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Name:____________________ Date:_____________ Schimmel

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1 Name:____________________ Date:_____________ Schimmel
Plant Adaptations Directions: Write the letter of each vocabulary beside the correct definition. ______ a plant that gets some of its nutrients by trapping and digesting insects and other animals. ______ a body part or behavior that helps a living thing survive in its environment. ______ the way that a plant or animal acts Adaptation Behavior Carnivorous plant Directions: Choose the best answer to the following questions. 4. What happens to insects that decide to drink the liquid inside of a pitcher plant? They are poisoned. They drown. They get lots of nutrients. Nothing happens to them. 5. Which of the following plants snaps shut when an insect lands on it? Hooded pitcher plant Sundew Yellow Butterwort Venus’ Flytrap 6. The bald cypress tree has __________ that help it stand in wet swampy environments. Knees Stems Legs Leaves

2 7. How is the cordgrass plant able to survive in Georgia’s salt water environment? ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 8. Which of the following is NOT an adaptation of the prickly pear cactus? Think stems Needle-like spines Deep roots Shallow roots 9. Name two ways plants that live in low light areas are able to collect the light they need. a. _______________________________________ b. _______________________________________ 10. How does fire help the longleaf pine tree grow? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Directions: Use the chart on page 214 in your science textbook to help you match the plant with its defense mechanism. _____ Jack-in-the-pulpit _____ Poison Ivy _____ Stinging Nettle _____ Water Hemlock Covered with tiny hairs that release a painful substance. Animals eat the poisonous plant and become very ill. Contains a poisonous yellow liquid that will kill whatever eats it. Produces an oil that will cause an itchy rash and blisters.

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