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Land Cover Mapping in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region RCMRD’s contribution Phoebe Oduor Thematic Lead: LULC and GHG Inventories June 14th 2017,

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Presentation on theme: "Land Cover Mapping in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region RCMRD’s contribution Phoebe Oduor Thematic Lead: LULC and GHG Inventories June 14th 2017,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Cover Mapping in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region RCMRD’s contribution Phoebe Oduor Thematic Lead: LULC and GHG Inventories June 14th 2017, Sunyani

2 Problem Statement: Response to societal issues
Land cover conversions: Growing pressures on land due to increasing population has created a need to closely monitor land resources. World population: (in 40 years) billion, billion. Estimated to be 9 billion by 2038. Mau Complex:2014 Kitengela in 1990 Kitengela in 2003 Mau Complex:1990 Kitengela in 2014 Growing Urban areas Mau Complex:2016 Conversions of Forest Land to Crop Land Source: Google Earth, Digital Globe images and Landsat

3 Support to Greenhouse gases Inventories: Data
Countries covered

4 Support to greenhouse gases inventories: Data

5 Support to Greenhouse gases Inventories: Capacity Building: AFOLU GHG
Countries lack capacity in developing their own national GHG Inventories. A requirement not just by the UNFCC but a basis that should be driving many developmental solutions in terms of architecture and their implementation but also policy related to the same.

6 Support to Greenhouse gases Inventories: Capacity Building: AFOLU GHG
Stakeholder consultations Expert Knowledge Surveys Review of the National Circumstances Alternative Sources Review of Previous Communications to UNFCCC QC Documentation Reporting Desktop Research National Communications or Biennial Update Reports Institutional Arrangements Roles and Responsibilities Improvement Plans Data Gap and Capacity Assessments QA and Review Training/capacity building Submission to UNFCCC-Country responsibility KCA Accounting tools- ALU, IPCC software Dissemination (user outreach) Guidance on Data Collection Existing Data Organization Gap Filling

7 Utilities at National and Regional Level
Land Cover Maps Utility Track Organization Country Utility 1 Ministry of Environment through LECRD Kenya Third National Communication 2 Conservation International/Vital Signs Environment Assessments 3 Waves Program Rwanda Natural Capital Accounting 5 NRT Climate Vulnerability assessments- NRT and LWF 6 Develop Develop Biomass 7 CADMUS Group All Environmental Assessments 8 KFS REDD+ and Development of Nation FRLs 9 CCI/ Mullion Group/ Moja Global Land Based Emissions Estimations 11 Department of Forestry Zambia 12 Academic Research 13 Environmental Affairs Department Malawi My COE 14 ICON Change Monitoring 15 Lesotho Meteorological Services Lesotho GHG Inventory 16 Ke, Et & Tz Change Monitoring for use in ongoing projects 17 NASA-Student Msc. Research 18 REMA 19 Winrock GHG Accounting 20 University of Malawi Change Monitoring- Lake Mawi Basin 21 22 Vice President's Office Tanzania FREL Global FRA UN FAO Globeland and NGGC

8 Mapping Standards There’s still an existing gap that needs to be addressed by countries in terms of standardizing their classification schema and defining what these classes are. Transforming the mapping standards into policy documents that can be utilized all over the country. Leveraging on what has been done by other existing efforts Developing a community of practice.

9 Spatial Data Infrastructure: RCMRD Open Data
Discoverable on GEOSS Portal:

10 Tools and Products Developed

11 Community of Practice SERVIR Global has established a Technical Advisory Group consisting of long term professionals in land cover service from: Jason Tullis, Chair, University of Arkansas Lisa Curran, Stanford University Chandra Giri, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Matthew Hansen, University of Maryland Volker Radeloff, University of Wisconsin-Madison NASA Science Coordination Office- leverage experts from different US institutions through the Applied Science team. AfriGEOSS working group on Land Cover (formed in 2013)- addresses some key issues related to the service area. Land Cover Inventory for Africa AfriGEOSS Symposium What more can AfriGEOSS do to address these issues?

12 Thank You

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