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EUMEDGRID-Support Applications

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Presentation on theme: "EUMEDGRID-Support Applications"— Presentation transcript:

1 EUMEDGRID-Support Applications
Riccardo Bruno COMETA Consortium EPIKH Workshop Cairo,

2 Outline EUMEDGRID-Support Application Portal
Application registry, services and statistics Examples of applications How to get new applications supported Application support services User support services Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

3 EUMEDGRID Applications support
Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

4 EUMEDGRID Applications portal
Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

5 Application portal: Context Menu
A context menu allows to get application related information Three main topics Applications Self Training About WP3 Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

6 Application portal: Infrastructure view
Get infrastructure Information Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

7 Application portal: Service Challenge
Get health status information Get infrastructure Information Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

8 Application registry and services
Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

9 Application registry and services
This list do not include yet the three applications from last school Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

10 Application registry and services
This list do not include yet the three applications from last school Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

11 Application registry and services
Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

12 Application registry and services
New Applications from the Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID-Support Grid School 25 October – 03 November 2010 APP. NAME DOMAIN COUNTRY / INSTITUTION(s) STATUS WRF Earth Sciences Egypt (NARSS) S5 gFDTD Engineering Egypt (ERI) Imageodesy Computer Science and Mathematics Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

13 Application Lifecycle
Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

14 These statistics do not include yet applications from last school
Application Statistics (1/2) These statistics do not include yet applications from last school By Country By scientific domain Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

15 These statistics do not include yet applications from last school
Application Statistics (2/2) These statistics do not include yet applications from last school By readiness status MPI vs Sequential By gender of developers Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

16 A selection … From EUMEDGRID (1st phase) project ASTRA
From Joint EPIKH/EUMEDGRID-Support school in Algiers TSDFEM GATE Directly supported by EUMEDGRID-Support AFP3DFace Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

17 ASTRA http://applications. eumedgrid. eu/application_details. php
ASRA – DANTE – From EUMEDGRID (1st phase) project Ancient instruments Sound/Timbre Reconstruction Application Domain Culture, Arts and Humanities / Simulation and modeling - using Numerical analysis Aims to reconstruct the sound or timbre of ancient instruments (not existing anymore) using archaeological data as fragments from excavations, written descriptions, pictures... Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

18 TSDFEM http://applications. eumedgrid. eu/application_details. php
TSDFEM – HIAST / EPIKH Grid School in Algiers Thermal Stress Distribution Finite Element Method Domain Engineering / Material Science Simulation software for thermal stresses distribution from loading state to the steady state passing the transient states. It helps to predict the failure of the material under heat distribution influences Parallel computing is required to make the calculation of heat distribution and thermal stresses distribution using Finite Element Analysis methods faster. Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

19 GATE http://applications. eumedgrid. eu/application_details. php
GATE – USTHB / EPIKH Grid School in Algiers Simulations of Preclinical and Clinical Scans in Emission Tomography Domain Biomedicine / Diagnosis tools - using Monte Carlo method GATE is an advanced opensource software developed by the international OpenGATE collaboration and dedicated to the numerical simulations in medical imaging GATE now plays a key role in the design of of new medical imaging devices, in the optimization of acquisition protocols and in the development and assessment of image reconstruction algorithms and correction techniques. Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

20 AFP3DFace AFP3DFace – UTIK / EUMEDGRID-Support
Automatic extraction of Feature Points from a 3D face Domain Computer Science and Mathematics / Simulation and modeling - Digital image processing AFP3DFace is a new tool to extract automatically the feature points from a 3D face. The input of the system is a mesh composed by a cloud of points and surfaces and the output is a set of points called features points. This set of points serves to make an automatic facial animation based on MPEG-4 standards. AFP3D Face computes the feature points from the mesh independently of its dimensions and pose. Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

21 How to get new applications supported
Surveys EUMEDGRID-Support Direct access to support after WP3 form evaluation EPIKH (as shown in Roberto’s presentation) Involves the participation to a given EPIKH Grid Shool Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

22 Support services … Applications need support … The Application Portal
WP3 Project activity is responsible for Applications and User Support The Application Portal Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

23 Support services … Applications need support … The Application Portal
WP3 Project activity is responsible for Applications and User Support The Application Portal Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

24 Support services … Applications need support … The Application Portal
WP3 Project activity is responsible for Applications and User Support The Application Portal The User Forum Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

25 Support services … Applications need support … The Application Portal
WP3 Project activity is responsible for Applications and User Support The Application Portal The User Forum Mailing List Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

26 Support services … Applications need support … The Application Portal
WP3 Project activity is responsible for Applications and User Support The Application Portal The User Forum Mailing List EUMEDGRID-specific GGUS instance (soon available) Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

27 we are going to identify more …
Support services … Applications need support … WP3 Project activity is responsible for Applications and User Support The Application Portal The User Forum Mailing List EUMEDGRID-specific GGUS instance (soon available) Support/Install general purpose scientific applications in order to make the e-Infrastructure more attractive. C/C++, Fortran, … we are going to identify more … Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

28 User Support
EUMEDGRID-Support operates the Africa ROC (see Dina’s previous presentation) together with : EPIKH CHAIN SAGRID Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

29 User Support
EUMEDGRID-Support belongs to the ROC Africa, a organization that collects resources and information of different e-Infrasrtuctures and related projects: EPIKH EUMEDGRID-Support CHAIN SAGRID Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

30 User Support
EUMEDGRID-Support belongs to the ROC Africa, a organization that collects resources and information of different e-Infrasrtuctures and related projects: EPIKH EUMEDGRID-Support CHAIN SAGRID Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

31 User Support
Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

32 User Support
Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

33 User Support
Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

34 User Support
Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

35 User Support
! No more than 15 concurrent users can access due to current licence agreements Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

36 Summary and Conclusions
The EUMEDGRID-Support Application portal is the entry point to provide support both to users and their applications The EUMEDGRID-Support Application registry helps spreading the visibility and importance of the applications supported by the project Well defined procedures have been put in place to get new applications supported and let users access the EUMEDGRID Infrastructure. Thanks to the Cairo school three new Egyptian sites have been installed and three parallel applications have been ported to Grid. This is a very good starting point towards the creation of an Egyptian Grid Infrastructure Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

37 Questions …

38 Links EPIKH Survey
EUMEDGRID-Support Survey Applications Portal Applications List Infrastructure view Software Tags Service Challenge User Forum Cairo, EPIKH Workshop,

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