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Utilizing GSA for Procurements

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing GSA for Procurements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing GSA for Procurements

2 Table of Contents I. Overview of GSA II. Identify the various ways agencies can access GSA Schedules III. Identifying DMS/GSA Schedules 70 and 84 IV. eBuy Navigation V. Web Tools & Resources

3 What is GSA and Who Can Use?
The General Services Administration (GSA) is an independent agency of the United States government, established in 1949 to help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies. Any state, local, regional, or tribal government, or any instrumentality thereof (including any local educational agency or institution of higher education) will be able to use GSA.

4 State Program Schedules Programs Cooperative Purchasing Program
Access to Schedules Categories and SIN’s

5 Authority for Cooperative Purchasing
Voluntary Participation State agencies are not obligated to use GSA schedules, however if the Schedule is used it must contain the symbol below Contractors decide whether to accept orders from state and local governments COOP PURCH

6 Questions? Todd Cook Customer Service Director Phone: 850-283-8615
Cell: Fax:

7 State Purchasing GSA Page
DMS has recently updated the contract page.

8 Utilizing GSA **43230000-14-01; COTS-Expired
** ; Mainframe and Other Software ACS; IT Research & Advisory Services * ; Body Armor-Expired *Body Armor can be purchased off of GSA Schedule 84 or off of the new ACS. ** State Term Contracts that have expired and are being replaced with an ACS. These services can be purchased off of GSA 70 or the new ACS.

9 GSA 70 Categories and SINs
IT related training services. IT Professional Services. This Includes database planning and design, systems analysis and design, network services, programming, and other services. Subscription Services that Includes value added network services, services, and other subscription services. Term Software License - Includes operating system software, application software, Internet software, and other software. Perpetual Software License -- Includes operating system software, application software, Internet software, and other software. Maintenance of software as a service-this service creates, designs, implements, and/or integrates customized changes to software that solve one or more problems. Cloud computing services.

10 GSA 84 Categories Security System Management, Design and Support Services, Marine Craft and Waterfront Security Products and Services; Alarm and Signal Systems, Facility Management Services, Professional Security/Facility Management Services and Guard Services; Employment, Forensic Drug Testing Equipment and Services; Physical Access Control Systems (PACS); Surveillance Systems, Wearable Body Cameras, Vehicular Video; Firefighting and Rescue Equipment, Urban and Wildland; Law Enforcement and Security Equipment Supplies and Services; Marine Craft and Equipment; and Special Purpose Clothing.

11 GSA eBuy

12 Registration

13 GSA eLibrary GSA GSA eBuy eBuy Tutorial
Resources GSA eLibrary GSA GSA eBuy eBuy Tutorial

14 GSA Concierge Team 850-488-8440
Questions/Comments GSA Concierge Team

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