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Christ Church C of E Primary School Y2 SATS TALK

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Presentation on theme: "Christ Church C of E Primary School Y2 SATS TALK"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christ Church C of E Primary School Y2 SATS TALK
Year 2 SATS 9th February 2016

2 Changes to the Curriculum
From September all year groups at Key Stage 1 and 2 are now studying the new national curriculum set by the Government. In May this year all Year 2 and Year 6 children will sit SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) based on this new curriculum.

3 What tests will your child take?
At the end of Year 2, children will take assessments in: Reading; English grammar, punctuation and spelling; Maths. The tests are due to take place in May of each year.

4 READING TESTS The Reading Test consists of two separate papers:
Each paper is worth 50% of the marks and should take approximately 30 minutes to complete, although the children are not being assessed at working at speed so will not be strictly timed. The texts will cover a range of poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Questions are designed to assess the comprehension and understanding of a child’s reading

5 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test
Paper 1 – tested on 20 spellings Paper 2 – Grammar and Punctuation

6 Example from test: contractions

7 Maths Children will sit two tests: Paper 1 and Paper 2:
Paper 1 :arithmetic adding, subtracting, multiplying dividing

8 Maths Paper 2 : Reasoning Problem solving

9 Is there a Writing test? There is no writing test set by the Government! Teachers will assess over the year and make a judgement based on the evidence in the children’s books.

10 What happens with the test results?
The test scores are used to help the teacher make a judgement whether you child is: Working towards expected standard (Below) Working at the expected standard (Expected) Working at greater depth (Above) The teacher will not just rely on the test mark but use on going assessment from the child’s books and observations of the child through out the year to make their final judgement. You can discuss this with the class teacher during Parents Evening!

11 H0w to help your child First and foremost, support and reassure your child that there is nothing to worry about and that they should always just try their best. Praise and encourage! Ensure your child has the best possible attendance at school. Support your child: Reading – encourage and listen to your child read at home and ask questions to check their understanding. Spelling – practise and learn weekly spellings Maths – complete weekly homework. Learn x2 x5 x10 tables (RESOURCE 100 square, timetables card and examples of how to set out calculations)

12 Further ways to support:
Mathletics - web site to help children improve learning. (username and password required) Play games on line:

13 Further Information: Visit the schools website:

14 Thank you for coming!

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