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Selecting appropriate statistical procedures Research methods: A process of inquiry, 1998. Graziano, A.M. Raulin, M.L.

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Presentation on theme: "Selecting appropriate statistical procedures Research methods: A process of inquiry, 1998. Graziano, A.M. Raulin, M.L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selecting appropriate statistical procedures Research methods: A process of inquiry, 1998.
Graziano, A.M. Raulin, M.L

2 About Me 蕭復元 南投、台中 學歷: 實習工讀: 興趣: 成大交管系 交大運管所物流組碩一 任老師 運輸與行銷管理研究室 台鐵台中站
中華電信台中營運處 興趣: 棒壘球、唱歌

3 Article Source CHAPTER 14 Learning Goals
Understand the concepts of research design Develop research skills based on a knowledge of appropriate research design Develop a sensitivity to ethical issues in research and the skills necessary to address these issues Understand basic statistical concepts

4 About the Authors Anthony M. Graziano
The State University of New York at Buffalo Anthony M. Graziano Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology 19 books, 50 journal articles Child Mental Health, Research Methodology

5 Youngstown State University
About the Authors The State University of New York at Buffalo Youngstown State University Michael L. Raulin Online courses- University of Phoenix Psychopathology: 精神病理學 Department of Psychology Psychopathology

Decision-Tree Flowcharts Identifying Research Variables Identifying Major Characteristics Selecting Appropriate Statistics Secondary Analyses Caveats and Disclaimers SUMMARY 鑑定研究的變數與主要特徵


8 Describe the Research AN INITIAL EXAMPLE

9 Identify the Characteristics of the Research
AN INITIAL EXAMPLE Identify the Characteristics of the Research 1. Level of constraint? 2. Independent variables? 3. Levels of the independent variable? 4. Type of design? 5. Dependent variables? 6. Dependent measures? 7. Level of measurement? 8. Type of data? 9. Research hypothesis? 10. What kind of test is needed? Experimental X: Exploration of the maze Prior exploration & no prior Independent-groups Maze-learning # of maze-running trials Ratio 比例尺度 H1: 實驗組比起控制組需要較少的試驗就能達到標準 Score The experimental group requires fewer learning trials than the control group to reach criterion A test of difference


11 Decision-Tree Flowcharts
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Decision-Tree Flowcharts Figure 14.1 Initial

12 Decision-Tree Flowcharts
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Decision-Tree Flowcharts Figure 14.2 Score data

13 Decision-Tree Flowcharts
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Decision-Tree Flowcharts Figure 14.3 ANOVA

14 Decision-Tree Flowcharts
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Decision-Tree Flowcharts Figure 14.4 Ordered data 順序資料

15 Decision-Tree Flowcharts
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Decision-Tree Flowcharts Figure 14.5 Nominal data 名義資料

16 Identifying Research Variables
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Identifying Research Variables 以分數衡量小學生對於處理社會問題選擇的方式 老師觀察學生的社會能力並將其排名 將學生分為“有社會能力”與“無社會能力”兩類

17 Identifying Major Characteristics(1/2)
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Identifying Major Characteristics(1/2) 1. Level of constraint? 2. Independent variables? 3. Levels of the independent variable? 4. Type of design? 5-8. Dependent variable(s)? Differential X: The sex of subjects (nonmanipulated) Boys & Girls Independent-groups, differential design Three Dependent Measure Level of measurement Type of data Score on the social-skills multiple-choice test Ratio Score b. Ranking of subjects on social competence Ordinal Ordered c. Independent classification of social competence Nominal 社會能力選擇題的分數 受測者的社會能力排名 社會能力分類

18 Identifying Major Characteristics(2/2)
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Identifying Major Characteristics(2/2) 9. Research hypothesis? H1: Sixth-grade boys and girls differ in the identification of the correct social response in a multiple-choice task. H2: Sixth-grade boys and girls differ in their ranking on social competence based on observations in three behavior settings. H3: Sixth-grade boys and girls differ in the proportion classified as either “generally socially competent” or “generally socially incompetent” 10. What kind of test is needed? Three H1: 六年級的男孩與女孩在”選擇題中辨別正確的社會回應時”有差異 H2:六年級的男孩與女孩在”依觀察而得的社會能力排名中”有差異 H3:六年級的男孩與女孩在”分類為有社會能力、無社會能力的比例上”有差異 A test of difference between independent groups

19 Selecting Appropriate Statistics
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Selecting Appropriate Statistics Statistical Procedures For the First Hypothesis Descriptive Means Variances Standard deviations Inferential Independent-groups t-test Simple one-way ANOVA

20 Decision-Tree Flowcharts
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Decision-Tree Flowcharts Figure 14.2 Score data 集中趨勢 離中趨勢 One factor: 性別

21 Decision-Tree Flowcharts
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Decision-Tree Flowcharts Figure 14.3 ANOVA

22 Selecting Appropriate Statistics
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Selecting Appropriate Statistics Statistical Procedures For the Second Hypothesis Descriptive Median Range, Interquartile range Inferential Mann-Whitney U-test 全距、四分位距

23 Selecting Appropriate Statistics
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Selecting Appropriate Statistics Statistical Procedures For the Third Hypothesis Descriptive Frequency counts in a contingency table Inferential Chi-square test for independence 列聯表 卡方多母體齊一性檢定

24 Secondary Analyses(1/3)
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Secondary Analyses(1/3) Post hoc Analyses When doing an ANOVA with more than two groups Specific mean comparisons

25 Secondary Analyses(2/3)
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Secondary Analyses(2/3) Secondary Analyses to Help Explain Results Less in experimental research Essential to interpret data in lower constraint research May far outnumber the primary Interpreting results Demographic characteristics Compare different populations Determine the limits of generalizability 人口統計特徵 可類推性的限制

26 Secondary Analyses(3/3)
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Secondary Analyses(3/3) Data Snooping Useful in large-scale, lower constraint study Researchers play their hunches A rich source of hypotheses for later research 窺探

27 Caveats and Disclaimers
A DECISION-TREE MODEL Caveats and Disclaimers For a majority of the questions in psychological research Other procedures may also be appropriate Evaluating whether a particular statistical approach used by some other research is appropriate


29 Summary Describe the major characteristics
Answer questions step by step Select appropriate statistical procedures Major goal Learn the decision-making procedure Eventually the flowchart will not be needed

30 The End Thank you

31 Sometimes the vast amount of information with which one is faced makes it difficult to know where to focus

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