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Engineering Geology Assignment Topic-Imoprtance of Geology in CE By:- Rajeev Ashoka Roll no - 165080 Branch - Civil 3B
●Scope and Importance of Engineering Geology
Engineering Geology is a branch of Geology that comes to use in Engineering activity. For example, in designing/ planning in cities, building high rises, constructing bridges, and preparing for complex buildings or apartments, people call an Engineering Geologist.
Rocks are the most common material which is used in the construction of foundation. The local geology of an area is important when planning a major construction.The full knowledge of geology increase the strength, stability, and durability of civil engineering projects.
● Role of knowledge of Geology in Civil Engineering Geology plays a very important role in the field of civil engineering. Some applications of the knowledge of geology are given below. ●It provides knowledge about materials used for construction. ●Its knowledge is helpful for river control and shipping work. ●Its knowledge is helpful for constructing dams. ●Geotechnical engineers needs knowledge about this subject for digging work. ●Its knowledge is required for foundation faults. ●For design of highways and roads. ●In construction of tunnels. ●Soil tests are done before any project. ●Economical design is advanced. ●Nature of soil materials can be find out.
Scope of Geology in Civil Engineering ●It is defined as that of applied science which deal with the application of geology for a safe, stable and economic design and construction of a civil engineering project. ●Engineering geology is almost universally considered as essential as that of soil mechanics, strength of material, or theory of structures. ●The application of geological knowledge in planning, designing and construction of big civil engineering projects. ●The basic objects of a course in engineering geology are two folds. ●It enables a civil engineer to understand the engineering implications of certain condition should relate to the area of construction which is essentially geological in nature. ●It enables a geologist to understand the nature of the geological information that is absolutely essentially for a safe design and construction of a civil engineering projects.
●The scope of geology can be studied is best studied with reference to major activities of the profession of a civil engineer which are :- A) Construction B)Water resource C) Town Planning development A) Construction:-Civil construction falls in the category of civil engineering which is all about designing, constructing and maintaining the physical and naturally built environment. Civil construction is the art of building bridges, dams, roads, airports, canals, and buildings. Following work comes under construction a) Planning. b) Designing. c)Execution Planning :-Planning, scheduling is an important part of the construction management. Planning and scheduling of construction activities helps engineers to complete the project in time and within the budget.
Study of photograpic maps :- i)Topographic maps :-A topographic map is a type of map that shows heights that you can measure. A traditional topographic map will have all the same elements as a non-topographical map, such as scale, legend, and north arrow.
ii)Hydrological map:- Maps depicting the distribution of water on the earth’s surface, characterizing the regime of bodies of water, and making it possible to evaluate the water resources of individual land areas. Hydrologic maps include maps of river networks and their density and lake content, runoff maps, and maps of sources that feed bodies of water, glacier regime, water turbidity in rivers, and the mineralization and chemical composition of natural waters.
Hydrological Map of India
iii) Geological Map :- It provides information like types information like types of rocks available, structure found in rock, extent of weathering,the rock has undergone through permeability,porocity.Bedding planes and structural features such as faults, folds, foliations, and lineations are shown with strike and dip or trend and plunge symbols which give these features' three-dimensional orientations.
Geological Map of India
B) Designing Matter of designing an engineering project, the role of geological information is very important. ●Existence of hard bed rocks & their depth from & inclination with the surface. ●Mechanical properties along & across of site
. Compressive strength ● Shear strength ● Porosity & permeability ● Modulus of elasticity ● On earth surface plane of weakness ● Zone of weak material ● Ground water table ● Seismic zone (earthquake zone)
Site Execution At every project site, Bond sets up a site management and supervision team that prepares the project site covering all aspects of coordination, administration, planning, etc. to ensure smooth functioning of work on site. Few of the functions of the site execution team is to establish project site guide, progress monitoring, quality assurance, ensuring safety at site, supervision of civil and construction work, receiving & storage of equipment, supervision of erection and installation, finalization of the project and implementation of site environment compliance requirements.
Water Resources Development The first step in planning the construction of a reservoir with the help of a dam is for the decision makers to be sure of the needs and purposes for which the reservoir is going to be built together with the known constraints (including financial), desired benefits. There may be social constraints, for examples people’s activism may not allow a reservoir to be built up to the desired level or even the submergence of good agricultural level may be a constraint. Some times, the construction of a dam may be done that is labour intensive and using local materials, which helps the community for whom the dam is being built. This sort of work is quite common in the minor irrigation departments of various steps, especially in the drought prone areas.
Water Reservoir
C) Town Planning Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the development and use of land, planning permission, protection and use of the environment, public welfare, and the design of the urban environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure passing into and out of urban areas, such as transportation, communications, and distribution networks.[1] Urban planning is also referred to as urban and regional planning, regional planning, town planning, city planning, rural planning or some combination in various areas worldwide. It takes many forms and it can share perspectives and practices with urban design.
Town Planning
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