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Data Structures Lakshmish Ramaswamy.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Structures Lakshmish Ramaswamy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Structures Lakshmish Ramaswamy

2 Stack Data Structure Last-in-first-out paradigm
Supports two operations Push – Insert an element at top Pop – Remove the element at top Can be implemented using ArrayLists or LinkedLists How?

3 Queue First-in-First-Out Paradigm Many applications Operations
Buffer management Job schedulers in OS Operations enqueue Dequeue getFront Can be implemented using ArrayList or LinkedList

4 Queue

5 Implementation Using ArrayList/LinkedList
enqueue(o) implemented as add(o) Added to the end dequeue() implemented as remove(0) getFirst() implemented as get(0) Problem with ArrayList implementation Every dequeue causes element shifting

6 Circular Queue Avoids element shifting on enqueue or dequeue
Circle with numbered slots Slot numbers increase in clockwise fashion “Capacity” indicates maximum elements queue can hold Two pointers – Front and End -1 indicates empty queue Both pointers move in clockwise direction Wraparound on reaching end

7 Circular Queue Illustration
Front C-1 1 2 End

8 Circular Queue Implementation
public class cirQueue{ Object[] arr; int capacity; int front; int end; public cirQueue(int cpty){ capacity = cpty; arr = new Object[capacity]; front = -1; end = -1;}

9 Enqueue Method public boolean enqueue(Object o){ if(end == -1){
front = 0; arr[end] = o; return(true);} int newEnd = (end + 1)%capacity; if (newEnd == front) return(false); end = newEnd; return(true); }

10 Dequeue Method public Object dequeue(){ Object retobj;
if(front == -1) return(null); retobj = arr[front]; if(front == end){ front = -1; end = -1;} else{ front = (front+1)%capacity;} return(retobj);}

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