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The Quran gives chirality a new angle

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Presentation on theme: "The Quran gives chirality a new angle"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Quran gives chirality a new angle
Dr. Hameed A. Mirza

2 Reconciling the nature of chirality from the Quran

3 Reconciling the nature of chirality from the Quran
D-Tartaric Acid L-Tartaric Acid

4 Reconciling the nature of chirality from the Quran

5 Reconciling the nature of chirality from the Quran

6 Reconciling the nature of chirality from the Quran
D-Tocopherol, Vitamin E L-Tocopherol, Vitamin E

7 Ethambutol (EMB): Whereas one enantiomer is used to treat tuberculosis, the other causes blindness.
Chirality & Islam Naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn): One enantiomer is used to treat arthritis pain, but the other causes liver poisoning with no analgesic effect Only L-propranolol is a powerful adrenoceptor antagonist, whereas D-propranolol is not The D-isomers of amphetamine  and methamphetamine  are strong CNS stimulants, while the L-isomers of both drugs lack appreciable CNS(central nervous system) stimulant effects.


9 From the right hand and from the left, in different parties
Al-Ma`arij Chapter 70 : Verse 38 And they do not esteem Allah, with the esteem that is due to Him. And the whole earth will be but His handful on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand. Glory to Him and exalted is He above that which they associate with Him. Al-Zumar Chapter 39 : Verse 68 ‘And what is that in thy right hand, O Moses’ TaHa Chapter 20 : Verse 18

10 First, those on the right hand — how lucky are those on the right hand
Al-Waqi`ah Chapter 56 : Verse 9 Second, those on the left hand — how unlucky are those on the left hand! — Al-Waqi`ah Chapter 56 : Verse 10 And as for those on the right hand — how lucky are those on the right hand! — Al-Waqi`ah Chapter 56 : Verse 28 But as for those on the left hand — how unlucky are those on the left hand! — Al-Waqi`ah Chapter 56 : Verse 42 And if he be of those who are on the right hand, Al-Waqi`ah Chapter 56 : Verse 91

11 But those who disbelieve Our Signs, they are the people of the left hand.
Al-Balad Chapter 90 : Verse 20 Have they not seen that the shadows of everything which Allah has created shift from the right and from the left, prostrating themselves to Allah, while they are being humbled. Al-Nahl Chapter 16 : Verse 49

12 Concept of Polarimeter from the Holy Qur`an
Reconciling the nature of chirality from the Quran Concept of Polarimeter from the Holy Qur`an [57:12-13] ……..their light proceeding before them and on their right, [it will be said], "Your good tidings today are [of] gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein you will abide eternally.“ ……………."Go back behind you and seek light." And a wall will be placed between them with a door, its interior containing mercy, but on the outside of it is torment. 

13 Reconciling the nature of chirality from the Quran

14 Research Directions from the Holy Qur`an
Then he began suddenly to strike them with the right hand. Al-Saffat Chapter 37 : Verse 94

15 Research Directions from the Holy Qur`an
We would surely have seized him by the right hand, Al-Haqqah Chapter 69 : Verse 46

16 Research Directions from the Holy Qur`an
Then ‘Peace be on thee, who is from those on the right hand. Al-Waqi`ah Chapter 56 : Verse 92

17 b b b a c a c a c D D A B B B C A A C D C c c c b b b a a a
Mirror Plane Active Enantiomer Inactive Enantiomer Inactive Enantiomer D D A B B B A C C A D C X X X b b b c c c a c b a c b a a c b a a Drug Binding Site Drug Binding Site Drug Binding Site








25 Jazakamullah

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