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Bridge to Excellence: Strategic and Organic Approaches to Academic Technology Integration and Collaboration Sarah Bryans-Bongey, Sam McCool, Jill Leafstedt,

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Presentation on theme: "Bridge to Excellence: Strategic and Organic Approaches to Academic Technology Integration and Collaboration Sarah Bryans-Bongey, Sam McCool, Jill Leafstedt,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridge to Excellence: Strategic and Organic Approaches to Academic Technology Integration and Collaboration Sarah Bryans-Bongey, Sam McCool, Jill Leafstedt, and Crista Copp Session Outcomes: Discover practical strategies for improving technology integration Identify unique ways for faculty to receive professional development and share work Explore how organizational structures augment or inhibit collaboration and partnership

2 EDUCAUSE 2015 Top 2 (of 10) IT Issues…
#1: Evolving Staffing Models. #2: Optimizing Technology in Teaching & Learning

3 Nevada State College Henderson, Nevada
4-year public college Established 2002 23% ESL Over half are first-generation

4 Before Bridges

5 Bridges x Org Chart

6 Bridges x Org Chart

7 Bridges x People

8 Bridges x Vision

9 Bridges x Mission

10 Bridges x Leadership

11 Deep Dive Lessons

12 NSC Implementation of Dual Roles
Assistant Professor of Educational Technology; InTech Team Member 12-Month Contract (tenure track) Housed at SOE InTech Team Member Reps IT on Professional Development Committee. Span physical separation (also cognitive separation) Co-training roles Presentations Electronic Portfolios Summer Academic Technology Institute College-wide; Evolving and Responsive…

13 Disparate Locations

14 Additional Strategic and locational catalysts for innovation
Librarians intermingled with IT Collaboration in the area of information literacy and mobile devices and new learning technologies New Learning Technologies Librarian










24 Classroom and Creative Services
Managers Instructional Technologists Technology Support Specialists School of Education College of Science and Engineering Classroom and Creative Services College of Business College of Communication and Fine Arts School of Film and Television Instructional Design College of Liberal Arts

25 Strategic Planning Deliver robust, user-friendly, and highly reliable technology services and resources for faculty, scholars, and students. Provide physical technology and mobile- friendly digital learning services that support and enhance teaching allowing for ‘anytime anywhere’ learning. Align academic technologies with new core curriculum requirements. Improve and provide better alignment of the support services that enhance the mission and goals of academic units. Provide appropriate technologies and services to support online initiatives. Support and enhance the research mission of the university.

26 LIBRARY TechOn2 Collaboration Faculty Innovation Center
LMU Library Research Tutorial Recognized for Excellence ERes is migrating into Blackboard.

27 ACADEMIC OFFICES Academic Technology Grants
Teaching with Technology Days Joint Workshops and Advertisements

28 LIFE SCIENCE BUILDING Innovative Classroom 18 standard labs Auditorium
Faculty Input Facilities Management

29 Let’s Talk & Collaborate
How does your organizational structure augment or inhibit collaboration and partnerships? What are some specific outcomes (collaborative or exclusionary) that resulted from current or experimental organizational efforts and/or as a result of physical location change? Does your institution have an explicit or implicit divide driven by faculty – staff designations/distinctions? Do you have an idea of a unit or service within your school or college with which you can collaborate in the way we’ve been describing?

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