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Nuclear power development in Nordic area - Fennovoima project

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1 Nuclear power development in Nordic area - Fennovoima project
TTKK, 3 December 2015 Janne Liuko, Licensing Manager, Fennovoima

2 Fennovoima in brief Project company and future plant operator, founded in 2007 to build a nuclear power plant (NPP) at a greenfield site in Pyhäjoki Current headcount ~260 Will operate according to the “Mankala principle” whereby the owners receive electricity at cost price Commercial operation in 2024

3 The owners

4 Need for new power in Finland
Electricity supply by energy sources in 2014 (83,3TWh): Objectives for the future: The aging capacity needs to be replaced, including Loviisa NPP (2x VVER 440) A virtually emission-free energy system by 2050 There needs to be an increase in the self-sufficiency of electricity supply Securing the competitiveness of Finnish industry by offering reasonably priced electricity for a long period of time

5 Mankala company The partners fund the construction and maintenance of the power plant and in return get electricity at cost price, in proportion to their ownership share. The “Mankala principle” enables several smaller electricity users to join forces for building and operating an NPP. The electricity price, cost and volume risk are transferred to the shareholders.

6 The role of Rosatom Fennovoima operates and executes the project
Rusatom Overseas will construct an AES-2006 (V491) type nuclear power plant with turnkey delivery, including complete nuclear and turbine islands Also delivers financing for the project Fennovoima operates the plant, Rosatom owns a 34% share

7 VVER – Years of Operating Experience
Type Current (a) Estimated 2024 (a) VVER all 1 500 2 300 VVER-1000 (3000 MWt or more) 600 1 000 VVER 3200 MWt* 48 170 AES-2006** 60 AES-2006 /V491*** >10 *Balakov 4, Leningrad II 1&2, Novovoronezh II 1&2, Rostov 1-4, Khmelnitski 3&4, Ostrovets 1&2, Akkuyu 1-4, Kalinin 3 & 4 **Leningrad II 1&2, Novovoronezh II 1&2, Khmelnitski 3&4, Ostrovets 1&2, Akkuyu 1-4 ***Leningrad II 1&2, Ostrovets 1&2, Akkuyu 1-4 Image: Rosatom

8 Pressurized Water Reactor

9 Reference design: Leningrad NPP II 1: AES2006/V491
Source: Titan 2

10 Rosatom AES-2006/V491 Reactor island Safety building Turbine building
Steam cell Image: Rosatom

11 3. Confinement of radioactive substances
Main safety functions 3. Confinement of radioactive substances 1. Control of power 2. Heat removal Nuclear Safety

12 1. Control of power Inherent negative temperature coefficient
Large negative reactivity of control rod cluster assemblies Boron and chemical control of primary circuit Emergency boron injection 4 x 50 % Image: Rosatom

13 2. Heat removal Containment Primary circuit Reactor core
Secondary circuit Emergency feed water system Emergency core cooling system, active part Emergency core cooling system, passive part Passive heat removal system Image: Rosatom

14 3. Confinement of radioactive substances
1. Solid fuel pellet 3. Primary circuit 4. Containment 2. Fuel rod cladding Image: Rosatom, Fennovoima

15 Severe accident management
Containment building Primary circuit Containment passive heat removal Core catcher Passive autocatalytic hydrogen recombiners Filtered venting Image: Rosatom

16 Project timeline Preparation Development Construction Commissioning
2008 Environmental Impact Assessment 2010 Decision-in-principle 2011 Site selection 2012 First bids for the nuclear power plant 2013 Rosatom chosen as the plant supplier 2014 Supplement to the DiP Preparatory works start at the site 2015 Construction Licence Application 2017 Construction Licence 2018 Construction of the plant begins (first concrete) Operating Licence Fuel loading 2024 Electricity production begins 2024-

17 RAOS Project Oy/ supplier scope
Hanhikivi 1 RAOS Project Oy/ supplier scope Main building contractor Titan-2 Main components Atomenergomash Reactor plant designer Gidropress Main designer Atomproekt Fennovoima scope Construction Site preparation Water- and earth works Infrastructure Utilities Design Manufacturing Materials Components Automation Installations Support buildings Turbine building Reactor building

18 A Part of FV Scope - Fuel waste management

19 Project already visible in Hanhikivi
Access road construction completed in October 2015 Water, sewage and plant electrification works are proceeding simultaneously On-going in 2015: cutting of trees, fencing the site, excavation, earth works, training and gate building

20 The Hanhikivi headland: Status in 2007

21 The Hanhikivi peninsula: Status in Late Summer 2015

22 Access road construction: Works begun in spring 2015
Project already visible in Hanhikivi Access road construction: Works begun in spring 2015

23 Access road and bridge: In use since October 2015
Tältä siellä näyttää nyt: tie on liikennöitävässä kunnossa, valmistuu lopullisesti lokakuussa Access road and bridge: In use since October 2015

24 Plant electrification: Works begin in spring 2015, On-going
Työmaa sähköistettiin vappuna 2015

25 Fencing of the site: On-going in 2015
Porttirakennus ja aitalinja valmistuu. Fencing of the site: On-going in 2015

26 Hanhikivi-1 NPP: Operational for electricity production in 2024
Tältä se näyttää 2024 Hanhikivi-1 NPP: Operational for electricity production in 2024

27 Thank you for your attention!

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