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Rearing of Oleander Hawk Moth

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1 Rearing of Oleander Hawk Moth
Prepared by Navaraj Upadhyaya IAAS, Paklihawa Campus

2 Oleander Hawk Moth

3 Why Rear Insects? 1.Rear to learn 2.Rear for fun

4 Introduction The oleander hawk-moth is a large insect with a wingspan of up to 12 cms. The oleander hawk-moth is named after one of its main food plants, oleander, on which its caterpillars feed. The plants on which the oleander hawk-moth caterpillar feeds contain toxins which may help protect the caterpillar against predators. The oleander hawk-moth’s attractive coloration helps to camouflage it against vegetation.

5 Insect Classification
Kingdom : Animalia Phyllum : Arthopoda Class : Insecta Order : Lepidoptera Family : Spingidae Genus : Daphnis Species : D. nerii

6 Insect Capture & Rearing Box
The rearing of the egg stage. The leaves of the plant was plucked along with the egg to facilitate the natural condition. Rearing box was prepared so as to maintain the natural living state for the insect through artificial means.

7 Green, oval eggs are laid singly on the upper leaf surface

8 1st Instar Larva Yellow colored with black elongated horn on the rear of the body.

9 2nd and 3rd Instar Larva Blue-and-white eyespot near the head
Yellow horn on the rear. White bands along the side of the body. Small white and bluish dots scattered alongside the white bands.

10 4th Instar Larva As the instars grow the size of the tail reduces than earlier instars. Size of the larvae also increases

11 Fifth Instar As the larva becomes older, gradual browning of skin color distinctly observed.

12 Initiation of Pupation
Just before it pupates, the oleander hawk moth larva becomes browner in color. Body secrets silky thread at the time of pupation.

13 Pupal Characteristics
Pupa of the moth is light brown or pale reddish and has a wax-like appearance. Black spots and a black line are present down the middle. Under natural conditions, pupation occurs on the soil, under moss or dry leaves.

14 Adult Characteristics
Head : Greenish head Thorax is green and the collar outlined in grey. There is triangular grey patch on the vertex and Abdomen is Pale greenish with oblique lines at the side, paired dark green lateral blotches on penultimate and a single dorsal blotch on ultimate segment. Forewings : dark green and a white patch with a black spot on it at base. Hind-wings : Fuscous, with a pale curved sub marginal line and white speck present at the end.

15 Life Cycle Overview

16 Observations Changes in morphology of the insects with increase in age and the period of various stages of the insects were observed. Stages of Life Cycle Duration Egg 7 days Larva 14 days Pupa 16 days Adult died after 15 days

17 Precautions Insects should be collected with the feeding materials or leaves or parts of parts where they are found. Feeding material should be changed everyday and the rearing box should be cleaned regularly to avoid various other infection. The environment of the rearing box should be made maintained according to the living conditions of the insect.

18 Thank You

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