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copyright cmassengale

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Presentation on theme: "copyright cmassengale"— Presentation transcript:

1 copyright cmassengale
Invertebrates copyright cmassengale

2 Simple Invertebrates many shapes and sizes symmetrical
Most animals are invertebrates NO backbone

3 Invertebrate Phyla Sponges Cnidarians Platyhelminthes Nematodes
Mollusks Annelids Echinoderms Arthropods

4 Sponges (Porifera) Live in water Have a skeleton that protects body
Mostly marine No Symmetry

5 Cnidarians Mostly marine Radial Symmetry Have stinging cells

6 Cnidarians Jellyfish Hydra Coral Sea anemone Portuguese Man-O-War

7 Platyhelminthes Flatworms Bilateral symmetry Ex. Tapeworm

8 Planarian – freshwater flatworm

9 Nematodes Tube-like digestive tract Roundworms! Mouth No segmentation
Help keep soil healthy Can cause disease (ex. If pork is not fully cooked)

10 Mollusks Clams, snails, squids Soft body (most live in a shell)
Largest phylum Varied habitats Marine Freshwater Terrestrial

11 Annelids Segmented worms Common earthworm
Breakdown plants and animal matter Leech

12 Arthropods Joint-legged animals External skeleton
Huge variation – mostly insects & crustaceans

13 Echinoderms Always marine Starfishes, sea urchins, sea lilies
Spiny skin Endoskeleton (internal skeleton)

14 Brittle Star – An Echinoderm

15 Protection Endoskeleton Exoskeleton Internal Outside (ex. Shells)

16 The End

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