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Scott Hildreth - Chabot College

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1 Scott Hildreth - Chabot College
People in Physics Scott Hildreth - Chabot College

2 Helen Quinn SLAC Research in Grand Unified Theories
AIP’s 2016 Compton Medal for Leadership in Physics Chaired National Committee for “A Framework for K-12 Science Education” Improved Science Education in Oakland Schools Organized Research Experiences for Undergraduates Helen Quinn

3 Edith Clarke First woman EE from MIT
Worked for GE 26 years ( ) First woman to teach Engineering at UT Austin ( ) Invented the Clarke Calculator

4 Edith Clarke

5 Mary Gaillard First woman on UC Berkeley’s Physics Faculty (1981)
Particle Physicist CERN Predicted Charmed Quark Mass Author of “A Singularly Unfeminine Profession” (2015) Mary Gaillard

6 Physical Chemist – Technical University of Kaiserslautern
Studying evolution of magnetism on a microscopic scale, How spin & orbit contribute to the total magnetic moment. PhD Thesis : SPIN AND ORBITAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MAGNETIC MOMENT OF TRANSITION METAL CLUSTERS AND COMPLEXES Jennifer Meyer

7 Edward Friedman Physics Graduate of MIT
Professor of Physics, Stevens Institute of Technology Founder and Director, Stevens Center for Technology Management for Global Development

8 Physics for the 21st Century
Fundamental Fields & Interactions Physics for the 21st Century Annenberg Site (free!) Videos & Lecture Material

9 Ayana Arce Assistant professor at Duke University
Chamberlain Postdoctoral Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Concentrates on experimental techniques to identify & measure properties of heavy unstable elementary particles such as the top quark Currently involved in ATLAS experiment at Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Ayana Arce

10 Theoretical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ.
String theory, quantum gravity, & quantum field theory that concentrates on black holes. Developed concrete realization of holographic principle that argues that gravitational physics in certain spacetimes is equivalent to a quantum field theory on the boundary of these spacetimes Juan Maldacena

11 High energy physicist from Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in New York
Currently working on ATLAS experiment at LHC. Ph.D. from Northwestern University; post-doctoral appointment at State University of New York at Stony Brook. With ATLAS for over 14 years; currently oversees work on its trigger system with responsibility for capturing & recording any new physics. Srini Rajagopalan

12 Barbara Oakley Ph.D. in Systems Engineering at Oakland University.
Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oakland University, 1995. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, GPA Bachelor of Arts in Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Washington, l977. United States Army Signal Officer Course, Fort Gordon, Georgia, 1977. Defense Language Institute, Monterey, California,

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