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Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company ("AGL“)

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1 Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company ("AGL“)
Understanding the Accelerated Benefit Riders Claims Process Presented by… Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company ("AGL“)

2 Background Quality of Life…Insurance is life insurance you don’t have to die to use. The accelerated benefit riders on the policy allow the policy owner to accelerate all of or a portion of their life insurance benefit before their death if the eligibility requirements of the accelerated benefit riders are met. Having a qualifying chronic, critical, or terminal illness event can be a worrisome experience that can create many financial challenges. The value provided by the Quality of Life…Insurance accelerated benefit riders can help the policy owner and their loved ones during this difficult time. It is important to understand how to file an accelerated benefit rider claim to ensure a smooth process. Living benefits are quite valuable and an important aspect in today’s financial planning. Not having the proper coverage in place to help protect against the unknown can derail even the most sound financial plans. Living benefits will help cover the cost of care for chronic, critical, or terminal illnesses. They provide peace of mind to your clients during a difficult time. Knowing they can accelerate a portion of their life insurance policy’s death benefit can help ease the financial burden caused by these unexpected illnesses or conditions. It will also help your clients maintain their quality of life. The SelectChoice II Accelerated Benefit Riders are included automatically on all Quality of Life…Insurance products. There are no underwriting restrictions. If they qualify for the policy, they automatically receive the accelerated benefit riders on their policy. The best part is that these valuable benefits are provided on the policy at no additional premium cost to the client.

3 Accelerated Benefit Rider Details
Accelerate 100% of death benefit, up to $2 million*, for a qualifying chronic, critical, or terminal illness Total accelerated death benefit across all QoL policies may not exceed $2 million Provide a discounted benefit depending on severity of the condition and the expected impact on life expectancy More severe the expected impact on life expectancy, greater the accelerated amount Death benefit will be reduced by full claimed amount Now includes GUARANTEED MINIMUM benefit payout** Percentage of death benefit based off policy year at time of claim Indemnity Benefit—No receipts required; spend benefits on anything These riders allow the client to accelerate 100% of their death benefit, up to $2 million, for a qualifying chronic, critical, or terminal illness. The total accelerated death benefit across all QoL policies may not exceed $2 million. The riders provide a discounted benefit to your client depending on the severity of the condition and the expected impact it has on their remaining life expectancy. Because they are receiving a portion of their death benefit early, the actual amount they receive is discounted to account for the early acceleration. The more severe the expected impact on life expectancy, the greater the accelerated amount they receive may be. The policy’s death benefit will be reduced by the full claimed amount. This version of the accelerated benefit riders now includes a guaranteed minimum benefit payout for the chronic, critical, and terminal illness conditions. The guaranteed minimums are a percentage of the policy’s death benefit and are based off the policy year at the time a claim is made. The SelectChoice II accelerated benefit riders are an indemnity type of benefit. That means the client does not have to provide receipts to receive the acceleration or wait to be reimbursed for their medical expenses. In fact, they can spend the benefit payout on whatever they see fit. *Some versions of the ABRs may have limits that are different **Some versions of the ABRs may not provided guaranteed minimum benefit payouts

4 No Permanency Requirement! Activities of Daily Living
Chronic Illness No Permanency Requirement! An illness or physical condition that: Certified in the last 12 months by a licensed health care practitioner AND Affects the insured so that he or she is unable to perform without substantial assistance at least 2 activities of daily living OR Requires substantial supervision by another person to protect themselves from threats to health and safety due to severe cognitive impairment Activities of Daily Living Bathing Eating Dressing Toileting Transferring Continence Lets take a look at the chronic illness benefit. A chronic illness is defined as: An illness or physical condition that: Is certified in the last 12 months by a licensed health care practitioner AND Affects the insured so that he or she is unable to perform without substantial assistance at least 2 activities of daily living OR Requires substantial supervision by another person to protect themselves from threats to health and safety due to sever cognitive impairment. The activities of daily living are: Bathing, eating, dressing, toileting, transferring, and continence. Finally, we have removed the permanency requirement for the chronic illness benefit. That means the insured’s chronic illness is no longer required to remain permanent in order to receive the acceleration. They can now be expected to recover from the condition and still receive the benefit as long as they meet the other criteria.

5 Qualifying Critical Illnesses
Major Heart Attack Stroke Coronary Artery Bypass Invasive Cancer Blood Cancers End Stage Renal Failure Major Organ Transplant Paralysis Coma Severe Burn An illness or physical condition that: Insured is diagnosed by a physician within 365 days of date claim is received Is diagnosed by a physician after insured’s coverage has been in force for 30 consecutive days (90 for invasive cancer) Is not an occurrence of the same illness or condition that an acceleration has already been paid under this rider Next lets take a look at the critical illness benefit. A critical illness is defined as: An illness or physical condition that: The insured is diagnosed with by a physician within 365 days of the date the claim is received by the company. Is diagnosed by a physician after the insured’s coverage has been in force for 30 consecutive days (or 90 consecutive days if the condition is invasive cancer). And, is not an occurrence of the same illness or condition that an acceleration has already been paid under this rider. The list of qualifying critical illnesses is: Major Heart attack Stroke Coronary Artery Bypass Invasive Cancer End Stage Renal Failure Major Organ Transplant Paralysis Coma Severe Burn *State variations may apply

6 An illness or physical condition that:
Terminal Illness An illness or physical condition that: Is diagnosed by a physician to be reasonably expected to result in the insured’s death within 24 months from the date of the diagnosis* The final portion of the accelerated benefit riders covers terminal illness. Terminal illness is defined as: An illness or physical condition that: Is diagnosed by a physician to be reasonably expected to result in the insured’s death within 24 months from the date of diagnosis *May vary by state

7 Setting the Stage The claims process begins when the insured suffers a qualifying chronic, critical, or terminal illness event. We will work with you and the policy owner in a claims process that is fair and contractually sound. In order to make an appropriate offer under an accelerated benefit rider, we will need to have accurate health history, so we will ask for very detailed information. Lets take a look at the chronic illness benefit. A chronic illness is defined as: An illness or physical condition that: Is certified in the last 12 months by a licensed health care practitioner AND Affects the insured so that he or she is unable to perform without substantial assistance at least 2 activities of daily living OR Requires substantial supervision by another person to protect themselves from threats to health and safety due to sever cognitive impairment. The activities of daily living are: Bathing, eating, dressing, toileting, transferring, and continence. Finally, we have removed the permanency requirement for the chronic illness benefit. That means the insured’s chronic illness is no longer required to remain permanent in order to receive the acceleration. They can now be expected to recover from the condition and still receive the benefit as long as they meet the other criteria.

8 Step One The policy owner contacts the company notifying us that they wish to file an accelerated benefit rider claim. The company will send the claim form (AGLC109988) and HIPAA Authorization to the policy owner for completion within 15 business days of being notified. If policy is contestable, questionnaires are sent to the claimant and agent. Claim must be made with 12 months from the date of the initial diagnosis. The policy owner is the ONLY person who can file an accelerated benefit rider claim. Next lets take a look at the critical illness benefit. A critical illness is defined as: An illness or physical condition that: The insured is diagnosed with by a physician within 365 days of the date the claim is received by the company. Is diagnosed by a physician after the insured’s coverage has been in force for 30 consecutive days (or 90 consecutive days if the condition is invasive cancer). And, is not an occurrence of the same illness or condition that an acceleration has already been paid under this rider. The list of qualifying critical illnesses is: Major Heart attack Stroke Coronary Artery Bypass Invasive Cancer End Stage Renal Failure Major Organ Transplant Paralysis Coma Severe Burn

9 Waiting Period & Elimination Period
Critical and chronic illness benefit has a 30 day waiting period. Policy must be inforce with accelerated benefit riders active for 30 consecutive days before filing a claim. Eligibility for chronic illness is also subject to an elimination period. 90 consecutive days Insured must continuously have a qualifying chronic illness prior to eligibility for benefits under the rider. No accelerated benefit is payable during the elimination period. Read directly from slide

10 To Begin the Claims Process
Critical Illness: a certification of the insured’s qualifying critical illness received by us at our claim office within 365 days from the date of the initial diagnosis of a qualifying critical illness by a physician. Chronic Illness: a certification of the insured’s qualifying chronic illness by a licensed health care practitioner received by us at our claim office certifying that the insured currently has, and for the Elimination Period had, a qualifying chronic illness. Terminal Illness: a certification of the insured’s qualifying terminal illness received by us at our claim office. The written consent of any irrevocable beneficiary, assignee, or other required party to the owner’s election of an accelerated benefit under this rider.

11 Step Two Policy owner returns completed Accelerated Benefit Rider Claim Form to company. Part A: Completed by Owner Part B: Completed by physician who diagnosed illness or condition Part C: Completed by Insured It is important to list ALL medical providers the insured has seen within the last 5 years. The final portion of the accelerated benefit riders covers terminal illness. Terminal illness is defined as: An illness or physical condition that: Is diagnosed by a physician to be reasonably expected to result in the insured’s death within 24 months from the date of diagnosis

12 Required Proof For critical illness; a certification signed by a physician certifying that the insured has been diagnosed with a qualifying critical illness. For chronic illness; a certification signed by a Licensed Health Care Practitioner certifying that the insured has a qualifying chronic illness. For terminal illness; a certification signed by a physician certifying that the insured has been diagnosed with a qualifying terminal illness. Complete records of the insured’s medical history, diagnosis, and treatments (obtained directly from doctors and/or hospitals). For Foreign Nationals, we will accept a claim form signed by a certified physician in a foreign country, once we have verified the physician’s certification.

13 Step Three Claims department reviews the claim and requests medical records from the medical providers listed on the claim form. We reserve the right to obtain a second medical opinion from a physician and/or medical records of the insured at our expense. In the event of conflicting opinions: diagnosis or certification of a qualifying event shall be determined by a third medical opinion, at our expense, from a physician who is mutually acceptable to both the owner and us. The final portion of the accelerated benefit riders covers terminal illness. Terminal illness is defined as: An illness or physical condition that: Is diagnosed by a physician to be reasonably expected to result in the insured’s death within 24 months from the date of diagnosis

14 Step Four After review of all information and determination of eligibility, the owner will be notified of the benefit amount payable for the qualifying event. Offer letter, Illustration, and Election Form are mailed to policy owner. Election form must be completed and sent to us within 60 days. If not returned, the claim will be closed and a letter indicating such is sent to the policy owner.

15 Illustration The illustration provides the policy values before the election, with a 100% acceleration, and a 50% acceleration for comparison purposes. While only 50% and 100% are shown, owner can elect any percentage to accelerate from the policy. Hypothetical example only. Actual results may vary.

16 Election Form Owner will choose how much, if any, they wish to accelerate. If benefit amount is $50,000 or more, the proceeds can be paid through a free, interest-bearing account called Instant Access Account (not available in all states)

17 Regarding Critical Illness
We pay for each qualifying critical illness only one time. If the owner elects to not take a critical illness accelerated death benefit amount or decides to receive less than the maximum accelerated benefit available for that qualifying critical illness they cannot later elect to receive a death benefit acceleration for the same occurrence of the qualifying critical illness. If they later have a different qualifying critical illness and they had not previously accelerated their full policy death benefit they may file a claim for the new critical illness qualifying event.

18 Benefit Payment Options for Chronic Illness
Can receive the benefit amount in one lump-sum or periodic payments. If periodic payments are selected, the maximum length of time to receive the payments is 12 months (24 months in CA). If benefit payments extend beyond 12 months the insured must recertify that they still qualify as being chronically ill.

19 Disclosures

20 Disclosures Please visit for important disclosure regarding accelerated benefit riders.

21 Disclosures *Connecticut Chronic Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider Requirements ( ) Chronic Illness in the state of Connecticut is defined as the insured being certified, within the previous12 months, as suffering a medically determinable condition which results in their being considered unable to perform 2 of 6 Activities of Daily Living, or requiring substantial supervision. Further, as a result of this condition, the insured must have been confined for at least six months in their place of residence or in an institution that provides necessary care or treatment of an injury, illness or loss of functional capacity. Finally, it must have been medically determined that the insured person is expected to remain confined in such place of residence or institution until death.

22 Questions

23 AGLC110837 American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a leading international insurance organization serving customers in more than 130 countries.. AIG companies serve commercial, institutional, and individual customers through one of the most extensive worldwide property-casualty networks of any insurer. In addition, AIG companies are leading providers of life insurance and retirement services in the United States. AIG common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Additional information about AIG can be found at | YouTube: | | LinkedIn: AIG is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty, life and retirement, and general insurance operations of American International Group, Inc. For additional information, please visit our website at All products and services are written or provided by subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. Products or services may not be available in all countries, and coverage is subject to actual policy language. Non-insurance products and services may be provided by independent third parties. Certain property-casualty coverages may be provided by a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines insurers do not generally participate in state guaranty funds, and insureds are therefore not protected by such funds.

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