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Chapter 10: Volume and Surface Area

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1 Chapter 10: Volume and Surface Area
NOTES Due Date: ____/_____/______ Name: _____________________________

2 KWL – Volume and Surface Area
What you Know Want to learn What you learned

3 Chapter 10 Notes

4 Chapter 10 Notes

5 Ch. 10 EQs Lesson 1: Why can you use either the formula V=lwh or V=Bh to find the volume of a rectangle? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lesson 2: How is the area of a triangle related to the volume of a triangular prism?

6 Ch. 10EQs Lesson 3: What is the relationship between area and surface area? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lesson 4: How is the area of a rectangle related to the surface area of a triangular prism? Lesson 5: How do you use the area of a triangle to find the surface area of triangular pyramid?

7 Label the picture with as many vocabulary words you can.
Cubic units Slant height Triangular prism Lateral Face Surface area Vertex Rectangular prism Volume Label the picture with as many vocabulary words you can.

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