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Data Cleansing - Duplicate Identification and Resolution

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Presentation on theme: "Data Cleansing - Duplicate Identification and Resolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Cleansing - Duplicate Identification and Resolution
Author: Roberto Negro Date: Dec. 2007 Fusion Customer Hub Data Cleansing - Duplicate Identification and Resolution

2 A Day in a life of a Data Steward Customer Data Mastering
Data Profiling Data Cleansing Data Normalization & Mapping Data Import Duplicates Identification Duplicates Resolution Data Quality Analysis Data Cetification Data Archiving

3 Complete View of Data Management Customer Data Steward Dashboard
Consolidated dashboard providing an overview of all data management tasks and status Single point of entry for data steward day to day tasks, with easy navigation to individual work areas Integrated Hub 360 tree for comprehensive view of all customer profiles and important relationship and child entities

4 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Identification and Resolution

5 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Identification

6 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Identification – Regional Search

7 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Identification – Local Area Basic Search

8 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Identification – Local Area Advanced Search

9 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Identification – Search Results

10 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Identification Workarea

11 Duplicate Identification Create Duplicate Identification Batch (Party Type = Person)

12 Duplicate Identification Create Duplicate Identification Batch (Party Type = Person)
Created by Creation date First name Last modified date Last name Last modified by Name Source system reference Taxpayer identification number Address Address line 1 Address line 2 City Country Created by module Created by Creation date Validation indicator Last modified date Last modified by Source system reference Postal code State Time zone Billing account Account description Account number Created by Creation date Last modified date Last modified by Source system reference

13 Duplicate Identification Create Duplicate Identification Batch (Party Type = Organization)

14 Duplicate Identification Create Duplicate Identification Batch (Party Type = Organization)
Orgnization Created by Creation date D-U-N-S number HQ branch indicator Last modified date Last modified by Organization name Source system reference SIC code Taxpayer identification number Address Address line 1 Address line 2 City Country Created by module Created by Creation date Validation indicator Last modified date Last modified by Source system reference Postal code State Time zone Billing account Account description Account number Created by Creation date Last modified date Last modified by Source system reference

15 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Identification – Assign Batch

16 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Identification – Batch Details

17 Exercise Connect as Data_Steward_Mgr/Welcome1
Try to identify duplicates in the data that was imported using file Import or Data Import

18 Questions & Answers Oracle - RPA Confidential - Do not share outside of Oracle or RPA

19 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicates Resolution

20 Duplicate Resolution Options Merge vs Link
Flexible options for duplicate resolution Merge: creates a single record and re-points all transactions to the new record Link: creates an internal cross reference between all the records participating in the link Satisfy business needs when duplicates need to be maintained on purpose while still maintaining single view of the customer Supports registry and transactional style deployments © 2008 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

21 Data Steward- Duplicate Resolution Productivity - Tasks Assignment and Escalation
Ability to assign duplicate resolution requests to data stewards Supports assignment of multiple items Notification support when resolution requests are assigned, rejected completed or error. Multi step review, approval of duplicate resolution process

22 Data Steward - Duplicate Resolution Preserving the right Information
Ability to select the master record to keep after merge Ability to resolve conflicts in attribute values, and enter/modify attribute values during the merge process Ability to resolve conflicts in selected child entities Ability to save the merge process for further review and approval

23 Data Steward – Duplicate Resolution Enforce Governance via Merge Rules
Ability to specify merge rules declaratively using business rules engine Enforcing enterprise governance policies without the need of coding Agreement rules are a set of merge prevention rules. A decision is made for a merge request by running agreement rules. The decision is to approve or reject a merge request. Use cases: If Surviving Party Tax Profile Type is not the same as Victim Party Tax Profile Type, merge can’t proceed. Prevent improper data consolidation Reduce data steward workload

24 Data Steward – Duplicate Resolution Merge History
Comprehensive history captured of all customer records operations, including insert, update, delete and merge/link Attribute level audit trail capability available Detailed records of all data management operations to prevent redundancy of efforts and reduce possibilities of mistakes. Provide basis for reversal of any changes, if needed

25 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution – Search

26 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution – Basic Duplicate Identification Search

27 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution – Advanced Duplicate Resolution Search

28 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution –Duplicate Resolution Search Results

29 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution –Duplicate Resolution Search Results Details

30 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution – Duplicate Resolution Search Results Details

31 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution –Duplicate Resolution Search Results Details

32 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution- Request Selection Process

33 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution– Override System Mapping

34 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution– Override System Mapping

35 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution– Override System Mapping

36 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution– Override System Mapping

37 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution– Override System Mapping

38 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution– Override System Mapping

39 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution– Override System Mapping

40 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution– Reject

41 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Duplicate Resolution – Duplicate Resolution Statistics

42 Exercise Connect as Data_Steward_Mgr/Welcome1
Try to complete the resolution process on the duplicates identified by the Batch Duplicate Identification process

43 Questions & Answers Oracle - RPA Confidential - Do not share outside of Oracle or RPA

44 Data Steward – Data Cleansing Data Enrichment

45 Questions & Answers Oracle - RPA Confidential - Do not share outside of Oracle or RPA

46 Data Steward – Data Management Party Management

47 Data Steward – Data Management Party Management - People

48 CDMD – People Search

49 CDMD – Basic People Search

50 CDMD – Advanced People Search

51 CDMD – Advanced People Search Results (1)

52 Data Steward – Data Management Party View

53 Data Steward – Data Management Hierarchies Management

54 Questions & Answers Oracle - RPA Confidential - Do not share outside of Oracle or RPA


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