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Optimal Pricing of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy

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1 Optimal Pricing of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy
Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis Summer School Thomas G. Johnson August 4-18, 2013

2 Optimality in Economics
Welfare economics is the branch of economic theory that identifies those condition that lead to the optimal use of limited resources (Just, Hueth and Schmitz, 2004) Referred to as Pareto optimality Efficiency conditions are referred to as Pareto efficiency

3 Correspondence between Pareto Optimality & Competitive Equilibria
A perfectly competitive market leads to a Pareto optimal set of prices and quantities There are many possible Pareto optimums Each Pareto optimal outcome has an associated resource endowment and initial prices. A competitive equilibrium is a set of market clearing prices.

4 Perfect Competition Perfect competition assumes the following:
Perfect information Large number of buyers and sellers in all markets (no participants in the market can influence prices) Free access to markets (that is no regulations give incumbent buyers and sellers an advantage) These conditions lead to known and consistent prices no matter who is buying or selling

5 Summarizing Pareto Efficiency
Consumers choose the bundle of goods that maximizes their utility given the prices of goods. Producers purchase a mix of inputs that maximize profits given the prices of inputs. Producers produce a mix of goods that maximizes their profits given the prices of goods At a Pareto optimum, no one (producers or consumers) can be made better off without making at least one producer or consumer worse off

6 Optimal Production and Use of Energy over time
Optimal energy production and use will approximate optimality if markets are competitive, or if policy guides markets to comparable conditions This requires that prices of inputs and energy itself reflect, real marginal costs and marginal value to consumers Value to consumers is often referred to as willingness-to-pay

7 Intertemporal Welfare
When long periods of time are involved the future must be compared to the present in terms of intertemporal opportunity cost This involves weighting of future and present benefits and costs This is referred to as social discounting.

8 Net Present Value Net present value of a stream of private revenues or benefits, and costs is where r (the discount rate) is the market interest rate if the firm is borrowing money or the opportunity cost of money held by the firm. NPV is the lump sum of money that would generate the same net benefits each year if it earned a rate of interest, r

9 Social Discounting If B is the sum of consumers and producers’ willingness to pay (WTP) as indicated by their demand and derived demand and C is the sum of consumer and producers’ WTP for costs then NPV is the net present value If NPV is positive, the situation is a Pareto improvement A high discount rate means that consumption in the future has small opportunity costs in the present A low discount rate makes the future much more important

10 Optimal Production and Use of Energy over time
Optimal consumption rates of renewable and non-renewable energy are quite different because of inter-temporal considerations All calculations should consider the opportunity costs of consumption The opportunity costs of consuming non-renewable energy consumption include the reductions in stocks

11 Non-renewable energy consumption over time
Non-renewable energy may be used in the present or saved to the future The more energy used in the present the lower the value of the energy in the present and the lower the availability in the future. Reduced availability of energy in the future will eventually raise energy prices

12 Non-renewable Energy MXC0 is the marginal costs of extracting, processing and transporting the energy in the current period Demand0 is the marginal benefit of consuming various levels of non-renewable energy in the present

13 Non-renewable Energy If markets don’t consider the future, equilibrium will occur at p0 and q0

14 Non-renewable Energy But quantities consumed now reduce potential consumption in the future Extraction costs may be higher or lower in the future. Thus current consumption has a marginal user cost that rises as current consumption is greater

15 Non-renewable Energy If the marginal user cost is added to the present marginal extraction cost curve, , we get the optimal supply curve for non-renewable energy, Supply0. This also identifies the optimal price of non-renewable energy, and optimal current level of energy consumption

16 Renewable Energy Renewable energy makes up a growing portion of the world’s energy supply Like non-renewable energy the supply curve is determined by marginal costs of production, processing, marketing and transportation In other respects the economic supply conditions are quite different from non-renewable energy There are few scarcity-related user costs for renewable energy Risks are quite different when producing renewable energy

17 Renewable Energy Here is the marginal cost of production Competition in leads to price and quantity Similarly, competition in leads to a new equilibrium price and quantity. Demand generally rises while marginal cost may decrease or increase. If marginal cost rises price rises to and quantity shifts to which may be greater or less than

18 Renewable Resources If marginal cost falls, quantity produced increases to and price shifts to which may be greater or less than Marginal cost will rise if: Input costs, including land, rise Policy conditions are less favorable Marginal cost will fall if: Technology reduces cost of production, processing or transport Policy conditions are more favorable

19 Renewable but Destructible Resources
Current production can reduce future production of renewable resources For example, degradation of soil for biomass production Then each unit of current production has a user cost which is added to the marginal cost of production, , to get the optimal supply curve Then the optimal current price of renewable resources is and the optimal quantity supplied is

20 Uncertainty in Renewable Energy Supply
Sources of uncertainty Technological change affects the costs and feasibility of producing renewable energy Changing tastes, preferences, economic and political situations in the future affect demand and prices for renewables Weather and climate affects biomass production Weather affects solar and wind power production Uncertainty in non-renewable energy markets affect price of renewable energy Policy changes affect profitability

21 Questions for discussion
Are markets adequately reflecting the scarcity value (use cost) of non-renewable resources? How might changes in technology in the future affect the supply of and demand for renewable energy? Are policy necessary to improve the pricing of non-renewable and renewable resources? If so what might these be?

22 Citations AmosWEB GLOSS*arama EconEdLink Just, R.J., D.L. Hueth and A. Schmitz The Economics of Public Policy: A Practical Guide to Policy and Project Evaluation, Edwin Elgar Press, Cheltenham UK.  United States Geological Survey Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, Petroleum Assessment, 1998, Including Economic Analysis. Fact Sheet 0028–01: Online Report.

23 Pareto Optimality and Natural Resource Consumption
Appendix Pareto Optimality and Natural Resource Consumption

24 Perfect Competition If all goods are priced equally (a single price to all sellers and buyers of each good), then all utility maximizing consumers have the same marginal rate of substitution for each pair of goods (see previous material on energy demand).

25 Perfect Competition Producers maximize profit by minimizing cost where all products are produced such that Marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS) of factors equals their price ratio (see previous lecture material)

26 Perfect Competition Finally, since producers and consumers will face the same prices, producers will maximize profit by producing that mix of products where their marginal rate of transformation (MRT) for all pairs of products equals the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) for all consumers.

27 Time Preference Quantity in present If consumer were indifferent between the present and the future the trade off curve would be 1 to 1 (90o) Quantity in future Since consumers prefer the present, they require 1+r units in the future to compensate for foregoing each unit of present consumption

28 Time Preference Quantity in present The slope at this point defines the socially optimal discount rate. Thus the discount rate is r Quantity in future A higher discount rate means more future consumption is equivalent to a given current consumption.

29 Non-renewable energy consumption over time
Consider a 2 period case with known demand curves for both periods, t1 and t2 The 2 relationships between demand (marginal value of energy) and supply (marginal cost of energy, q) can be arranged on a 4 quadrant diagram

30 Non-renewable Energy The North East quadrant is a traditional supply and demand space that relates quantity of energy consumed to money.

31 Non-renewable Energy The South West quadrant is also a supply and demand space but has been rotated 1800 This quadrant shows the predicted demand for energy in the future in undiscounted values

32 Non-renewable Energy The South East quadrant is the supply constraint (similar to a budget constraint) It shows combinations of energy consumption in the present and future

33 Non-renewable Energy The North West quadrant shows the rate at which money in the future is discounted, that is the present value discount rate

34 Non-renewable Energy Demand0 shows the marginal benefit of consuming various levels of non-renewable energy in the present Demand1* is the benefits of using the non-renewable energy in the future The asterisk indicates that these curves are in future values (have not been discounted)

35 Non-renewable Energy MXC0 is the marginal costs of extracting, processing and transporting the energy in the current period MXC1* is the expected marginal costs of extracting, processing and transporting the energy in the future * The asterisk indicates that these curves are in future values (have not been discounted)

36 Non-renewable Energy is the fixed amount of non-renewable energy available (proved reserve). If is consumed in the present period, will be available for the future. * The asterisk indicates that these curves are in future values (have not been discounted)

37 Non-renewable Energy Now we discount future demand and supply in the North East quadrant First trace each quantity demanded at its corresponding discounted price Then trace the each quantity supplied at its discounted price

38 Non-renewable Energy This converts into and into
and are discounted future marginal benefits and costs of consuming non-renewable energy

39 Non-renewable Energy Now focus on the North East quadrant that contains both present and future supply and demand Marginal costs and benefits are displayed in present values and in comparable units. This first diagram represents the case of an abundant nonrenewable resource. is more than can be consumed in the two periods and is said to be non-depletable An example may be nuclear energy

40 Non-renewable Energy Competition in leads to price and quantity
Similarly, competition in leads to price and quantity Regardless of what the discount rate is, the optimal consumption in the period is the same. Consumption is based on the preferences, technologies and costs in the respective period

41 Non-renewable Energy If the energy source is limited in supply (depletable), rationing over time is necessary Competition in leads to price and quantity Competition in would lead to price and quantity

42 Non-renewable Energy But if current consumption is then only is available in the future Price would be much higher in the future, rising to Future demand is not being considered in the current market but should be

43 Non-renewable Energy If we subtract the current cost vertically from Demand0 we get the marginal net benefits from consuming in the present, Subtracting the expected future extraction cost, from the future demand we get the marginal net benefits of consuming in the future

44 Non-renewable Energy The two net benefit curves cross at which is the quantity that would be demanded in if the price was This level of current consumption is optimal given the expected supply and demand in the future

45 Non-renewable Energy This level of current consumption is optimal given the expected supply and demand in the future The is referred to as the marginal user cost, , of consuming the resource in the present

46 Non-renewable Energy If the marginal user cost is added to the present marginal extraction cost curve, , we get the optimal supply curve for non-renewable energy, Supply0. This also identifies the optimal price of non-renewable energy, and optimal current level of energy consumption

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