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Comet Encounter Comet 177P / Barnard 2 will rendezvous with NGC 6543 (Cat's eye nebula) on Sept. 19th The objects will be just over 1 degree apart Both.

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Presentation on theme: "Comet Encounter Comet 177P / Barnard 2 will rendezvous with NGC 6543 (Cat's eye nebula) on Sept. 19th The objects will be just over 1 degree apart Both."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comet Encounter Comet 177P / Barnard 2 will rendezvous with NGC 6543 (Cat's eye nebula) on Sept. 19th The objects will be just over 1 degree apart Both are about 9th magnitude Great photo opportunity!

2 Close Encounter 12th September
Moon passes through Pleiades, occulting two stars 27 Tauri reappears at 22.33 28 Tauri reappears at 22.35 Another great photo opportunity!

3 September – TV & Radio The Sky at Night “The Sun and The Moon”
Patrick Moore: SMART-1 Chris Lintott: Solar B & Stereo Saturday 9th BBC1, – 12.20 The Cosmic Hunters “Cosmic Dawn” Chris Riley: Astronomers hunting the 1st stars Wednesday 13th Radio 4, Star City Cosmonaut Training Centre, Moscow Friday 8th, Radio 4, – 11.30

4 Campaign for Dark Skies 6th European Symposium www. britastro
Campaign for Dark Skies 6th European Symposium Friday 15th – Saturday 16th September (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.) Royal Sailors’ Home Club, Portsmouth £3.00 per single day, £5.00 both – Pre Booking Essential Speakers Lembit Opik MP, Robert Key MP, Bob Mizon, Alexandra Pollard Dr. Paul Marchant, Philip Perkins, Dr. Chris Baddiley, Martin Morgan Taylor, Dr John Mason Stands Venturescope, Green Witch, Springer Society for Popular Astronomy Cape Instrument, Astrocruise

5 The Astronomer - Annual Meeting
Saturday 23rd September (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.) St.Mary’s Church Hall, Basingstoke £ £7.00 for optional 3 course meal Programme Amateur astronomers and the Accelerating Universe: - Bob Evans The Universe Unveiled: - Dr.Robin Catchpole OJ287: a slight case of schizophrenia: - Mark Kidger and Gary Poyner The sun in a different light: - Maurice Gavin Goodbye to UBVRI: - Dr. Mark Kidger Early attempts at Spectroscopy: - Brendan Shaw

6 Autumn Equinox Star Party Kelling Heath : 18th to 28th September
Speakers Saturday 23rd Reflectors vs Refractors Ian Morison Observing Saturn Ian Phelps Sunday 24th Deep Sky Owen Brazel CCD Imaging/Registax Tommi Worton & Martin Stirland Trade / Society Stands Altair Astro Astronomica Astroparts Campaign for Dark Skies Cape Instruments Ltd David Hinds Earth & Sky Green Witch House of Optics Ian King Imaging Pulsar Optical Rother Valley Optics Telescope House Widescreen Centre 

7 Observatory Science Centre Herstmonceux Astronomy Festival
Friday 29th September (6.30pm - 11pm) Viewing tours of the telescopes visits to the Space Geodesy Facility. Saturday 30th September (10am - 11pm ) 5 lectures throughout the day (£2 per lecture) Telescope tours Tours around the Space Geodesy Facility Viewing, tours of the telescopes, visits to the Space Geodesy Facility Sunday 1st October (10am - 6pm) Family activity workshops, Telescope tours Tours around the Space Geodesy Facility Volunteers needed! GAS Stand

8 FAS Annual Convention 30th September, Birmingham
Speakers Prof. John Brown (Royal Astronomer for Scotland) Dr Allan Chapman (Uni of Oxford) Dr Somak Raychaudhury (Uni. of Birmingham) Dr David Whitehouse (science journalist / BBC) John Dobson (The Sidewalk Astronomer) Trade / Society Stands Aurora Books Campaign for Dark Skies COSMOS Media David Bryant - Space Rocks I R Poyser - Telescope Maker Spaceguard Thinktank Society for the History of Astronomy Society for Popular Astronomy Opticstar Ltd

9 Observing From The City
Next Meeting: Thursday 5th October Observing From The City Robin Scagell

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