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Understanding the Author’s Purpose.

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1 Understanding the Author’s Purpose

2 Purpose: An Author’s Reason for Writing
When you read an article, consider what the writer wants you to know and WHY. Purpose: An Author’s Reason for Writing (Why does the writer write the article?)

3 Intended Audience: People a writer has in mind as readers; the people he or she is writing for

4 Understanding the author’s purpose
Readers can interpret the author’s message accurately.

5 Ways to Determine the Author’s Purpose
*** look at the words he or she has chosen to use.

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7 Advertisement: To persuade someone to buy something

8 Types of Author’s Purpose
to advise, to suggest, to recommend to describe to entertain to inform, to instruct to persuade to warn, to make people aware of something

9 Practice Writer’s Purpose: To inform Intended audience: scouts
There will be a holiday camp next month. All scouts must joint this camp. This activity will take place at Kanchanaburi camping site and last for three days. For further information, please contact Mr. James Writer’s Purpose: To inform Intended audience: scouts

10 Practice Writer’s Purpose: To suggest Intended audience:
I have an idea. On your song page, how about having two songs and have the guitar chords as well? You should also change the words so that they are in Thai, which will make it easier to understand the song. Writer’s Purpose: To suggest Intended audience: The receiver of the message/ song page owner

11 Practice Writer’s Purpose: To describe Intended audience:
Bangkok International Airport Bangkok International Airport (BIA), under the operating of the Airports Authority of Thailand (AAT), has for many years played an important role in international civil aviation transport. It is today a major gateway into and within Southeast Asia. Used by more than 70 international carriers, it is considered today as one of Asia's busiest Airports. In 1994, the airport approximately served 16 million international passengers as well as 5 million air travelers. Writer’s Purpose: To describe Intended audience: Passenger / general reader

12 Practice Writer’s Purpose: To instruct
How to make delicious tomato sauce  1. Heat the oil in a saucepan and mix the garlic for 30 seconds.  2.  Open the can of tomatoes and add it to the pan.  3.  Bring the liquid to a fast simmer and cook for about 5 minutes.  4.  Blend or chop the tomatoes. You can use a hand blender to coarsely puree the tomatoes or use a large spoon to mash them up right in the pot, or transfer the mixture to a blender or food processor.  5.  Season to taste with salt and pepper and continue mashing or pureeing until sauce is coarse but smooth.  6.  Add the basil and serve. Writer’s Purpose: To instruct Intended audience: Wife house / a person who want to cook

13 Practice I think parents and teachers should teach children that violence is wrong. Then they will not copy what they see on TV. Writer’s Purpose: To warn Intended audience: Parents and teachers The best way to be good in English is Learning Grammar!!!!!! Urgent! Register now! Writer’s Purpose: To persuade / advertise Intended audience: Students / English learners

14 Practice Writer’s Purpose: To warn Intended audience:
Starting your own business with a family member can lead to big problems. A recent study found that of 59 family business, 54 had problems. There was a high incidence of family jealousies and anger, arguments and disruptive levels of stress and tension. If a wife disagrees with her husband’s decision to expand the business or make a sizable financial investment, the tension will probably pour over into their family life. Writer’s Purpose: To warn Intended audience: Novice businessman/ a person who is about to start bussiness

15 Practice Monkeys Cloned
Scientists in Oregon had produced monkeys from cloned embryos, the first time a species so closely related to humans has been cloned, the Washington Post reported yesterday. Two monkeys, born last August, were cloned from embryo cells, not an adult, as was the case with the sheep Dolly, which caused a scientific storm last week. Writer’s Purpose: To inform Intended audience: General people/ scientist

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