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Søren Debois, Thomas Hildebrandt, Morten Marquard, Tijs Slaats

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2 Søren Debois, Thomas Hildebrandt, Morten Marquard, Tijs Slaats
Hybrid Process Technologies in the Financial Sector – The Case of BRFkredit     Søren Debois, Thomas Hildebrandt, Morten Marquard, Tijs Slaats


4 Introduction BPM models as communication tools. But:
Sales can’t read BPMN. Invents own notation. Different departments have unrecognisably different models of the same process. Different departments have different views on (parts of) the same process. Solution: Abstraction & projection


6 Situation faced Exformatics wanted to leverage declarative process tools to support the flexible processes found at BRFkredit. However, switching from flow-based notations to declarative ones brought challenges in understandability. We undertook this project to investigate and address these challenges


8 Action taken We undertook several full- and half-day meetings to discuss BRFkredit’s requirements. Based on these, we developed a prototype hybrid process-modelling approach: models are defined declaratively, the possible behavior of the model can be viewed and investigated using flow-based notions. The prototype was then presented to BRFkredit for feedback.

9 Declarative model This is the real unified model.


11 Processes are maps. Routes are the important information.


13 Results achieved We clarified what it takes to make declarative process models understandable to end users at BRFkredit we showed how a hybrid approach could be used to satisfy these requirements. Based on these insights, we developed tools to enhance our existing declarative modelling framework with flow-based visualizations.

14 Showing only what a stakeholder cares about
Projections Showing only what a stakeholder cares about


16 Lessons learned Process models are used as tools for communication.
Different stakeholders have different needs and preferred levels of abstraction for that use. One model that seems to fit most situations is a simple no-branches sequential swimlane diagram We extract such automatically from a more detailed declarative model. These observations enabled Exformatics to enhance its declarative modelling framework to make it more attractive to end-users.

17 No-branches swimlane

18 Fully detailed DCR process model. (Try it yourself at
Swimlane, single-trace diagram extracts. Everybody understands those.

19 Projections … all possible because of formal, declarative DCR model.

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