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Africa’s Government: Republic of Kenya and Republic of South Africa

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1 Africa’s Government: Republic of Kenya and Republic of South Africa
SS7CG2a - Compare the republican systems of government in the Republic of Kenya and the Republic of South Africa, distinguishing the form of leadership and the role of the citizen in terms of voting and personal freedoms.

2 Bell-Ringer Respond to the following writing prompt in your social studies notebook: Describe the government structure of the United States. Who is the leader of this nation? Describe some personal freedoms people of this nation have.

3 The Republic of Kenya Type of Government: Republic (parliamentary democracy); Democratic, Federal Form of Leadership: -Chief of State: President -Head of State: Prime Minister Type of Legislature: One-house legislature called the National Assembly (the Bunge). - Serve 5 year term.

4 Republic of Kenya Cont’d
Role of the Citizen-Voting Rights: All citizens 18 years of age or older. Votes for president and representatives in parliament Personal Freedom for Citizens: Freedoms are written in the constitution. The new constitution guaranteed many personal freedoms

5 The Republic of South Africa
Type of Government: Republic(Parliamentary democracy); Democratic, Federal Form of Leadership: -Chief of State/Head of State: President -elected by the National Assembly & answers to the National Assembly Type of Legislature: Bicameral (two-house) National Assembly & National Council of Provinces -Serve 5 year terms.

6 Republic of South Africa Cont’d
Role of Citizen-Voting Rights: All citizens 18 years or older. Vote for representatives in parliament Personal Freedoms: The constitution ensures equality before the law and prohibits discrimination. It allows personal freedoms. It prohibits slavery and forced labor.

7 Work Session Yellow - Write two paragraphs, 1 describing life in South Africa and 1 life in Kenya. Also, draw a picture of life in each country to begin the compare and contrast process. Blue - Role: A new citizen to a country of your choice explaining why you chose to move to that country. • Audience: Family member in another country. • Format: 2 paragraph letter • Topic: Students will describe why they would prefer to live in either Kenya or South Africa by explaining personal freedoms and government structures of the country. Green – In an essay, compare either South Africa or Kenya to life in the United States. Represent a person that has moved from the United States and compare and contrast the personal freedoms and government structures between the two.

8 Closing South Africa Kenya

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