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8/3/2016 Peralta Community College District Board Resolution 16/17-24 Keeping our Campuses Safe for Undocumented & Vulnerable Students January 18, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "8/3/2016 Peralta Community College District Board Resolution 16/17-24 Keeping our Campuses Safe for Undocumented & Vulnerable Students January 18, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 8/3/2016 Peralta Community College District Board Resolution 16/17-24 Keeping our Campuses Safe for Undocumented & Vulnerable Students January 18, 2017 Nitasha K. Sawhney, Esq.

2 Our Campuses are Safe Spaces.
Berkeley City College Merritt College Laney College College of Alameda

Peralta Community College District is committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment and campuses for all students, faculty and staff. District and college staff shall not cooperate with any federal effort to create a registry of individuals based on any protected characteristics such as religion, national origin, race or sexual orientation.

Peralta Community College District is committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment and campuses for all students, faculty and staff. Accordingly, District and college staff shall not cooperate with any federal effort to create a registry of individuals based on any protected characteristics such as religion, national origin, race or sexual orientation.

5 PCCD Resolution Our Commitment
WHEREAS, the Peralta Community College District (District), made up of Laney College, Merritt College, College of Alameda and Berkeley City College (Colleges), welcomes and supports students without regard to their immigration status; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Peralta Community College District embraces the diversity of our students and staff and the rich language and cultures they bring to our District and strongly supports and encourages the participation of all students on our campuses; and

6 PCCD Resolution Our Commitment & Findings
WHEREAS, ICE activity in or around Peralta campuses and facilities would be a severe disruption to our classes and services.

Peralta Community College District stands in strong support of DACA and other programs that support undocumented students. The District pledges to fight for an extension of DACA and against any attempts to roll it back. The District further pledges to advocate proactively at the local, state, and federal level to extend every possible measure of legal, social and political protection to our vulnerable immigrant students and their families.

8 PCCD Resolution Directives
District and College staff shall not treat students differently on the basis of the actual or perceived immigration status. All student shall be treated equitably in all District and College programs and services. No District or College staff person will release any personally identifiable student information including any data related to immigration status, without a judicial warrant, subpoena or court order, unless authorized by the student or required by law. Any such request should be forwarded to the Chancellor and legal counsel for the District. The Vice Chancellor of Student Services shall develop and distribute to the Colleges a list of resources available to DACA students. The Chancellor shall ensure that administrators and appropriate staff are trained on how to implement the above stated directives.

9 Our Students- Preliminary Data
DACA students who received FA for Laney 8 Merritt 25 COA 29 BCC 42 Grand Total 104 Total DACA Students who completed a Dream Act Application for Laney 22 Merritt 43 COA 40 BCC 66 Grand Total 171 AB540 (Non-DACA) Students who completed Dream Act Application for Laney 34 Merritt 42 COA 52 Berkeley 112 Grand Total 240

10 8/3/2016 THANK YOU

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