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Zhou Qingliang, C/ICT-SD , Abou Dabi, UAE

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1 Zhou Qingliang, C/ICT-SD 2016.12.7, Abou Dabi, UAE
REPORT OF ICT-SD Zhou Qingliang, C/ICT-SD , Abou Dabi, UAE

2 Terms of Reference by RA II-15
To facilitate the implementation of the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery as laid out in the RA II Regional Implementation Plan to guide all aspects of Service Delivery in the Association, including pilot and demonstration projects, and twinning arrangements between National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the Region; To provide guidance to RA II Members on strengthening partnerships at the national to international levels, including between providers of weather-, climate- and water-related products and services and users in the public and private sectors: the media; academia; social and economic sciences; international and intergovernmental agencies; and non-governmental organizations; To provide guidance to RA II Members in capacity-building for information and outreach relevant to improving service delivery; To recommend strategies and priorities for research and development as well as infrastructure relevant to, and enabling, effective service delivery in the Region; To assess the effectiveness of programmes in improving services down to the end user level, and advise on corrective steps where necessary; To keep under review education and training requirements related to service delivery.

3 Membership of Working Group
Chairperson Mr Jianjun Xue China Members of ICT-SD Mr Qingliang Zhou Dr Thuc Tran Viet Nam Mr Mohammed Saeed Alhakimi Yemen Mr Manoj Kumar Bhatnagar India Dr Sergey Borshch Russian Federation

4 Working Plan 2014-2016 Enhancement of Training in Service Delivery
Task Key Deliverable Activity 2014 2015 2016 ICT-SD-01 Chairperson and Members Enhancement of Training in Service Delivery Facilitating Training in Service Delivery to the Public and to the decision-making sectors • Provide suggestions on service delivery training topics and recommend experts to PWS for the development and implement of public education programmes X • Collect and share best practices of training in Service Delivery to the decision-making sectors from RA II Members • hold the Session of ICT-SD to exchange good experience of training in service delivery ICT-SD-02 Members Guidance in the implementation of “The WMO Strategy for Service Delivery” Facilitating the formation of service-oriented cultures and the improvement of service idea,service product and service tools as well in the RA-II members • Provide suggestions on the development of standard template on Evaluation User Needs • Collect and share best practices of user-engaged service delivery from RA II Members ICT-SD-03 Guidance in the communication with stakeholders and regional organizations Enhanced visibility of activities and priorities of WMO and NMHSs through established starategy for communication with stakeholders and regional organizations (a) develop a communication strategy/guideline with stakeholders including academia and with regional organizations: (b) encourage and facilitate exchange and training on relevant know-how

5 Working Plan Implementation
Several events such as 45th China Study Tour (15-22 October 2015) have been co-coordinated to encourage and facilitate working experience exchange in RAII members on Meteorological Service Delivery; The International Training Workshop on Public Weather Service is organized by the WMO Regional Training Centre (RTC) Beijing China, Public Meteorological Service Centre (PMSC) and RA II Expert Group on Public Weather Services Delivery (EG-PWS), sponsored by China Meteorological Administration (CMA\,which held on November 2015; The CMA Urumchi Regional Specialized Meteorological Center located in the northwest of China has been playing a very active role to enhance regional meteorological cooperation in Central Asia of RAII members. Some activates coordinated by ICT-SD has been conducted: The Central Asia Weather Science and Technology Seminar was held in Urumqi from 12 to 13 Oct, 2015 and seventeen foreign experts from central Asia attended the seminar. At the meeting,《Urumqi’Proposal on Central Asia Weather Disaster Prevention and Reduction and Responses to Climate Change》was signed by the CMA Urumqi Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre, Kazakhstan Hydrometeorological Bureau, Kyrgyzstan Hydrometeorological Bureau, Tajikistan hydrometeorological Bureau and Uzbekistan Hydrometeorological Bureau; The first session of China-ASEAN Meteorological Forum co-organized by CMA and the Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was held in Nanning, on September 11,2016. This forum aims to share experience and discuss issues on how to build joint system for regional meteorological disasters monitoring and reduction and address climate change and it approved the “Nanning Initiative on China-ASEAN Cooperation in Meteorology”. On November 21, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Commission for Basic Systems Technical Conference 2016 (CBS TECO 2016) is convened under a theme of “Emerging Trends in Information and Its Use". Experts from NMHSs of WMO member states such as China, South Korea, Australia, Germany, Britain and the United States have conducted discussions and exchanges in terms of opportunities and challenges brought about by information technologies like cloud computing, big data, and mobile internet.

6 Chair/PWS’s Visit to CMA

7 Future Working Plan : Enhancement of socio-economic benefits (SEB) of weather, climate and water services (Assessment of SEB of weather, climate and water services) Implement the socio-economic studies and evaluations at regional level based on the recommendation of the book on methodologies for assessing SEB being prepared by WMO in collaboration with the World Bank Develop a web-based SEB guidance platform Examine and facilitate the exchange of data between the regional Members Enhancement of visibility of activities and priorities of NMHS and communication with stakeholders and with regional organizations Implementation of recommendations at regional level given by the guideline on communication with stakeholders including academia and regional organizations being prepared by WMO CBS/OPAG-PWS ET/COPE Training on relevant know-how

8 Resources for the Implementation of the Future Working Plan 2016-2017
Workplan for the improvement of Service Delivery of Members As a first step establish a mechanism within CBS to address the development of a harmonized and joined-up approach to service delivery within the OPAGs of the Commission; Initiate and conduct informal discussions with representatives of the other technical commissions to examine the possibilities for a concerted approach to this issue; Work with the presidents of technical commissions (PTC) to define and support a consistent value chain across the Technical Commissions, thereby developing and promoting WMO-wide expert guidance on Service Delivery practices; From consideration of these options, develop proposals to bring to Congress in 2019 with recommendations as to the best way forward; Proposals and recommendations on the corresponding re-alignment of the WMO Programme structure may also need to be developed and brought forward, through the PTC, to the Executive Council for its consideration.

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