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Presentation Agenda The Company (Who we are, what we do, where and how we do it) The Project Team (The planning experts you hire who will perform the work)

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Agenda The Company (Who we are, what we do, where and how we do it) The Project Team (The planning experts you hire who will perform the work)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Presentation Agenda The Company (Who we are, what we do, where and how we do it) The Project Team (The planning experts you hire who will perform the work) The Opportunity (Preserve the Venice Quality of Life through Planning!) The Challenge (What needs to be done) Approach (How we will address the challenges and meet our commitments) Relevant Experience (Examples of our work and unique capabilities) Why CGA? (Our commitment and ability to provide exceptional solutions)

3 Calvin Giordano & Associates – who we are
We began in 1937 as a small, two-person surveying firm called M.E. Berry & Associates in Hollywood, Florida. Known today as Calvin, Giordano & Associates (CGA). CGA has grown to employ over 300 employees in every discipline government needs to successfully operate with a strong emphasis in land use planning and management, design and regulatory services.

4 Calvin Giordano & Associates – what we do
MULTI-DISCIPLINARY SERVICES Building Code Services Engineering Coastal Engineering Environmental Services Code Enforcement Facilities Management Construction Engineering and Inspection Indoor Air Quality Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Construction Services Contract Government Municipal Engineering Civil Engineering Planning and Zoning A.D.A. Public Administration Drainage Redevelopment and Urban Design Stormwater Underground Utilities Landscape Architecture & Landscape Design Water Resources Data Technologies and Development Transportation Planning Traffic Engineering Electrical Engineering Roadways Emergency Management Services Surveying and Mapping

5 Calvin Giordano & Associates – how we do it
Strong project management and client involvement is central to our success. We understand the importance of meeting our commitments and avoiding surprises. Together, we will prepare a detailed work plan, schedule and budget designed to meet your ongoing planning needs and priorities in an efficient and effective manner.

6 Location & Staff – where we are
This project will be managed from CGA’s Tampa Bay regional office in Clearwater

7 Project Team

8 The Opportunity – implement the strategic plan
GOAL SIX: Preserve the Venice Quality of Life through Planning OBJECTIVE 1: Update the Comprehensive Plan. Develop a comprehensive plan implementation with associated costs Communicate proactively with developers, Chambers of Commerce and other stakeholders regarding Land Development Regulations Streamline zoning and permitting regulations to improve property utilization emphasizing redevelopment, preservation of historic properties and structures and vacant infill development. “Maintain Venice as a vibrant, charming, historic community in which to live, learn, work and play.” --City Vision Statement

9 The Challenge - simplify, clarify, relocate, reduce, streamline...
PRIMARY PROJECT –REVIEW AND UPDATE OF THE 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Transforming the existing 500-page Comprehensive Plan into a tailor made, easy to follow document that provides vision, direction, and support to the City’s LDR’s at an overall and sub-area level. Re-evaluating requirements to conduct additional studies and analysis CGA brings fresh perspective and out of the box ideas to solving complex planning and growth management challenges

10 Schedule & Timing – timely, workable delivery of our commitments

11 The Challenge – remove barriers to achieving higher density infill around CBD consistent with historic development patterns SECONDARY PROJECT– APARTMENT DISTRICT OVERLAY Expand the range of available housing options around CBD taking into account current market trends and interest Evaluate existing lot layouts and current development patterns for potential to support attached housing types to optimize land use potential Accommodate quality, context sensitive design formats within City’s LDRs and Building Code.

12 Schedule & Timing – timely, workable delivery of our commitments

13 The Challenge – guide the integration and interaction of future development with existing neighborhoods and transportation system SECONDARY PROJECT– LAUREL ROAD COMMERCIAL SMALL AREA STUDY AND/OR LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT Establish specific vision with design detail to guide the form and layout of new development along the Laurel Road corridor, east and west of the I-75 interchange Address mobility goals, ensure appropriate land use transitions between conflicting land use types, and create sustainable development patterns that can be supported by current and planned infrastructure

14 Schedule & Timing – timely, workable delivery of our commitments

15 Our Approach- how we build consensus
Public Engagement – we can deliver various strategies tailored to the community’s level of involvement: Public workshops Stakeholder interviews SWOT Analysis Communications Methods Handheld Voting Devices Website Link Facebook Or Other Social Media Forms Dedicated and/or Voic

16 Relevant Experience– starting from scratch…
Weston, Florida – Creation of 1st Comprehensive Plan & Land Development and Zoning Code Rewrite CGA has provided the full range of community development services since incorporation in 1996 Prepared City’s first Comprehensive Plan and subsequent updates Rewrote Land Development Code in 2010 to make it more relevant and user friendly

17 Relevant Experience– establishing a strong relationship between building heights and land uses to protect existing character… Surfside, Florida – Town Wide Form Based Code Balanced the Town’s desire to maintain control of more conventional zoning parameters, such as setbacks and density Regulates massing, rooflines, and wall planes to create a pedestrian friendly environment Code prevents monotony while increasing livability, visual interest, identity and sense of place User friendly

18 Relevant Experience– innovate and optimize while protecting existing entitlements…
South Pasadena, Florida – Corridor Redevelopment Plan & Implementation Tools Prepared preliminary Corridor Concept Plan Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Incorporate Concept Plan Strategies Creation of a new Zoning Overlay Map Category Establishment of New Zoning District, Including Design Guidelines Qualified as a Primary Multi-Modal Corridor under Countywide Plan

19 Relevant Experience – respecting community character and historical significance…
Belleair, Florida – Historical Recognition and Redevelopment Amended the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code to create a planned mixed-use process requiring temporary lodging or hotel use in any redevelopment project Required a historical recognition component Resulted in preservation, relocation and restoration of a portion of the Belleview Biltmore Hotel structure

20 Why CGA? – we provide our clients with exceptional solutions!
We bring fresh perspective and diverse experience by joining team members from Tampa Bay and South Florida offices for this project We understand the challenges of managing the day to day operations of Community Development Departments while planning for the long range future of the community We have a track record of successful community engagement and ongoing relationships Our entire firm resources will be at your disposal throughout the entire process

21 Thank You!

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