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The Industrial Revolution

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1 The Industrial Revolution
Why England? “A Nation of Shopkeepers” -Napoleon SOL standard 9a

2 England as an Economic Strength
The Constitutional Monarchy and limited democracy led to economic freedom Remember the joint stock companies from the Age of Discovery?

3 Economic Strength The Industrial Revolution began in England in the mid- 1700s. Factories and machines transformed the nation and spread throughout Europe and North America

4 Economic Strength Instead of using household tools and working from home (cottage industry), people came to rely on machinery to produce large amounts of good to be sold in shops.


6 Economic Strength During the Age of Discovery (1600s), overseas exploration led to inexpensive natural resources and new markets for manufactured goods for England.

7 Economic Strength Thriving economy based on money
Merchants invested money in new industries and put money to profitable use

8 Economic Strength New financial institutions offered business loans that encouraged industrial growth England’s most powerful financial institution: Bank of England (1694)

9 Check for Understanding:
When did the Industrial Revolution begin in England? What transformed the English economy? Where were English markets for newly produced goods?

10 Geography and Natural Resources
England’s rivers offered advantages for industrialization Fast flowing rivers were a source of water power to fuel machinery


12 Geography and Natural Resources
Rivers provided inland transportation routes for industrial goods. England’s harbors were a benefit to merchant ships Harbors are important for docking ships and provide places for distribution of industrial goods

13 Merchant ships on the River Thames near London, England

14 Geography and Natural Resources
England had rich natural resources in the form of iron and coal deposits

15 Geography and Natural Resources
Iron is used to make machines and products like tools and cookware

16 Coal miners working in England
Child laborers from a coal mine

17 Geography and Natural Resources
A region in England becomes known as Black Country because of all the smoke from factories What is all this smoke going to cause? Was the Industrial Revolution always positive?


19 Check for Understanding
Which two geographical features gave England an advantage in industrializing? Which two natural resources aided England’s path to industrialization? What were each of these resources used for? Why was water important to the Industrial Revolution?

20 Population Growth During the 1700s, scientific improvements in farming led to more crops and healthier livestock

21 Population Growth The Agricultural Revolution brought more food to the people Examples: Seed drill, crop rotation, scientific breeding of animals

22 Population Growth Health and living conditions improved and population increased Why would living conditions improve? Economic strength of the nation meant life was good

23 Population Growth A larger population meant a greater demand for goods and a larger labor force (people available to work) Women and children enter the workforce as cheap labor

24 Check for Understanding
What led to an increase in population in England during the early Industrial Revolution? What did a larger population mean for England’s economy? Which two groups entered the workforce as cheap labor?

25 Urbanization The migration of people from rural areas to urban areas
Rural=country-side Urban=cities

26 Urbanization The Enclosure Movement of the early 1700s in England closed off farm lands in order to graze livestock The Agricultural Revolution led to improved livestock This caused: Improvements in the textile industry Farmers forced out of work and off their land Families were forced to look for work elsewhere They went to cities and found unskilled work in factories


28 Urbanization The migration to cities and large labor force led to factory systems popping up all over England Factory=building where goods are produced in large numbers by a large unskilled workforce Factories include assembly lines and specialized division of labor

29 Check for Understanding
What is urbanization? What happened in England in the early 1700s to encourage urbanization? Why did people move to cities? What do you think urbanization is going to cause in cities and factories?

30 Facts you must know: The Industrial Revolution began in England in the early 1700s England had harbors from which it could ship manufactured goods and a system of rivers for the movement of natural resources England had water and coal to provide energy for new machines England had iron ore to build necessary factories, tools, and machines The Enclosure Movement led to urbanization Cities gained a labor force for their factory systems

31 Check for Understanding
What are 5 reasons England was the first country to industrialize? In your own words, explain two major results of population growth What are 3 reasons a nation would want to create new markets in other parts of the world What do you think motivated the English people to build the factories and machines that brought about the Industrial Revolution? Give 3 possibilities What do you think would have happened if the Industrial Revolution had never taken place? Overall, did the Industrial Revolution have a positive or negative effect on society? Write a paragraph explaining your choice. Include a topic sentence and statements of fact and opinion that support your topic sentence

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