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Introduction to the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment for the LHC

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1 Introduction to the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment for the LHC
Dave Barney, CMS Outreach Coordinator

2 Brief overview of the CMS experiment
Overview of Seminar Brief overview of the CMS experiment Motivation (not in-depth physics) Layout Sub-detectors The CMS collaboration Visiting the construction site at Cessy Safety What is in the assembly hall? What is outside the hall? Useful resources Questions (and hopefully answers too!)

3 We don’t know what we will find at the LHC!
Physics goals of CMS We don’t know what we will find at the LHC! ATLAS and CMS are “general purpose” detectors – they need to be designed to be able to detect anything! We believe that the Higgs boson, and/or Supersymmetric (SUSY) particles exist, and the LHC will provide collisions energetic enough to create them But we cannot see Higgs/SUSY particles directly as they either decay to lighter (stable) particles or cannot be seen with any known detector We have to design our detector to look for the stable particles and signs of “invisible” particles…..

4 Detecting signatures of the Higgs boson
Most likely mass of the Higgs boson (if it exists) is around GeV (1GeV = mass of proton) If this is the case, the easiest way to detect it is via its decay to two photons Need an excellent electromagnetic calorimeter - ECAL (to measure the energy of these photons) Need excellent tracker to identify the primary interaction vertex If the Higgs is heavier, it may be seen via its decay to electrons and/or muons Need an excellent ECAL Need excellent muon chambers (for muon identification and momentum measurement) and central tracking (for momentum measurement)

5 Detecting SUSY Signatures
Many SUSY particles decay to hadronic jets (many charged and neutral particles in a tight bunch) Need good calorimeters – hadronic (HCAL) and ECAL SUSY decays also lead to the production of the “lightest supersymmetric particle” (LSP), which is invisible in any known detector Need excellent calorimetry coverage in order to detect “missing” energy (from simple conservation laws)

6 The best possible electromagnetic calorimeter
CMS Design Goals A good and redundant muon system (= many layers – if one layer fails we can fall back on the others) The best possible electromagnetic calorimeter A high quality central tracking A hadronic calorimeter that has good energy resolution and that is as hermetic as possible Affordable! (= ~500 MCHF)

7 The Compact Muon Solenoid

8 The CMS Detector

9 The magnet systems of ATLAS and CMS
ATLAS A Toroidal LHC Apparatus CMS Compact Muon Solenoid

10 The CMS Solenoid (1) A solenoid is essentially a cylinder of wire. Passing an electrical current down the wire creates a magnetic field The CMS solenoid is designed to provide an axial magnetic field of 4T – about times that of the earth’s magnetic field The current required is ~20 kAmps  need to use a superconducting wire (zero resistance) The superconductor chosen is Niobium Titanium (NbTi) wrapped with copper – needs to be cooled to ~4K The CMS solenoid will be 13m long with an inner diameter of 5.9m – the largest superconducting solenoid ever made!

11 Superconducting cable
The CMS solenoid (2) Solenoid piece at Cessy Superconducting cable Ultra-pure Aluminium - magnetic stabilizer Aluminium alloy - mechanical stabilizer

12 The CMS Solenoid (3)

13 The solenoid vacuum vessel and return yoke
Solenoid needs to be maintained at ~4 K Need to insert the coil into a vacuum vessel (a bit like a thermos flask) The vacuum vessel = two concentric steel cylinders (both of which are at Cessy – see later) that surround the coil Return yoke controls the field outside of the coil, and acts as a “filter” for muons (see later) Return yoke = tonnes of steel, built in sections: 5 barrel “rings” and 3+3 endcap “disks” Barrel rings are divided into layers, interspersed with muon chambers; muon chambers also on each endcap disk All components of the yoke are at Cessy

14 The return yoke - parameters
Outer barrel rings Endcap disks Total weight 12500 tonnes Diameter 15m Length 21.6m Magnetic field 4 Tesla Central barrel ring Central Ring Outer Rings Barrel ring 1250 tonnes 1174 tonnes Vacuum vessel 264 tonnes - Superconducting coil 234 tonnes Support feet 72 tonnes 66 tonnes Cabling on vacuum vessel 150 tonnes Support for racks and cables 10 tonnes Total 1980 tonnes Endcap disk 1 (YE1) ~730 (disk) + 90 (cart) tonnes Endcap disk 2 (YE2) Endcap disk 3 (YE3) ~300 (disk) + 90 (cart) tonnes

15 The CMS Detector - Overview

16 The Tracker 214m2 of silicon sensors 11.4 million silicon strips 65.9 million pixels in final configuration! Pixel endcap disks

17 The Electromagnetic Calorimeter - ECAL
Parameter Barrel Endcaps Coverage |h|<1.48 1.48<|h|<3.0 Df x Dh x x to 0.05 x 0.05 Depth in X0 25.8 24.7 # of crystals 61200 14648 Volume 8.14m3 2.7m3 Xtal mass (t) 67.4 22.0

18 The Hadron Calorimeter - HCAL
CMS HCAL is constructed in 3 parts: Barrel HCAL (HB) Brass (laiton) plates interleaved with plastic scintillator embedded with wavelength-shifting optical fibres (photo top right) Endcap HCAL (HE) Brass plates interleaved with plastic scintillator Forward HCAL (HF) Steel wedges stuffed with quartz fibres (photo bottom right) ~10000 channels total More photos later in presentation!

19 The Muon Chambers Position measurement: Drift Tubes (DT) in barrel Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) in endcaps Trigger: Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) in barrel and endcaps f superlayer of 4 DT layers h superlayer of 4 DT layers DT channels CSC channels RPC channels

20 The Trigger and Data Acquisition System (1)
Bunches of protons collide in CMS every 25ns (40 million times per second) Each bunch crossing will result in ~1 Mbyte of data (after zero suppression) Can only possibly write ~100 Mbytes / second to tape CMS trigger system will try to decide (in a very short time!) if a bunch crossing has created something interesting If yes, then the event is saved If no, then the event is discarded for ever!

21 The Trigger and Data Acquisition System (2)
CMS Trigger system has two stages: Level-1 trigger Implemented in hardware Uses coarse-grain information from calorimeters and muon chambers to make a quick decision – in <4msec – e.g. are there 2 muons with momenta above certain thresholds? Is there an electromagnetic energy deposit > 40 GeV? Reduces rate from 40 MHz to a maximum of 100 kHz High level triggers 100 kHz data passed through a high bandwidth switching network to a farm of ~1000 commercial PCs running data selection algorithms – effectively on-line data analysis Use fine-grain information from all sub-detectors, e.g. Is an ECAL energy deposit matched to hits in the pixel detector? (if so, this signifies the presence of an electron) Reduces rate from 100 kHz to 100 Hz, for storage on tape

22 The Trigger and Data Acquisition System (3)
~same as whole world’s telecom network!

23 Visiting the Cessy Site - Safety First
Normally you should only go to the visitors gallery and outside areas To enter the assembly hall (for private visits) you must: Contact Jean-Pierre Girod (163703) and request permission Wear safety helmets – failure to do so will result in visits to CMS being suspended In case of an accident etc. Call the Pompier (74444) – but bear in mind they are 15 minutes away…. Call J-P Girod (weekdays) In case of fire etc. go to the main entrance assembly point

24 The CMS Construction Site at Cessy
PX56 PM54 2585 SX5 3580 VG 3584 Safety helmets He gas tanks

25 Schematic of the surface buildings at Cessy

26 The Gas Cylinders Will be filled with Helium gas
Two cylinders will supply He for the CMS solenoid cryogenic system – about 5000 litres of liquid He are required The time to cool the CMS solenoid to ~4K is about 3 weeks Other 4 cylinders will supply He for the LHC cryogenic system

27 The Underground Areas

28 The PX56 Access Shaft ~21m diameter
Pieces of CMS detector will be lowered down this shaft into the UXC5 cavern Walls around are to protect neighbours from noise Problem: When constructing the PX56 shaft, the excavators hit the water table (nappe phreatique) at about 40m deep – and it is not easy to dig through water! Solution: put small-bore pipes around the shaft (from surface down to below the water level) and circulate salt-water at ~-23oC for several months. Then replace the salt-water with liquid nitrogen to create a frozen cylinder around the shaft. Then excavate and concrete the shaft!

29 Status of Underground Caverns
Adding waterproof lining before final concrete layers Caverns will be completed by middle 2004

30 Inside SX5 – the barrel yoke rings
Connecting pieces from Czech republic Main pieces from Russia Central ring: ~2000 tonnes Outer rings: ~1250 tonnes Feet: ~35 tonnes each; from Pakistan (outer rings) or Germany (central ring)

31 Inside SX5 – the central barrel ring
Central ring supports solenoid Outer vacuum vessel for solenoid - manufactured in Lons Le Saunier by France Comte Industrie - Transported to CERN in pieces and welded together at Cessy Air-pads for moving rings etc. -from Noell GmbH, Germany Use compressed air at atmospheres from cylinders Each pad can lift ~350 tonnes 4 pads per side Rails used to guide the movement Air-powered pistons push the rings

32 Inside SX5 – inserting the inner vacuum vessel
Manufactured by FCI as a single piece and transported by road to Cessy Supported and rotated by platform made in Korea

33 Inside SX5 – the endcap yoke disks
Three disks for one endcap One disk loaded with CSCs - Disks constructed from wedges made in Japan, CERN - “Carts” made in China Stabilization bolts from USA

34 Inside SX5 – the Hadron Calorimeter
Most of HCAL is in SX5 – two half-barrels and two endcaps (HF is still on the Meyrin site) Brass for endcap HCAL has an interesting story……

35 Lowering the pieces of CMS into the cavern
Will rent a gantry crane capable of lifting 2500 tonnes Crane will probably come from a shipyard in Rotterdam (Netherlands)

36 CMS Collaboration (Nov. 2003)
2008 scientists and engineers 160 institutes 36 countries See

37 Some Important CMS Milestones
Task Foreseen Date (as of November 2003) Surface hall (SX5) finished construction 31 January 2000 Assembly of barrel yoke finished in SX5 31 August 2001 Assembly of endcap yokes finished in SX5 30 April 2002 Assembly of barrel HCAL finished in SX5 20 November 2002 Assembly of endcap HCAL finished in SX5 30 September 2003 Solenoid coil segments completed 30 June 2004 Underground experimental cavern completed 15 July 2004 Solenoid inserted into vacuum vessel 15 November 2004 Yoke closed and magnet test started in SX5 30 January 2005 End of magnet test in SX5 30 April 2005 Racks installed into underground service cavern Start lowering large pieces into UXC5 30 May 2005 End of lowering of major pieces into UXC5 30 September 2005 End of installation and cabling in UXC5 30 June 2006 CMS ready for circulating beam (including 20% computing capacity) 1 April 2007 Fully operational computing systems 1 April 2009 Full list can be found at

38 2008 scientists and engineers
CMS Basic Parameters Physical Parameters Collaboration (Nov. 2003) Length 21.6m Diameter 14m Mass 12500 Tonnes Magnetic field 4 Tesla 2008 scientists and engineers 160 institutes 36 countries Trigger and Data Acquisition Parameters Channel Count Parameter Value Bunch-crossing frequency 40 MHz Average # of collisions / bunch-crossing 20 “interaction rate” ~109 Level-1 trigger rate 100 kHz Average event size 1 Mbyte Event builder bandwidth 100 Gbytes/sec Event filter computing power required 106 SI95 Event rate saved to mass storage 100 Hz Data production 10 Tbytes/day Sub-Detector Number of channels Pixels 66 x 106 Silicon microstrips 11.4 x 106 ECAL crystals 0.076 x 106 Preshower strips 0.137 x 106 HCAL 0.01 x 106 Muon chambers 0.576 x 106 TOTAL 78.2 x 106

39 Puzzle View along beam line of the inner tracking, with a H 4m event superimposed. The m are very high energy, so leave straight tracks originating from the centre and travelling to the outside

40 Puzzle solution Make a “cut” on the Transverse momentum
Of the tracks: pT>2 GeV

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