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Background Results Conclusion

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1 Background Results Conclusion
Safe and effective treatment of ethmoid sinusitis utilizing minimally invasive ethmoid punch (EP) sinusotomy in CRSsNP patients Nathalia Velasquez MD; Andrew Thamboo MD; Waleed M. Abuzeid, MD, and Jayakar V. Nayak MD, PhD Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA Background Current rhinologic practice lacks minimally invasive procedures to treat ethmoid sinusitis to improve ventilation and topical drug delivery. We have presented data on use of a handheld spiral punch (Figure 1) to create minimally invasive ethmoid punch (EP) sinusotomies into both the ethmoid bulla and basal lamella. In cadaver models, this significantly increases irrigant delivery to the ethmoid sinuses. The objective of this prospective study was to evaluate the minimally invasive EP sinusotomy approach in CRS without nasal polyps (CRSsNP) patients with active ethmoid disease following failed maximal medical therapy. Results 30 of 40 possible ethmoid compartments (17/20 anterior, 13/20 posterior) underwent EP sinusotomy. Primary outcomes: SNOT-22 scores significantly improved with a mean reduction of 33.1 (49.6±7.5 pre-EP vs 16.5±7.7 post-EP, p=0.0001) Ethmoid sinus cavities with pre-procedure LM scores of 1 or 2 universally improved to LM score of 0 following EP sinusotomy (n=32, 100%) (Table 1). 31/32 ethmoid compartments with baseline LM score of 1-2 improved to LM score of 0 (n=31, 96.8%) and those with baseline LM score of 0 showed no worsening at 24 weeks of follow up (n=8, 100%) (Figure 3). Secondary outcomes: Technical success was 100%, average opening achieved was 4.8mm. No device-related/procedure-related complications or adverse events reported 29/30 EP sinusotomy sites remained patent (n=29, 96.6%) 9 punch sites became stenosed (n=9, 30%) with 1 completely closing off (n=1, 3.33%). All patent punch sites had complete remucosalization (n=29, 100%) with no evidence of recirculation (n=29, 100%). Protective sheath over spiral cutter Wheel to advance spiral into tissue Trigger for 4mm circular punch RELIEVA CIRCA™ Figure 1 Table 1. Primary outcomes: Mean SNOT-22 and Lund-Mackay scores for all patients at baseline and specific time points. All subjects Intrapatient change SNOT-22 Time point Mean (SD) Change from baseline, mean p Baseline 49.6 (7.5) --- 1 week 40.4 (14.5) -9.2* 0.092 4 weeks 28.1 (7.4) -21.5* <0.0001 12 weeks 17.3 (8.1) -31.5* 24 weeks 16.5 (7.7) -33.1* Lund-Mackay Score P 8 24 week 0.7 -7.3 Patients and Methods Design: Single arm, CRSsNP patients with at least maxillary and ethmoid disease who failed medical management and were surgical candidates Consecutive patients meeting above criteria were offered the option of EP plus maxillary balloon sinuplasty in lieu of standard ESS (Figure 2) Primary outcomes: SNOT22: Baseline, 1, 4, 12 and 24 weeks POP Lund-Mackay score: Baseline and 24 weeks POP Secondary outcomes: Technical success, safety, effectiveness, EP site characteristics (patency, remucosalization), complications (closure, recirculation) were assessed. Analysis: Student’s t-test was used to compare continuous variables, and p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. SD= standard deviation; SNOT-22= 22-item Sino-Nasal Outcome test * Clinically significant improvement (>-8.9) B A Figure 3: Radiologic evidence of ethmoid disease improvement after EP sinusotomy. (A) Baseline (B) 24 weeks after procedure. Figure 2 A B EB Right Middle Meatus following EP sinusotomy U MT Intra-op Right Middle Meatus Conclusion EP sinusotomy represents a promising evolution in the development of minimally invasive rhinologic procedures. With EP sinusotomy, the surgeon can safely and effectively access both the anterior and posterior ethmoid sinuses in the office/OR with minimal disruption of local tissue integrity for the treatment of ethmoid sinusitis in CRSsNP patients refractory to medical therapy. The EP appears to represent a compelling bridge technology between maximal medical therapy and ESS for ethmoid sinusitis, and an attractive addition to hybrid surgical platforms for both the office and OR. References: 1. Schiller JS, Lucas JW, Ward BW, Peregoy JA. 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