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Warm-Up (2/2) On the piece of white paper from the back, answer the following question. Name Date Period Describe how primitive Fleenitians, a hairless,

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up (2/2) On the piece of white paper from the back, answer the following question. Name Date Period Describe how primitive Fleenitians, a hairless,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up (2/2) On the piece of white paper from the back, answer the following question. Name Date Period Describe how primitive Fleenitians, a hairless, slimy population of minions, evolved into modern Fleenzaurs, which are furry mammals.

2 1A.1a: According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, competition for limited resources results in differential survival. Individuals with more favorable phenotypes are more likely to survive and produce more offspring, thus passing traits to subsequent generations. 1A.1b: Evolutionary fitness is measured by reproductive success. 1A.2a: Environments change and act as selective mechanism on populations. Illustrative example: the peppered moth 1A.2d: Humans impact variation in other species. Illustrative example: artificial selection 4A.6g: Many adaptations of organisms are related to obtaining and using energy and matter in a particular environment.

3 Critical Thinking Question #1
Explain two pieces of evidence scientists could analyze to determine that your description for Fleenzaurian evolution is correct.

4 Natural Selection Phenotypes of living species match demands of environment. Charles Darwin, 1859

5 Natural Selection Favorable changes of phenotype are promoted – “selected for” Orange beetles are going to have more babies than green beetles.

6 “Survival of the Fittest”
Natural Selection sexiest! “Survival of the Fittest” “Evolutionary fitness” = “Reproductive fitness”

7 Natural Selection Changing environments act as selective mechanisms on evolution. Industrial Revolution Case in point: the peppered moth, 19th century England Pre-Industrial Revolution Post-Industrial Revolution

8 Natural Selection Humans impact variation in other species. time
Artificial selection

9 Critical Thinking Question #2
The peppered moth is naturally preyed upon by the Magpie, a type of bird native to England. The Magpie contains a type photoreceptor neuron in its eye called a contra cell which detects differences in low contrast: for example, the difference between two dark-colored objects. The average number of contra cells per eye was determined over the course of 50 years following the start of the Industrial Revolution in England. The results of this experiment are listed in the table below. Explain the natural selection of high numbers of contra cells among Magpies following the start of the Industrial Revolution. Year 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 Avg. No. contra cells (x103) 0.052 0.072 0.090 0.113 0.139

10 Closure On the piece of white paper from the back, answer the following question: Name Date Period Explain three scientific methods which provide evidence for biological evolution. Scale 1 – 10

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