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Growth & Development McAleer.

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1 Growth & Development McAleer

2 Genes – traits that are passed from one generation to another
Genes – traits that are passed from one generation to another. “ Blueprint for life” Chromosomes – rod like body found in the center of the cell (each sex cell has 23 , 46 total XX = female & XY = male ) Fertilization - when egg and sperm unite; about 90 minutes for sperm to reach the egg. Egg changes outer layer so that no more sperm will be able to penetrate. Conception - zygote imbeds in the upper uterine wall by digesting the cells. “Implantation” for the first weeks these cells provide nutrients to the embryo/fetus.

3 Signs of Pregnancy - missed menstrual cycle
Ectopic Implantation - implants somewhere other than the uterus , usually in the fallopian tubes. (2% of all pregnancies) Zygote - name for newly fertilized egg with 46 chromosomes ready for cell division . Twins/Identical - Same sex, same egg, same sperm & one placenta. Fraternal Twins - 2 of everything (two eggs released at the same time , possibility of 1 girl and 1 boy, 2 placentas.

4 Conjoined Twins – didn’t separate at birth, joined together at different places. Dangerous to separate the two. Embryo - developed offspring first two months of pregnancy. (Mass of cells dividing) 1st month, 4 weeks - heart beats, nervous & digestive system form. 5 weeks - buds for arms and legs; face develops, lips, eyes and nose depression. 6 weeks - active brain function; teeth, fingers and toes start to develop.

5 2nd Month 8 weeks - eyeball forms, eyelids form and close
2nd Month 8 weeks - eyeball forms, eyelids form and close. Umbilical cord is formed. 3rd Month – called fetus at 12 weeks. All organs present and functioning, complete person, starts urinating, sex is identifiable. 4th Month - fetus starts to turn and kick, heartbeat is audible, hair grows, outside of ear forms. 5th Month - Physically complete; could live on its own. Covered with white hair (lanugos). 6th Month - Fat layers form, may have hiccups, responds to external sounds.

6 7th Month - Organs begin to mature
7th Month - Organs begin to mature. Growth spurt, eyelids slowly open , sees light and dark. 8th Month - Lungs mature, fingernails grow, testicles almost completely descended. 9th Month -Ready for the world (7 pounds + about 21 inches long.) Trimester - about 3 month time periods (12 weeks, 24 weeks, and 40 weeks)

7 Amniotic Sac/Fluid - “Bag of Water” bathes & protects baby
Amniotic Sac/Fluid - “Bag of Water” bathes & protects baby . Cushions and gives baby space to develop. Clean & replaced every 3 hours, breaks before birth. Umbilical Cord - Attaches embryo to placenta (1/2 “ diameter) blood vessels inside the cord to keep it firm and prevent it from tangling. Tangling -happens in 1 out of 3 births . Wrapped umbilical cord somewhere around the baby. Circulation stops when exposed to air, no nerves & no pain when cut to mom or baby.

8 Placenta -Supplies food and oxygen from mom to baby
Placenta -Supplies food and oxygen from mom to baby. Prevents the mom’s and baby’s blood from mixing. Lungs for oxygen Digestive system by absorbing food Kidneys for removing waste Liver extracting iron from mom Endocrine system produces hormones. Weighs approximately 1 lb 8 inches diameter and about 10 oz. of , blood as it pulls away from uterine wall.

9 Hormones, HCG – “Human Chorionic Gonadotropin” is found when she is pregnant meaning there is a placenta present. Weight Gain in Pregnancy comes from ; baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, uterus, and change in her body. The recommended weight gain during pregnancy is 25 lbs. Toxemia - a rise in blood pressure (20 – 24 weeks) Rapid Weight Gain Swelling due to water retention.

10 Ultrasound - a procedure that
uses intermittent high frequency sound waves to create pictures of the baby. Amniocentesis - fluid extracted from the amniotic sac. It’s used for detecting birth defects & can determine the sex of the baby. (usually done in the 16th week ) Full term Pregnancy : 266 – 280 days. Due date is determined by 1st day of the mother’s last menstrual cycle + 9 months. (10 lunar months) Premature Delivery -babies who weigh under 5 and ½ lbs at birth, aren’t fully developed.

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