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North Carolina: Land of Contrasts Chapter 1 The Lay of the Land Study Presentation ©2007 Clairmont Press.

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1 North Carolina: Land of Contrasts Chapter 1 The Lay of the Land Study Presentation
©2007 Clairmont Press

2 Chapter 1: The Lay of the Land
Section 1: The Tidewater Region Section 2: The Coastal Plain Region Section 3: The Piedmont Region Section 4: The Mountains Region Section 5: North Carolina’s Weather and Climate

3 Section 1: The Tidewater Region
Show students the Tidewater region. Have them approximate the distance across the state using the map scale (text page 6). Use the map to discuss where your school is located and the region that it’s in.

4 Section 1: The Tidewater Region
Narrow strip of North Carolina (NC) along the Atlantic Ocean 30-50 miles wide Tides affect the region’s water sounds: inland bodies of salt/fresh water mix

5 Section 2: The Coastal Plain Region
Show students the Tidewater region. Have them approximate the distance across the state using the map scale (text page 6). Use the map to discuss where your school is located and the region that it’s in.

6 Section 2: The Coastal Plain Region
Stretches from Virginia to South Carolina and about 100 miles wide Covers about 1/3 of the state Rich soil and flat land make area good for farming Crossroads hamlets: serve rural areas, usually a one or two stores, church, school, etc.

7 The Sandhills Located northwest of the bays
Sandy, rolling ridges left by ancient coast of the Atlantic Ocean Very poor soil Used as home for golf courses and Fort Bragg military installation Click here to return to Main Menu.

8 Section 3: The Piedmont Region
Show students the Tidewater region. Have them approximate the distance across the state using the map scale (text page 6). Use the map to discuss where your school is located and the region that it’s in.

9 Section 3: The Piedmont Region
Large region of NC known for hills and red clay soil Red clay is a subsoil brought up through the black woods dirt as a result of timber loss and plowing fields Kudzu brought from Asia to reduce erosion and save the soil This fast growing vine has grown like a weed and covered thousands of acres in the state

10 The Fall Line fall line: divides the coastal plain from the Piedmont – noted by the last “waterfall” a river hits on its way to the ocean Piedmont: from Latin, means “foot of the mountains” Technically, the Piedmont is a plateau, but it’s a hilly one Principal rivers: Yadkin-Pee Dee and Catawba – flow into South Carolina River “highways” connected people in western NC with SC more than they did with eastern NC, resulting in “sectionalism” Over ½ of region is forests; pines cover old farms biological succession: fast-growing pines die off and give way to oaks and hickory trees

11 Section 4: The Mountains Region
Show students the Tidewater region. Have them approximate the distance across the state using the map scale (text page 6). Use the map to discuss where your school is located and the region that it’s in.

12 Section 4: The Mountains Region
Blue Ridge: more than 1,000 ft above the Piedmont hills; eastern boundary of the Appalachians Blue Ridge Parkway: road that runs along the top of the ridge – Cherokee NC to Waynesboro, VA Continental Divide – steams on the east run to the Atlantic; streams on the west run to the Gulf of Mexico

13 The Appalachians Run from New York to Alabama
43 peaks in NC over 6,000 feet Mt. Mitchell (6,684 ft): highest point east of the Rockies Ranges Black Mountains: known for dark shadows during thunderstorms Great Smoky Mountains: dew rises in mists creating a smoky effect; tallest peaks are Clingman’s Dome and Mt. Guyot; great variety of plants Balsams: large number of balds (places where few trees grow) example: Wayah Bald

14 Section 5: North Carolina’s Weather and Climate
weather: short-term atmospheric conditions climate: long-term atmospheric conditions temperate climate: general climate zone for NC; known for few extremes of temperature or precipitation during the year Day-to-day weather, however, varies

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