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Notes: Joints.

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1 Notes: Joints

2 (1) How are bones hinged together?
Joints: Connection between two bones. Filled with cartilage (padding) Types of Joints: Pivot Condyloid Plane Hinge Saddle Ball-and-socket

3 (2) What is the purpose of Joints?
Allow for wider range of movement. Circular Angular Reduce rigidity of bone structure.

4 (3) Pivot Joint Rounded end of one bone, protrudes into a sleeve of another bone. Movement = Uniaxial Rotation of one bone Location = Vertebral Column (allowing head movement side to side “no”) and between the radius and ulna.

5 (4) Condyloid Joint Rotation along two axes (x and y)
Oval surface of one bone fits into the depression of another bone Movement = Angular motion (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction) Location = Wrist and knuckles

6 (5) Plane Joint Straight gliding along 2 horizontal axes
Movement = short gliding Location = Intercarpal and Intertarsal joints and vertebral

7 (6) Hinge Joint One bone is cylindrical, and fits into the trough shape of the other bone Movement = uniaxial hinge (flexion and extension) Location = elbow and interphalangeal joints

8 (7) Saddle Joint Similar to condyloid, but with greater freedom of movement. Both bone surfaces are shaped like a saddle. Movement = angular motions (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction) Location = thumbs and metacarpal joints

9 (8) Ball and Socket Joint
Rotation along 3 different axes. One bone is spherical and fits into the cuplike socket of the other bone. Movement = Universal (all types) Location = shoulder and hips

10 (9) Injuring Joints Sprains: Dislocations:
Ligaments reinforcing a joint are stretched or torn If torn badly, can be replaced with muscle Usually result from inflexibility or irregular movement Dislocations: Bones are forced out of alignment Usually result from serious falls and contact sports Results in stretching of joint ligaments, leading to future dislocations

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