ion liberated by weathering may
be lost through leaching taken up by plants or other living organisms in the soil be held on the cation exchange positions of the soil colloids; or be converted to less available forms.
Factors affecting K Equilibrium in Soils
Conversion of soil and added potassium to less available forms is influenced by: 1. Types of Colloid Humus and clay are the two major soil colloids Humus has high capacity to retain cations in the exchangeable form has very low capacity for the fixation of K.
Factors affecting K Equilibrium in Soils
Clay mineral Clays of the 2:1 type such as montmorillonite and illite fix K very readily and in large amounts. Clays of the 1:1 type such as kaolinite fix little K 2. Wetting and Drying The 2:1 type minerals fix K only upon drying (contraction). Some release of the ions occurs upon rewetting of the soils (expansion) 3. pH K fixation increases with application of lime or higher pH.
Luxury Consumption Absorption of nutrient elements in excess of the amount required for optimum growth. Luxury K K content of plant K required for optimum growth Required K Available K in soil
Leaching Losses of K More K is lost by leaching in contrast to N & P (particularly P). Leaching is common in heavily fertilized sandy soils.
Problem of K in soils A very large proportion of K at a given time is relatively unavailable to plants. K is subject to wasteful leaching losses since its available form is very soluble. The removal of this element by crops is high, especially when high levels are available in the soil.
Secondary Macronutrients
Ca Mg and S are secondary macronutrients They are required by plants in lesser amounts than NPK but in larger quantities than the micronutrients. They are essential for correcting the reaction of soil. Ca,Mg for reclaiming acid soils S for reclaiming alkaline soils They are prone to leaching
Magnesium Mg is the only mineral element in the chlorophyll molecule
Magnesium It is absorbed by plants as the ion Mg 2+.
Sources of soil Mg Weathering of rocks such as: Dolomite , Ca Mg (CO3)2 or Olivine , MgFeSiO4 Biotite , K (Mg Fe)3 Al Si3 O10 (OH)2
Calcium Weathering of rocks such as: Ca is absorbed by plants as Ca2+
Source of Soil Ca Weathering of rocks such as: Dolomite Ca.Mg (CO3)2 Calcite CaCO3 Apatite Ca5(PO4)3·(Cl, F, OH) Calcium feldspars
Sulphur S is an essential element particularly associated with protein synthesis. Plant available form of S = SO42-. Sulphur fertilization is becoming important because of changes in the use of some fertilizers SSP (18% P2O5; 8-10% S) to TSP (45% P2O5; <3% S) AS (NH4)2SO4 (21%N; 24%S) to CO(NH2)2 (urea) (46%N)
Micronutrients Nutrient elements required by plants in relatively small amounts. Iron Manganese Boron Molybdenum Copper Zinc Chlorine These are obtained by plants from the soil
Micronutrients Source of micro nutrients soil parent material
2) organic matter In uncultivated lands there is a greater concentration of micronutrients in the surface soil where O.M. levels are high.
Micronutrients Plant available forms of micro nutrients Nutrient
Iron Fe2+ or Fe3+ Manganese Mn 2+ Boron BO33- Copper Cu 2+ Molybdenum MoO42- Zinc Zn 2+ Chlorine Cl-
Nutrient mobility and deficiency symptoms
For nutrients which are mobile in plants deficiency symptoms 1st appears on the lower and older leaves. Eg: N, P, K, Mg, and Zn. N deficiency
Nutrient mobility and deficiency symptoms
Nutrients with limited mobility in plants produce symptoms on new leaves or growing points. Eg: calcium, sulphur, boron, iron, copper, and Mn. S deficiency
Thank you Good LUCK
Soil aeration
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