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Questions from the Thinker

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1 Questions from the Thinker
What is Design of Experiments? And why is DOE important? 1d 2d Think about it R1 R2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 XN . 3d n-dimensional => . 0d black-hole <= Infinity Consider Consulting Corporation

2 Discussion: Edison & Einstein
DOE Edison: I didn’t fail 10,000 times, I learned 10,000 ways that won’t work. Einstein: I could have worked out the physics in a week. Edison: But would you prove it’s the optimum solution? Einstein: Yes, I see the value of Design of Experiments! Consider Consulting Corporation

3 Terminology of the DOE Science
DOE: statistical modeling of test plans Factors: measurables affecting response Response(s): the desired measurable(s) JMP/DOE: interactive software platforms Evaluation: statistical goodness measure ! Iteration: repeating the designs and tests (on products, or enterprise, or services!) Consider Consulting Corporation

4 The full suite of DOE platforms
n-factor Response Optimizer Definitive Screening Design {Ver.11} Consider Consulting Corporation

5 Envision, Plan, Do, Check, Act
PLAN (design) the experiment; DO the experiment by performing the steps; CHECK the results by testing the information; and ACT on the decisions based on those results. Act Continual Improvement Check Do {settle in…} W. Edwards Deming: Dr William Edwards Deming Plan was an American statistician, professor, author, lecturer and consultant. He is perhaps best known for the cycle of Envision Envision >> Plan >> Do >> Check >> Act! {[(repeat)]} Consider Consulting Corporation

6 Consider Consulting Corporation
The JMP Starter window Consider Consulting Corporation

7 Full-Factorial The basis of the science is to choose ranges for the
n factors and assign a top value and low value for each factor. The factors can be varied and starting optimum results calculated. The icon picture represents an n-dimensional cube and if a middle dot is shown, it means a middle value can also be used. Math example: 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120 cases “Five factorial has 120 combinations!” (If too costly, we can try to do better.) Consider Consulting Corporation

8 Consider Consulting Corporation
Custom Design The JMP Custom Design allows you to tailor your plan of experiments to meet specific requirements. Custom Design is often the first choice that one choses from the available design options. This is most advisable! Design professionals begin with Custom Design. Consider Consulting Corporation

9 {RSM} (response surface method)
Response Surface Design At some point, you want to do some auxiliary statistical graphics, visualization, and optimization exploration. You can do this with JMP to look for local and global maximum or minimum points on the factor surface. Visually, see maximum peaks (or minimums) on plotted surfaces. Assess if you are at localized peaks or valleys, or are they are the global solution you seek. Max Min Consider Consulting Corporation

10 Sonic, America’s Drive-In
Example of DOE Sonic, America’s Drive-In “We are hiring, and growing!” What determines good new-hire candidates? Consider Consulting Corporation

11 Sonic, America’s Drive-In
“We are hiring, and growing!” What determines good employees? Let’s consider the hiring process. Who should be hired based on initial information, and augmented in the future by performance reviews and other measurable factors? First Iteration: Use JMP/DOE Custom Design with a response factor of service times performance: I.e. for the last year of hiring, RATING = (weeks served) times (performance rating). Begin in Oklahoma City, and then in California. Propose the tests to the Sonic CEO. Future Iterations: Use JMP/DOE Augment Design to add additional factors, to be determined, and additional new-hire data as it becomes available expanding to additional states. Consider Consulting Corporation

12 “We are hiring, and growing!” What determines good employees?
Add ratings later. Try a Custom reduced test set.

13 Sonic, America’s Drive-In
“We are hiring, and growing!” What determines good employees? The design of 12 test runs is a lot less than the 54 from before. These 12 runs will compete very well with the 54 runs ! They will be sufficient to begin iteration after fine tuning your plans and statistical analysis. These 12 test cases constitute the new design  Try other JMP DOE models.

14 What we have covered . . . Steps: Think, Design, Test, Analyze, Act!
Improvement involves iterations (repeat) Custom Design starts your path . . . Consider specialized design platforms If possible, use full-factorial design As need, try other JMP/DOE platforms. Consider Consulting Corporation and Software Intelligence Corporation Consider Consulting Corporation and Software Intelligence Corporation

15 Employ the entire design theory
Involve key people Determine the factors Start with Custom Design Analyze every step of the way Continual improvement is the goal Ever learn and expand knowledge Consider Consulting Corporation and Software Intelligence Corporation

16 LinkedIn/in/CharlieShipp
Thanks for attention! Let’s talk in the hallway … Enjoy the conference! A poster paper by Charles Edwin Shipp @ShippAhoy (Twitter) LinkedIn/in/CharlieShipp Begin again Begin again Consider Consulting Corporation and Software Intelligence Corporation

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